BFL Check-in week 6


Good Morning ladies,
Is anyone else up yet? You would not beleive that we are getting more snow.Just when you think the sidewalks are gonna stay clear and you can actually plan some outdoor activites,the weather always seems to fall through!
I was so tired yesterday morning.I got up at 6 but then I crawled back into bed.I wanted to go for a run and I knew that I didn't have enough energy yesterday morning.Instead I took a extra long lunch break and I went for a run then.Yesterday was a beautiful day.
My diet as sort of went downhill the last couple of days.I got some bad habits that need some serious breaking.Then we went out last night for dinner and drinks.I ended up having 4 drinks,2 shooters and then on the way home we got some more wings and onion rings!Then I fell asleep.What cardio is gonna burn most of that junk off I wonder?
My ankles are so sore.I would think they wouldn't be so bad b/c I don't do cardio near as often but I guess when I do do cardio it is very high impact.When I run it doesn't seem to hurt as much b/c I guess I land differently.FIgure that one out?
So fitnut,if you are still feeling horrible about yourself ,don't worry cause you are not alone.After all that junk,not alot of sleep,and sore ankles,I feel like someone needs to take me to the dump:+
But this is the start of a new week.I need to forget the last 2 days.It just seems like we have to try so hard to see some accomplishments but then it takes so little to make you feel crapy again.I guess this is why he created the cheat day.Realize how horrible you use to feel all the time.But I never did eat wings and drink alcohol on a regular basis.
Anyway, I hope everyone else had a good week.:p I had a good 5 days but then a bad 2;( COuld be worse right?
Talk to you ladies later,
Well, I feel pretty crappy today too. Bloated from popcorn yesterday. I want to throw in the towel today, and just blow it, but I probably won't. I have stayed on track so far, except I have not done my workout yet. I got up and turned on the TV so see that David Bloom had died. Totally broke my heart. I just loved him. I felt so bad. And poor Soledad, my heart just goes out to all of them. I wanted to put in a prayer request for his family at church, but I did not. So, I am kinda sad today, bloated, and my stomach is upset. I will probably work my legs later. Talk to you all soon.
Lori S.
Good Morning Lori's! :)

Lori S. - I plan to work legs a little later today myself. First I'm off to the store for groceries and my MRP shake mix. I do plan to have my workout complete before 5 p.m. I'm draggin alittle bit here too. No snow but's it's chilly and rainy, same as yesterday. i think today and tomorrow will be the CTX set (LL and UB) with the remainder of the week being cardio and the S&H series or should I go with the Pyramids? Too bad I don't have a plan set. Oh well, I know what I'm doing the first 2 days so I have until Tuesday afternoon to get my act together!

Time to scoot! It's late enough as it is! I'll check back in tomorrow morning!
Hi girlies. Boy... we are all down ;( I am thinking we need to pull ourselves out of this rathole we are digging :+ Let's focus on the positive. I think maybe it is a combo of the war, the weather (it snowed again here too), PMS and free days. Funny how free days really make you want to be good. Maybe that is why he puts them in there? Sure works for me! I think the key with the free day is you can't get down on how bad you were. You just have to focus on the rest of the week and how you can be good!

I posted on the BFL winners site and the girl who owns the site responded and told me that all my signs of loose skin etc were actually really good signs. She said it means my body is doing all the right things. That sure made me feel better!

Today I did PUB. However, I tweaked it a bit and oooohhh could I feel it more in my muscles. Here's what I did:
Chest: Incline flies/presses instead of flat
Back: Reverse Incline (laid on my belly) and overhead
Tri: Bench French Press, Overhead holding the DB vertical instead of horizontal.
Bi: Did like Cathe

Don't know what it was but I got my butt kicked in this workout today. I definitely hit my 10's. I think just changing the exercises was soooo needed. Don't know what it is about turning the DB vertically when doing triceps overhead but it sure felt different.

