BFL Check-in Week 4!


Good Morning everyone,
I guess it is obvious that none of us checked in yesterday.I didn't which is strange for me;) so I figured that someone would have already had this trend started.Do I have to do EVERYTHING around here?:p
I had a good week.I didn't get on the scale so I don't know about any of that stuff.I probably just weigh the same.This week I am really going to consentrate on my portion size and trying to reach my 10's.No point in doing it half way, right?
I had my daughters b-day party on saturday evening.What a nightmare that was!Can you imagine 22 kids,running around, screaming, and not listening to anyone.The last couple of years she had a swimming party, so by the time they were finished swimming,they were pretty wore out.Plus, the parents would stay to get them dressed after they got out of the pool.This year, they just got dropped off and they are starting to get so demanding at the age 7.I don't want this,I don't like this,I want me and my husband went out for drinks saturday night.:7 Either that or go to bed.I should of went to bed.NExt year I will try to convince her to have a slumber party or just a party with 10 people.
It was such a nice day here yesterday that I went for a run.I had to try out my new sneakers.They are pretty awesome but my feet were still sore from the previous day.It is great that I haven't been running very much but my endurance as stayed the same.I have only been out about 8 times this winter and I still ran the same route,7kms.I only have Cathe to thank for that.Then I rememberd,OH NO...I have to do legs tomorrow! And I was right, my inner thighs are hurt'in now.
This week I want to be a really good girl.My husband is going out of town for a hockey and a friend and I are getting together.No doubt we will be eating so I really want to save my cheat day for saturday.Then another friend of mine invited me to her mothers tuperware party on tuesday night.This women makes desserts like you wouldn't beleive.So, my question can I go to this party and say no thanks I'm not hungry? Plus, they all know how much I like sweets.Any suggestions? I don't want to be cheating my second day into a new week.
Have a good day ladies and i will be chating to you later....
It's me again.I just posted a question on asked if anyone adds more cardio then suggested b/c it is getting so nice outside that I wouldn't mind adding a couple of longer runs in the week.
I got a reply that said,sure,just use your BFL workout as your foundation but you can do whatever you like after that.Just don't hit your 10's on your added workouts.Then he gave me a website to go to that as some guidelines by Bill.I haven't checked it out yet.
Fitnut-didn't EAS tell you not to do to much cardio b/c it will reduce muscle growth?
I wonder if I should add more cardio ,only b/c it is a nice change not to have to feel like I have to do cardio everyday.I don't really want to get stuck back in that rut again.I just wanted to post the question b/c when it is nice outside it seems to be a shame not to go out and take advantage of it.I wouldn't do it everyday.Running is a great stress releiver and I always think alot when I am out.
What do you ladies think?
Hi Everyone

Lori- When the weather gets nice my hubby and I usually go walking after dinner. Not a quick pace but just a nice stroll to enjoy the weather, also once we open the pool I will be getting in some extra swimming.

Right now I am following the program to the "T" in the morning and if I get in another walk or something I just consider it a little extra. It is in no way as strenuous as the morning workouts.

Today was upper body. I am getting in a little more running but have to be really careful because my knee is hurting. I have never been a runner so I feel so worked out when I am done with my cardio.

Hope everyone has a great BFL day. We are going to dinner at TGIFridays, does anyone know if there are healthy foods there? I was thinking maybe a salad with the dressing on the side.

Good Morning....Oh my, next Monday I will be weighing in and measuring. I am nervous already. I hate that scale. I really don't care about the number that much, well a little, but I do so hope I have at least lost some inches. I did not get up again this morning, what a surprise. My friend came to visit and I just felt terrible, I still do. I tossed and turned all night, do you ever get anxiety before it begins?? So, I will wait my 2 hours after my meal and do it then. You guys probably think I am lazy, I am not!! I just struggle with that morning thing. As soon as this gets done, I will be better at it. Hopefully Weds. I rise when I am supposed to. I took my cheat day on Sat. Wasn't the best, but I could of been worse. I stayed on program yesterday, and did my LB after I went to church. Well, I hope everyone is having a good day. Talk to you soon.
Lori S.
Hi Everyone!! :)

