BFL Check-in Week 4!

Morning ladies,
How is everyone doing today? Well,I normally check in first thing in the morning while I am waiting to wake up.But my hubby had some work that he needed me to do for him on the computer,so I got a head start on that.But Im here now:p
I am a little bit sore from my upper body workout yesterday.Mainly my chest.My inner thighs STILL hurt from running and weights.They will probably be good tomorrow and I have lower body again ,so hopefully they will be sore again:7 .I did the Gaulant today.That was a good workout as well.I always lose track when I am doing that workout b/c I don't know how many intervals I have many intervals there before I know it the workout is over and I am strecthing.I was a little lazy today though.I probably could have pushed myself a little harder.
My eating went pretty good yesterday.Seems like I have come to a stand still. I know that it is only week4 but it seems like I seen the most improvments in the first 2 weeks.I guess it probably all goes back to tweaking!!
Pfive-I think you asked what kind of fat burners I take? I am taking 2 xendrine in the morning and 2 CLA at my other 2 main meals.My stomach may have a big hole burned in it now:eek: I don't know if they actually help b/c canadian stuff is not the same as the american stuff.I think we take out the ingredients that make the product work.
I am starting to get tired now.The first half of the week I am good but by Thursday I slowly crawl out of bed.I need to get to bed early tonight.I use to watch friends and will & grace on thursday nights, but the war as every channel tak'in up.And I don't like to watch that b/c I get upset.I dreampt about the POW's on Sunday night.That was the last straw,now I just don't watch it at all.
O ther then that, I don't think that there is anything else new.How is everyone elses week going? Any weight gone? Soon going to be time to take your measurements LoriSax! Let us know how you do...
Take care everyone, chat to you soon,
Hi chicks! Sounds like ya' all are doin' fine! I did PS upper body this morning. It felt really good to do something different than PUB today. I know it is important to use different exercises so your muscles don't adapt. My shoulders feel like they got a better workout.

Tomorrow is cardio and I will do one of my new Mindy videos. I can't wait! They are soooo fun!

I am so happy! I had to go buy some new pants lastnight because so many of mine are too big now. I went to casual corner and picked up a bunch on sale. The best thing is they are all size 6 & 8!!!! I was wearing 10's and some 8's before I started BFL. Plus I was wearing 12's and 14's last fall. It felt so good to put on those 6's again and have them actually fit! Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!! I haven't been in a size 6 since before I was pregnant.

LoriSax - when are your measurements again? I am so nervous to do mine. I am not getting on the scale until I complete week 4. I am in week 3 right now.

LoriHart - I like your idea about having 1 bad meal during the week and then one on the weekend. I had Qdoba (naked burrito.. super small portions last night) as 1 semi-bad meal. Then, I will have a bad meal on Saturday. We are going to this great italian mom and pop restaurant with my mom. Haven't been there in years. I also do the same thing with the Gauntlet! I get so lost. It goes so fast!

This morning I had a Myoplex shake an hour after I worked out. Then I ate a small red potato and 3 pieces of lean ham for my mid-morning meal. I didn't make it down to the cafeteria for oatmeal becuase of so many meetings... so I was starving. I put some butter buds on the potato and it was yummy!

A few of my friends here at work are doing BFL and seeing great results! Those that are tweaking completely are not. Those that are sticking to the plan are seeing huge success! Our friend that won BFL last year is motivating all of us so much. I talked with her yesterday about meat choices. She said she did eat a lot of red meat... lean hamburger etc. and still had amazing results. I have been feeling guilty when I eat the red meat as I know it has more fat in it. She said not to worry about it.

I am getting so use to this program. I really think I could do this thing for life! It is so nice not to have to work out hours a day. I get so frustrated when I think back to all the months I spent spinning my wheels on my own with the hours and hours of working out with little result the past 2 months up until BFL. I am just so glad I finally found something that works for me:)

I'll log on later tonight when I get home and check in on ya' guys. Hope you have a great day!
Hi girls!!I have been reading a little about your diet here.I have never done the bfl but my mom has.I dont have weight i needed to loose but its sounds fun to try this just to have a eating schedule.i love being on a rotation so i imagine it is something like that??do you just use the book?or is there something else you follow?just curious...
Hi ladies!!!!! How is everyone today???? I have been ok. I slept alot last night, but I am still tired. I am going to start eating more carbs again. I have been really hungry this week, ready to scarf at any minute. Maybe I am just not eating enough. So far I am prevailing, but I have been ready to go attack my refrigerator mnay times!!!!! I did LL today. I really like that tape. Tomorrow is cardio and I will get up on the empty stomach tomorrow. I have to go and work the Women's Expo and leave my house by 9:45. So, I really don't have a choice do I??? I take my measurements and weigh on Monday. That will be the beginning of Week 5 for me. I am going to get a fat burner tomorrow on my way home. Talk to you later!!!!!
Lori S.
Hi Smiley2!