I also ordered a new treadmill and bike online lastnight! Iconfitness had free shipping thru yesterday. I went to Gart sports and tried out the treadmill I got. I can't wait! I also got a Reebok stationary bike. I am hoping the treadmill might help get rid of some of this extra fat on my legs! **Rhonda** didn't you recently get a treadmill? What kind is it? I am going to have to get some pointers from you. Is anyone else using the treadmill with BFL?

This afternoon I am off to get my nails done. I might even get a pedicure if my DH doesn't mind! :7

Today I have been eating really good. I had eggs and a muffin for brkfst. Then cott cheese and brown rice w/mushrooms mid-morning. For lunch I had tuna, pita bread and peas. I'll have a shake for afternoon snack and then pork tenderloin, salad and potato for dinner. Yesterday I was good all except for dinner. We ate at Texas Roadhouse. I had Filet, potato, salad and 1/3 of a brownie w/ice cream. It was sooooo yummy. It was the first real dessert I have had since being on BFL and it was soooooo yummy! :9 I didn't even feel that guilty because I knew it was my free day and that I have been so good lately.

I am really going to try and focus this week on being positive! I think we all should. I think it is also just the cycle we are in. That is why BFL is a challenge. If it was easy the results wouldn't be as good would they! Normally I would be totally "tweaking" by now. This is the very first time I have ever stuck to something without tweaking for so long! We have to challenge ourselves and help one another. If we ALL get down..... we're history! Come on girlfriends! We can do it!!!

Hope you all have a happy BFL day. Hang in there! :+
Hey everyone! I was reading through your posts, and thought I'd post my first check-in. Yesterday (Saturday) I took a free day even though I hadn't officially started the program. I guess I will fit in here just fine! My in-laws are here visiting and they were stressing me out, so I drank 4 glasses of wine and ate a huge bowl of pistachios. I had a killer headache when I woke up this morning. However, I ate really good today and had a great work-out.
I think I am just going to have to buy the pyramid dvd's and let my husband yell at me about it. I did CTX upper body today, but I am getting a little bored with it, and I think it would be fun to have a new work-out to go with my new program.
Do you all have the BFL journal, and if so, do you find that it is time consuming to record everything?
I tried doing cardio first thing in the morning on Friday to see how it would feel working out so early (6 am). I am still breastfeeding my 4 month old, and I hadn't given her the first feeding of the day, and my breasts were SO full of milk that I actually had to hold onto my breast while I was doing CTX step & Intervals because they were just flopping around as though they had a mind of their own. I guess I will need to pump before I work out if I want to do it in the morning.
Okay, that's all for now.
So far today,I have slept in.Not a very good way to start off the day.I don't even remeber the alarm going off.Did I set it? I think I will start my work out the sametime as usual,I just didn't have time for my coffee:-(
I went for a run yesterday.The sides of the road cleared up enough that I could go.I can't wait for this snow to melt.
Fitnut:I agree with you.We diffently need to stay positive.Easier said then done,but we can all give it a try.
Tracy: I don't find the success journal time consuming at all.I normally fill it out in the evening for the next day.Thats when I plan my meals and write in my setbacks and success's.It keeps you on track and beleive it or not,it doesn't take long to fill out.There is a story there from each person but lately I haven't been reading them.They just all to seem to be the same.
I should go and do PLB.I think I will be up bright and early tomorrow morning.Its interview day!:eek:
Hi Everyone,
I am at work watching it snow. Suppose to get up to 6". If nothing else the weather is so depressing.

Anyway, had a great upper body workout. I even made myself go higher on triceps and shoulders. I was proud of myself but my right tricep gave out on the last set of skullcrushers. I was at five and couldn't get it up for six for the life of me. Trying to get it stronger but it is taking so long.

Question for everyone - is anyone taking any form of fat burners? I was thinking about trying the EAS thermodynaX or whatever it is called.

Anyone having luck with those?