I had a pretty good weekend even though I skipped my workout yesterday. I slept a good portion of the morning away. Don't know why I was so tired - think maybe it was those late nights, going to bed at 2 a.m. because I was up reading a really good book! :)

I missed yesterdays' workout because of catching up on rest. But the plan was to cook dinner earlier than usual, work out, have dinner, get dressed for bed. Well my mom called asking if we'd like to go out to dinner. WE left around 6:30 and got home around 8. I was sleepy by 8:20 and was out sometime after that. Even after all that sleep yesterday morning I was ready for bed before 9. I slept all night too! No more late nights for me on the weekends! ;)

So tonight I will do either Power Hour or Muscle Endurance. Then tomorrow is cardio anyway, so come Wednesday I'll be back on schedule.

So I'm back on track this week too! I picked up my supplements that I was either out of or just about. So I grabbed a 5lb. container of whey protein, a canister of creatine and a box of protein bars. I got all of this for $29.99! Such a deal! I used my 50% off one item birthday coupon (Vitamin World does this), and the bars and creatine just happened to be on sale at 30 and 25% off and I had by $5.50 in bonus dollars to use! So I did really well with my shopping.

Okay so now that I'm ready to kick some iron butt (thanks to me repleniching my creatine supply), I am really ready to get moving too! :D No more excuses, just get down there in the basement and get the job done. I haven't lost any inches, just feeling firmer in the legs but I have my bars for my snacks during the day, instead of the substitutes I've been using, so I hope to see some visual improvements in a few weeks! I'm psyched now! And I can't believe we're already working on Wk.#4! I need to get busy, I mean really, really serious because one of my goals is to have muscular looking arms in time for our client conference in mid May. It's always warm here and I end up wearing short sleeves and I want my arms to look great this year. They always looke nice and to me they seem okay but this year I want to be able to look into the mirror and say to myself that my arms look "great"!. Besides this year's theme is a Hawaiian Luau. Could possibly mean some grass skirts!

So here's my plan for the week:

Mon- PH or ME
Tue- YMCA, 30 minute run
Wed- PUB, 20 minutes cardio(?)
Thu- PLB, plus additional stretching
Fri- YMCA, 30 minute run
Sun- CTX LL, plus Power Circuit (circuits only) or MIS/legs

I think come April I will do the Pyramids only or Pyramids one week, and Slow & Heavy the next. Got work that out first, skim through the rotations. We'll see! :)

Time to get a littel more work done or maybe I'll browse the boards until a.m. break - it's only 17 minutes from now! :D

I'll drop in later,
Where is Fitnut????

Hmmm,very strange she hasn't checked in yet.Hopefully she is alright.Maybe they went away for an extended weekend or something.

Sounds like everyone is doing good.I did PLB yesterday and then yesterday evening I went for a 35 min run.I had to.It was so nice out.Now my legs are so sore.Its nice to feel sore and the bottom portion of our bodies always seem to need the most work.
LoriSax-Do you feel any different in your clothes? I bet you are in for a treat.I don't like weighing myself all the time either.Its been a while now.I enjoy feeling it in my clothes.If the scale tells you that you went down 3lbs but you don't feel any different in your clothes,then whats the point.I can see an improvement in my legs and belly. I was starting to get a pouch in the belly area.
Pfive-I think it is TOTALLY normal to feel tired.How can we not? I think weight lifting is harder on the body then cardio.Maybe b/c the muscle has to rebuild itself? I wonder.We went out for a few drinks on Saturday night and then I slept in until 11.Thats what I had full intentions of doing.Even though we didn't get home until 3 in the morning,there is just something about it.Anyway,I think I caught up on my sleep:) Later in the week I will start feeling tired again.Going to bed at 11 and getting up at 6 isn't aot of sleep.I like going to bed around 10.
Rhonda-good to know your following it to a "T".I try.I have that stupid Tuperware party tonight.I was such a good girl yesterday, that I am pretty motivated to keep going.I don't know how I am going to get out of eating anything for dessert,unless I say I just finished eating just before I got here and I had a BIG peice of B-day cake.Then they will probably say...have a little piece.Blah,Blah,blah...I hope I can get out of it.Then again this lady is known for her desserts so maybe I won't want to get out of it:7
Anyway,today is cardio for me.I really enjoyed doing the Gaulant.It was nice for a change.I may do it agian today.Thanks FitNut...wherever you are:+ Everyone have a good day...
RE: Where is Fitnut????

