Good Morning everyone,
I guess it is obvious that none of us checked in yesterday.I didn't which is strange for me
so I figured that someone would have already had this trend started.Do I have to do EVERYTHING around here?
I had a good week.I didn't get on the scale so I don't know about any of that stuff.I probably just weigh the same.This week I am really going to consentrate on my portion size and trying to reach my 10's.No point in doing it half way, right?
I had my daughters b-day party on saturday evening.What a nightmare that was!Can you imagine 22 kids,running around, screaming, and not listening to anyone.The last couple of years she had a swimming party, so by the time they were finished swimming,they were pretty wore out.Plus, the parents would stay to get them dressed after they got out of the pool.This year, they just got dropped off and they are starting to get so demanding at the age 7.I don't want this,I don't like this,I want me and my husband went out for drinks saturday night.:7 Either that or go to bed.I should of went to bed.NExt year I will try to convince her to have a slumber party or just a party with 10 people.
It was such a nice day here yesterday that I went for a run.I had to try out my new sneakers.They are pretty awesome but my feet were still sore from the previous day.It is great that I haven't been running very much but my endurance as stayed the same.I have only been out about 8 times this winter and I still ran the same route,7kms.I only have Cathe to thank for that.Then I rememberd,OH NO...I have to do legs tomorrow! And I was right, my inner thighs are hurt'in now.
This week I want to be a really good girl.My husband is going out of town for a hockey and a friend and I are getting together.No doubt we will be eating so I really want to save my cheat day for saturday.Then another friend of mine invited me to her mothers tuperware party on tuesday night.This women makes desserts like you wouldn't beleive.So, my question can I go to this party and say no thanks I'm not hungry? Plus, they all know how much I like sweets.Any suggestions? I don't want to be cheating my second day into a new week.
Have a good day ladies and i will be chating to you later....
I guess it is obvious that none of us checked in yesterday.I didn't which is strange for me
I had a good week.I didn't get on the scale so I don't know about any of that stuff.I probably just weigh the same.This week I am really going to consentrate on my portion size and trying to reach my 10's.No point in doing it half way, right?
I had my daughters b-day party on saturday evening.What a nightmare that was!Can you imagine 22 kids,running around, screaming, and not listening to anyone.The last couple of years she had a swimming party, so by the time they were finished swimming,they were pretty wore out.Plus, the parents would stay to get them dressed after they got out of the pool.This year, they just got dropped off and they are starting to get so demanding at the age 7.I don't want this,I don't like this,I want me and my husband went out for drinks saturday night.:7 Either that or go to bed.I should of went to bed.NExt year I will try to convince her to have a slumber party or just a party with 10 people.
It was such a nice day here yesterday that I went for a run.I had to try out my new sneakers.They are pretty awesome but my feet were still sore from the previous day.It is great that I haven't been running very much but my endurance as stayed the same.I have only been out about 8 times this winter and I still ran the same route,7kms.I only have Cathe to thank for that.Then I rememberd,OH NO...I have to do legs tomorrow! And I was right, my inner thighs are hurt'in now.
This week I want to be a really good girl.My husband is going out of town for a hockey and a friend and I are getting together.No doubt we will be eating so I really want to save my cheat day for saturday.Then another friend of mine invited me to her mothers tuperware party on tuesday night.This women makes desserts like you wouldn't beleive.So, my question can I go to this party and say no thanks I'm not hungry? Plus, they all know how much I like sweets.Any suggestions? I don't want to be cheating my second day into a new week.
Have a good day ladies and i will be chating to you later....