I got some free samples of SportPharma thermadrene XP and am trying them this week just to see how I feel. They are ephedra free.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Rhonda- I want to try that EAS stuff, I have just been low on cash. A woman my sister worked with just died last week from taking a dietary supplement. They do not know what kind it was yet, but that has also made me more leary. I will probably just stick to good eating.

FitNut- I have a treadmill and use it occassionally. Mine is a ProForm. I try to do that once a week, do Gauntlet cardio once a week, and Blast Mania once a week. My legs are always really sore when I am done.

Well, stayed completely on track yesterday even though I wanted to throw in the towel. Next Monday since I will be 1/2 way thru, I will jump on the scale real quick and take a peek. I will measure again on week 8.

Have a good day everyone!!!!
Lori S.
Lori S - Thanks for the info. I threw the question out on the BFL guestbook so if I get any good info I will share with everyone.

Happy Monday Morning BFL chicks! The weather is so gloomy here too. I wish spring would hurry up and get here. It really seems like last year it came much earlier. However, we are in drought conditions here in Colorado so we should all really be happy about the moisture. We need it so bad.

Today is cardio for me and I am working out at the gym. I always do on Mondays! It is my favorite class! I can't wait. It is an hour full of 50 minutes of INTENSE cardio that whoops my butt. I am usually dripping in sweat by the time I leave. She plays rockin music and it is such a GREAT monday stress reliever.

I got a cool new training book from EAS on Friday. It has new knowledge in there about cardio and Fat Burning goals. It actually says you can increase your cardio to 25-30 minutes if your goals are fat loss. I think I am going to start increasing my cardio duration (not frequency) and see how it goes.

I have increased the duration the past week and 1/2 and have seen better results. The fat is falling off of me (which is why I have so much loose skin.) When I get my treadmill and bike I will probably only do about 25-30 minutes though since I know it is easier to really hit intensity on those.

I just don't feel like I totally hit my 10's sometimes with Cathe lately. I don't know if it is b/c I am getting use to the moves or what? I think I need a change which is why I bought the treadmill etc. I have increased the duration when doing step b/c I don't feel confident I am getting enough. I figure at least with the extended time I should be burning enough calories etc.

What have you guys been doing on cardio? Duration?

Today I had a Myoplex Lite shake for bkfst at 6:00 a.m. Then oatmeal, 2 eggs and a saus patty for mid-morning. Lunch will be cx breast and salad. Dinner is Pork Tenderloin, potato and salad :9 We found this awesome marinade flavored caribbean jerk! It is soooooo good. I think it is K.C. Masterpiece.

***Rhonda** - I use EAS Thermodynamix and like it. It is efedra free. It doesn't make me feel all weird like some of the rest do.
***TKNelson** - glad you are joining us! Looks like you will fit in perfect :D I LOvE the success journal and couldn't live without it. It is so great to track your progress, keeps you focused on all the things you did right. Also, when feeling low on energy, high on energy etc., it helps to look back on what you were eating, etc. that may have made you tired, happy etc. I also write down every day how I "feel" how much sleep I get etc. and it helps a TON!
***LoriSax** Don't you dare throw in the towel. Hang in there. Think of how far you have come. The best is yet to come!
***LoriH*** Glad you got to go on a run!

Gotta get to work. Have a great Monday ladies!
Well, today is interview day!:eek: I am trying to forget where I am going and who I am meeting.That way I think I will be myself.I had the alarm set for 6 but I really wanted to get up at 5:30,I figured I was going to be tossing and turning alnight long so I would wake up on my own.Of course, I didn't.Anyway,wish me luck.
A friend called me last night and wanted to know if I wanted to join a running club.Seemed like a good idea.I need to get involved in more things like that.Its basically a bunch of women getting together and running one long run and one short run a week.Some of them have never ran before while others have been running for a while.It made me realize when I was talking to her that I really need to add on to my running.That would probably help shed those last couple of pounds as well.She started running after me and she now runs for 95 min.I think that is a little crazy and I really don't think my knees would be able to handle it.I don't know how her knees handle it b/c she is a tall girl with a big bone structure.I think I am going to add on another 15 min to my run.Taking me up to 1 hour/11kms.
Fitnut-I hear you on the 10's.I was thinking yesterday that I never hit my 10's with lower body.I just hate working the lower body so much that I just follow Cathe.I can manage to do what she is doing without getting in a sour mood.But I also know that there is no point in working out on my own.I wouldn't hit anything then:p
Off I go.I have to be inthe shower by 7,I have 37 min.And I don't even know what video I am going to do.
Lori - Hope all goes well today. I keep looking at our postings at the University of Michigan but there hasn't been much lately. Not many people moving around.