Hi everyone,
Did my cardio this morning and it seems to be getting easier. Then again maybe next time it will seem tough again. Amazing how some days seem "easier" others seem so tough. I am going to try to up my speed next time on the treadmill, only if I am able.

We went out to dinner last night with a group from work and I was pretty good, had southwest grilled chicken salad with the dressing on the side. Hubby had chicken fajitas so we stayed as healthy as we could. No dessert, but usually desserts are not hard for me to pass on. Thank goodness.

Hope everyone has a great day, it is rainy and gloomy here today. At least I am at work and can keep myself busy with that.

RE: Where is Fitnut????

I sure hope FitNut is ok????? I had a pretty good day yesterday. I LOVE doing the Gauntlet cardio. Nothing gets me to my 10 more than that. Those BC drills are just the thing I needed!!!! I think I am going to get a fat-burner like the new EAS product that is Ephedra free, or Charge! from Labrada. I don't know, I am just thinking about it. Have a good day everyone.
Lori S.
Fitnut - Thank you so much for the Gauntlet tip! I did that workout this morning (cardio only) and it was so much fun!!! It was also extremely intense!! Thanks again!!
Hang in there girls! We are almost done with the first month!!!
I did all of PS UB today. It was a nice change. Tomorrow is cardio and I am getting up and doing it on an empty stomach. I have so much to do tomorrow and I do like getting it done with right away. Have a great day everyone, FITNUT, I hope you are ok!!!!!
Lori S.
She still hasn't checked in? Where is she?
My husband was gone with the laptop today so I was loat.I had no computer.
It was nice outside today,so I finally got out for my 20 min run.Then half way around my watch stopped! I had to guess the minutes then.After I got home I picked the watch up off of the floor and it started working again.Now,how weird is that!
I had half of this written earlier and then the guy called for my interview.I was successful,this far.They are comming here for interviews in April.Cross your fingers,toes,eyes...everything! I would have to go away for 3 weeks for training.That will be hard.I have never been away from my husband or daugther for that long.The job as to do with an airline.He asked if I could lift things up to 70lbs.I sweat.Now I really have to start pumping some major iron.
I am sure you guys will hear all about it in a few weeks.I should go and do my dished.Hope everyone had a good day..
HI chicks! So sorry to worry you! I am absolutely great. Just have been really busy and really tired. We had family over on Sunday (my husbands family... and there are a ton of them!) Then I had to go to work on Monday, did cardio at the gym and then passed out early last night. I was planning on logging in both Sunday and Monday but fell asleep on the couch before the news even came on!

Anyway, I am alive and well and so sorry I worried you. I thought.... I better logon to my Cathe friends. They are probably wondering where I am. You guys made me feel loved:)

Sounds like you all are doing good! Glad you tried the Gauntlet! Isn't is awesome! It is now going to be one of my favorites for this bfl thing.

I am up for cardio tomorrow and am going to do one of my Mindy videos I just got tonight! I got the brand new Awesome Intervals and it looks really intense and really fun.

LoriHart - do you ever do Mindy? I know you have at least one don't you. I got 4 of them so I will let you all know how they are. I am thinking I need a mix up of some sort so I don't get stuck in a rut. It looks like she has some different moves that should work our bods in different ways. On the new one she even uses the medicine ball while doing actual step. Looks like a killer! Plus it is great music and looks like lots of fun. I CAN'T wait to try it tomorrow!

I did PLB today and went heavier than I ever have. I was pooped afterward and actually felt dizzy all morning even after eating. I called EAS and they told me to pick up some vitamins etc. and make sure to eat perfect today. So, I went to GNC over lunch and picked up vitamins (I was out), Flax Seed Oil and some nutrition bars! I got some Myoplex LIte and Detour bars! Oh my goodnesss......... those Detour bars are unbelievable. They have more fat etc. in them so I will probably only have them once in awhile as a treat. They are great though.