Welcome and please join us if you'd like! Not everyone is one week 4 but we're all working through this together. :) I think everyone's doing a variety of things. For instance, I'm doing Pyramid Upper and Lower Body videos and Crosstrain Upper Body and Leaner Legs each once per week. For April I plan to use the 2 Crosstrain videos and the Slow & Heavy series. I'm not doing a lot of cardio right now but may consider beefing that up a bit later on.

As you read through the thread some are using Pure Strength also. I guess it all depends on what you have and what you feel will work best for you. I'm not sure how many people have the book or the success journal but we all know how the plan works. :) If your mom has either of Bill's books maybe you can just borrow them from her.

Hopefully others will chime in with responses too!

Lori!! Which fat burner are you planning to purchase? Just curious!

Talk with you all tomorrow! It's time to go!!!! Weights tonight for me!

Now I feel well rested! I went to bed at 10 and I am up at 6.I think thats pretty good.I lead down with my little girl at 9 and fell asleep, so I figured it was just as well to keep going.
I am on Lower Body today.I really wish that my legs weren't so weak after Lower Body b/c I would like to do cardio.Maybe I will go for a run after work but I was going to go see a movie.I can't do it all now can I?
FitNut-thats good work about your co-workers.I would never be able to get the people I work with to lose weight or make themselves healthier.The three of them are overweight.One as no clue about nutrition.She thinks a bacon and egg mcmuffin is healthy.
I got another call from that job yesterday.I have an interview on April 8th from 8:30-10:30 in the morning.What in God's name do they need to see me for for 2 hours.I'll be a bag of nerves.I just keep telling myself to be myself and if I get the job great,if I don't oh well.It's not a life or death situation.But at the same time I don't think that there are to many people who would settle on a part-time job.
What size servings do you guys eat for veggies?Is it 1 cup? Im sure if we eat a little more it is no big deal.I said earlier this week that I was going to concentrate on my portion size, which I didn't do.I think I probably eat to much meat.A carb is easy to keep under control b/c you have to make it yourself or it already comes in a pretty good size.Some of those chicken breast are huge and if your hungry enough you can easily justify eating it all.I have to keep remembering ,THE SIZE OF MY PALM!
Anyway ladies, hope everyone has a good day.My boss has been pretty good lately.Which makes going to wokr alot easier.Knowing her, she probably found out that I applied on a job somewhere else.Have a good BFL day...stay strong and focused!
Hi everyone!!! Hope all is going well for everybody.

Angie- I don't know what fat burner I am going to get. I am so leery of buying one, they make me so jittery. Most all of them are ephedera free now, but I am still so scared to try one. I hate the feeling of my heart ready to jump out of my chest. I will either try the new onw from EAS, or Hydroxycut. I went about a week ago to get one and chickened out. I left without one. I can't say as if I will get one today either. I am going to try.

Talk to everyone later.
Lori S.

I spend a lot of time in the stores reading the labels, debating, reading the labels and walk out empty handed too! :( It's so hard finding the right one based on reading the labels and sometimes so called testimonies. Oh well! The search continues! :)
Lori, are you talking about ThermoDynax? I was thinking about buying that one but I figured I would just go with whatever BFL suggested.Let us know which one you get and what results.I don't like it when my heart races either.I use to feel like that when I took xendrine twice a day.CLA don't make me feel like that tough.
Good luck, trying to spend your money:)
Hi girls!

Welcome Smiley2! Glad you can join us! I also recommend reading the book. Also check out the various websites. If you e-mail me I can e-mail you some of the ones I use. I love the Hussman site and have learned a lot from that!

I did cardio today and did Mindy again and then did abs from ME. It was so fun and kicked my butt:) Nice change! I love how she incorporates the med ball w/cardio as it really works the legs nicely. My rest day is tomorrow so I hit it pretty hard this morning and on an empty stomach! Then I downed a Myoplex shake an hour later.

I didn't really eat enough yesterday. I missed my oatmeal in the morning, had a potato and ham instead mid-morning. Then I had myoplex ready to drink for lunch. Then a hamburger on wht bread later on. Then I felt really bad around dinner so I only had 2 eggs and a wheat eng muffin. I was soooo tired. I didn't even eat any veggies. I am going to be better today and make myself eat. My stomach must seriously be shrinking because lately I am finding it hard to eat all this food. I am going to start using my journal for keeping track of eating times more closely. Maybe if I start tsticking to a better sched it will help because my hunger pains just aren't happening this week. Weird, huh! Usually I am starved!

So today I am going to try and eat really my veggies.! I am getting ready to have some oatmeal, salad and cx for lunch, myoplex for afternoon, and salad and soup from Red Robin for dinner! Tomorrow is my free day and I am going to a great pasta restaurant! So... one REALLY bad, carb loaded meal it will be! Can't wait! Bread, olive oil and garlic noodles!!!! Yummy!

Lori-I take the EAS Thermodynamix and really like it. It doesn't make me jitterly like Xenadrine did. I only take 2 in the morning though. Sometimes I take one in the afternoon if I get sleepy. They really do help keep my energy up. I am also taking Flax Seed oil (as of this week), CLA and Pyruvate! I really think these supplements are helping as I am losing weight like crazy! Also, don't forget to take your daily vitamin!