Today was cardio for me. Had a great workout. Increased my incline on the treadmill from .5 to 1.0. Each week I was increasing my speed but figured today I would do the incline. It was a bit tougher.

Where is spring??? I am so sick of this snow and freezing rain. It was a slippery and slow ride in this morning. Where is spring? Where is spring??

Hope everyone one has a great day.
Well, I don't have much to say today. My daughter moved out last night and it has just been so bad around here. I am so sad. She went to her dad's. I just can not take her anymore. She called me the F word when she left last night, tells me how much she hates me, I just want her to go. Life gets tough sometimes, but GOD is building alot of character in me.

Lori Hart- Good luck today!!!!

Bye everyone, talk to you tomorrow.
All went well:7 I was nervous at first but then they were just so friendly that I calmed down and I was myself.I won't know if I got the position for another 2 weeks.Thats along wait.
I didn't get to work out yet b/c it was 6:30 when I finished with the computer and I wanted to be in the shower by 7.I think I will go for a nice long run after lunch.
Thanks for all your support everyone.It really got me through it.
Hi everyone. LoriSax - hang in there. Cyber hugs are comin' your way :+ I know it must be tough. God does work in a amazing ways. Hopefully out of this whole ordeal will come something good someday. You just have to trust in him. You know you have done everything you can. You are making the right decisions for her. Someday she will realize how much you loved her and that you were only trying to help. Do not get down on yourself. I hope things get better for you :)

LoriH - congrats on your interview. We all have our fingers crossed for you.

Rhonda - I soon will be right w/ya' on my treadmill. I can't wait! Do you think I need to get running shoes? I only have aerobic shoes and just ordered 2 new Freddy's without thinking I might need running ones also???

Today is Lower Body for me. I haven't decided what to do. I think I am going to do some of PLB and ME plus some on my universal wt set... (presses, extensions and laying hamstring curls)
I am so happy we found the bench in our basement. Now I have a hamstring laying curl machine!!!!

I had eggs and a wheat muffin for brkfst. Going to make an egg omelette right after I post this message. I think I'll make a hamburger on the George Foreman for lunch shake for afternoon and then mexican for dinner! Yummy! I am working from home today as you can tell:)

I got my butt kicked doing cardio lastnight! I seriously felt like I was going to throw up! Now I know what Bill mean's we he says that! The teacher had been on vacation for 2 weeks withouot hardly working out so she was 100% rarin' to go! She about killed all of us! Seriously!

My DH got in big trouble lastnight. He made frozen Nestle Toll house cookies. I could have shot him. I ate 4 small ones. That is the first time I have really cheated on what is not a free day! Oh well. I didn't get too caught up on it. They were soooo good. It is TTOM, I had a killer workout and had been good without cheating other than cheat days for a month. So... I figured in the big picture what did it really matter? As long as I don't do it tonight, right!

Hope you guys have a great day!