I am up for legs on Sunday. I think I am going to combine all of Muscle Endurance with PLB stability ball. I think I am going to add in my arms an extra day too since they get an extra day off tomorrow b/c of my free day.

Well ladies... hope you have a happy friday of body for lifing! It is nice having all of you to chat with and check in with. Gives me someone to be accountable to. My DH is getting tired of talking about it.
Wow, you are being a really good girl!I have been a good girl today so life plays havic in all of this.

Starting today I was going to really concentrate on my portion sizes and all that jazz.I have been doing exactly that and now my husband wants to go out for dinner(to a pub) and then we have to make an appearance somewhere else,which will include someone trying to buy me a drink.NO,No,NO....I will not do it.Then tomorrow night I am going to a friends house for alnight(our husbands are going to a hockey tournament)and we are going out for dinner (again, but I make good choices.)She is probably gonna want to pick up some junk or something on the way home to go with our movie.She just had a baby 5 monthes ago and she is tiny.I will just have to tell her.I haven't told anyone that I have been doing this,but she will totally respect my wishes if I tell her.
I thought about doing aerobics today but I don't think I will bother.I was gonna go for a run when I got off of work but of course it is snowing now;( I can't wait for summer...have a good day everyone.
Happy Saturday Morning BFLers! How are ya'? Where are ya'? Working' out or enjoying a free day:+ ???

Today is my free day! But I did some cardio this morning! I know... I am bad. But I was reading on the site that he recommends doing a little extra cardio if fat loss is a goal. So.... I just did moderate (with a couple HIT segments) for 40 minutes. I did Mindy's Extreme Intervals! It is sooooo fun! Ya' gotta get that one girls! It has step, and hi/lo that is just a blast. The music is rockin. I love her!!!!!!!

Hussman also says it is okay to eat higher glycemic carbs after cardio so I am going to have a wheat muffin and egg beaters. Then.. lunch will be my super FREE meal! I can not wait! We are going to that great italian restaurant! :9 Then, I will probably go out to steak dinner w/potato for dinner and only be 1/4 bad (since I am sure there is too much fat on the steak at the restaurants.)

Anyway, I am feeling soooo good after doing my cardio. I am so happy because this week I really stuck to my plan. I ate good, worked out good. I think I earned myself a free day! Doesn't it feel soooooo good? I start week 4 tomorrow. I can't believe it. It has went so fast.

Lori did you pick up your supplements? I was thinking about you yesterday. All the supplements are so overwhelming. Sometimes I wonder if ANY Of them really work or if it is just all the exercising, diet, protein etc. that is really helping.

How are all of you doing? I miss ya'!
Fitnut - Do you have Mindy Mylrea's "Action Packed" workout? I just got it on ebay and was previewing it. The choreography looks fun but challenging! She isn't dancy at all - thank goodness!! That is one of the reasons that I like Cathe so much, too! Anyway, I was wondering if you know how long the step section is and then how long the hi/low section is? I plan on trying the step portion tomorrow morning. How fun it is to get a new workout!! If I really like this one, I will probably get Extreme Intervals too! Thanks for your recommendation on Mindy Mylrea, anyway! :p
Hi BFLers! I have been reading your posts for the past two weeks because I am very curious about this plan. My sister did BFL a few years ago and she was very happy about her results (I don't think she follows it anymore).

I am trying to figure out how you are incorporating Cathe into this plan, and I'm a little bit confused, but perhaps I should buy the book and read it so I know what you all are talking about (like what are your 10's?)
Hope you don't mind my lurking around.
It's me again. As I am reading through all of these posts, I have a question about all of the supplements that you are taking as part of this program. Do any of you know if they are safe to take while breastfeeding? Or could you steer me to a website where I could find that out? Do you have to take supplements as part of the BFL program? I'm not concerned about a protein shake or bar, but I would definitely need to find out about some of these other supplements. Don't want baby to have anything bad for her!
Good Morning.....I was not on all day yesterday. I took my free day and I was gone and busy. I did not buy any supplements, YET!!!! I am going to get the EAS Dynamax or whatever it is called. I trust their stuff the best to not make me overly jittery. I amgoing to do ME upper body today. I just need something different to keep me motivated. I am going back to carbs with all meals starting today. I have been so tired, I did not get up until 9:15 today which is highly unlike me. I just can not move, my butt is dragging, so I am adding them back in. I was eating 3 meals without carbs. Tomorrow is the weigh-in and measure. I am VERY nervous about it, I hate the scale. There are some very inspiring transformations of BodyForLifeWinners. One girl only dropped 4 lbs., and she looks AWESOME. I am glad I went there today, I will feel better about tomorrow.

Tracy- Lurk all you want!!!! We love company. I would not take any supplements if you are breastfeeding. I would buy the book, read it, and follwo it without supps. It will still work for you. We are not following his exercise program to a "T". At least I am not. I just focus on UB, cardio, LB, cardio, like he recommends in the book. We all do interval cardio though, like Bill recommends. Cathe's Interval videos are those. Good luck and if you would like to join in, let us know!!!
Lori S.

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