Well anyway, hope you guys are doing good.
Well,I started this afternoon with a nice little nap.I did toss and turn for a little bit last night but it wasn't to bad. So,I had a 30 min nap,did me wonders.
Then I tied up my shoes and off I went.I ran for 60 min,as planned.I hear ya on the thrown up part,Fitnut.I had to take a breather on my second hill.When I was almost home I decided to loop around the last street again which added on a extra km.My feet feel a little burner though, and my belly was a little bit bad.But that is only b/c I pushed myself harder today.It doesn't seem like I have really pushed myself lately,not since the first time doing the galaunt.If I can I am going to do that route all summer.I need to add on,I can't do the samething all the time.
LoriS- Sorry to hear about your daugther again.Its so hard when they just don't understand.Sometimes they can be so selfish and not even realize what they are doing to hurt others.Boy,when she gets older she will diffently be kicking herself in the a^%.Hopefully you will still be there with open arms.Hang in there.
Thats about it for me again.I think I am going to have a Boca Buger for dinner.I have never had one of them before.I haven't had a burger in YEARS!
Take Care,
Hi girlies! I am on my way to bed but figured I would drop in. Hope you had a good day! LoriH - how was your boca burger? I haven't had one in awhile!

LoriS - hope you are doing better.

Rhonda-how have you been doing your workouts on the treadmill? Have you been running? Walking? I am so excited to get mine. I called today and they said it will ship on Thursday and will be here within 2 weeks from then:)

Where is everyone else???

Today was LB for me and I did ME. I did the whole thing (including UB) and the stability ball portion of PLB (all except hamstrings.) I also did leg extensions, presses and hamstring curls on my universal wt system and new found basement bench. Overall got a GREAT workout and can really feel it in my hams, quads and glutes :p I definitely need a good night sleep tonight.

I am starting to see an increase in my muscle mass and definition particularly in my upper body since I have been adding some extra endurance workouts here and there. Tonight the loose skin is almost gone from my arm and my arms are finally starting to feel rock hard!!! Yeah! I think I am going to continue to add some addtl. endurance work as long as I am not feeling sore. I still am always going to give myself at least 2 days in between muscle groups and will always go light on the endurance/extra day. What do you guys think?

Tonight I made these great enchiladas! They were soooo yummy and BFL approved! I stuck to my diet today and had no Nestle Toll House cookies like lastnight. I ate good all day.

Tomorrow morning is cardio for me. I am feeling the need for some Terminator... I am thinking Imax Extreme! I haven't done it in a while! I can't wait! We'll see how I feel... I have also been wanting to do one of the CTX tapes for a change.

Well.. gotta get to night-night LOL. HOpe you have/had a great night. Chat w/ya in the morning!
Oh,I am sosososo sleepy today! I want to go back to bed but I made it downstairs.We will see where I go from here.
I am planning to work upper body today.Then at 10:30 I am going to go for another long run if it is nice out,right now it seems like it is.But you never know it could be freezing out.
The burger wasn't to bad.I liked it and I would probably buy more.
Thats about it for me...hope everyone as a good day.
Hi. Me tired too :eek: Cardio for me and I can't get myself off the computer chair. I felt like I could have slept another 5 hours this morning. It is 5:15 and I am on my way to do Imax Extreme. Definitely couldn't do Mindy this morning. Can't use my brain. Using my bod is ENOUGH on days like this.

Hope we both wake up soon:) Have a good morning!
Hi Everyone,

Fitnut- I bought some walking tenni shoes before BFL and they are what use for the treadmill. This is my workout on the treadmill:
I have increased my incline to 1%.
minute 1-2 I walk at 3.6
minute 3-4 I walk at 4.1
minute 5 I jog at 4.6
minute 6 I run at 5.1
minute 7 3.6
minute 8 4.1
minute 9 4.6
minute 10 5.1
minute 11 3.6
minute 12 4.1
minute 13 4.6
minute 14 5.1
minute 15 3.6
minute 16 4.1
minute 17 4.6
minute 18 5.1
minute 19 5.5
minute 20-21 4.1
minute 22-23 4.0
minute 24-25 3.9
5 min cooldown 3.1

This is where I am at now. I gradually increase once I get used to the speeds. Now that I increased my incline from .5 to 1 it will take a few times to get used to the speeds. Hope this helps.

I did lower body today. This weekend will be picture taking time and hoping to see a difference from that last pictures.


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