I agree with you guys that the heavy wt lifting must really wear out bodies out. I sure hope the vitamins help.

I really realized how fit Cathe makes us. I did cardio at the club on Monday. They had a sub and she was way too easy. The regular girl usually rocks! I was so bored and had to work really hard to keep my heart rate up. I had to add another set of risers. I looked around the room and more than 1/2 the room was sweating like crazy and acting like they were dying. I just thought.... "this is nothin'... you should try Cathe!" It was a nice feeling. Reminds me of why I like working out at home so much better. That's part of why I can't wait to try my new Mindy video tomorrow to give myself a killer workout.

LoriHart - sound so cool about your new job. Pls keep us posted! We will miss you if you're not around.

So, are you guys losing weight? I am afraid to get back on the scale. My pants are definitely fitting different and I can tell I am losing inches all over. I am going to wait until the end of my 4th week to take pics and measure again. This week is week 3 for me. I tried on a couple pairs of pants I hadn't tried on in a little over a month or so hoping they might fit by now (they were tight before) and guess what..... they were too big!!!!! My DH said... "looks like you're too late for those ones"!

pfive - I like your idea of mixin things up a bit. I have been thinking the same thing. I know it is important to change your exercises frequently so your body doesn't adapt to it! I did ME one day last week (upper body only) and it was fun. I also did LL and got a killer workout. Today I just did PLB plus some stuff on my universal weight set. I also have been changing some of the exercises even in PUB. For example, for chest flys, I do them on an incline. For the HIT set of 12 on shoulders I do Arnold Presses or something different than she does. I have also been adding extra shoulder work in there sometimes during the PUB. I just sometimes feel that I need addtl. shoulder work than what PUB has. Do you guys ever feel like that?

Well.... thanks so much for your kind words everyone! I missed you! Glad everyone is happy body for lifin'! You all are doing fantastic! Keep up the great work! We can do this!
Fitnut-Thank goodness your back.You had us worried sick young lady:7 Don't you ever do that again.Maybe your just not as addicted to the internat as we are:+
I have two Mindy videos.The one that you are talking about,did she just make it this year? I have one where she uses a med ball and it is a interval workout.I don't know why, it was a awesome workout...but I only did it once.Now, figure that out?
I can't imagine getting this job and having to go away for 3 weeks.I went away for 2 nights before for work and I thought I was going to die.Stupid hotel room.So, you can imagine me going to the other side of the country for 3 weeks,leaving my daughter and husband.I will be heartbroken.Of course one of the first things that comes to my mind is..can I work out up there? We will worry about that when the time comes..if the time comes.If I got the job we might have to wait to have a baby...ALL OF US!
I haven't been on the scale lately but my lovehandles are half gone and haven't came back.If I stayed like this I would even be happy.
I have upper body today but I am SO tempted to do CTX upper body.I have only used the Pyramid system so far.I think we really need to change it up to.My plan was after 4 weeks to start with slow and heavy or PS.Those videos are longer though, so we will see.
I have been getting a fair amount of running in.Not today though.Looks like it could be raining out.I am so happy to see this snow going.It won't melt fast enough.
I should get going ladies.I had that tuperware party last night.Of course I didn't get out of having dessert.But I did only have tiny pieces and my friend and I split almost everything.It could have been alot worse.I could of had full pieces:7 Which I could have easily done.
Thee other thing.How much do you want to bet that the training for that job is the same week as my trip to go down south? They are comming here for business on June16th.They are comming to follow up their interviews the first week in April.That would be devasting.Im not surprised it would be just my luck.
Everyone have a good day.No trouble to tell what I will be thinking about all day.:eek:
Well, I put on a pair of my dress pants last night, and they were way too comfortable, DARN!!!! I can see progress in my waist and UB. Cardio was today, and I did not get up. I had a jewelry show last night, I came home, and my 10 week old puppy had vomitted all over the floor. I called the vet, took her to an animal hospital, and did not get home until 12. She just had an allergic reaction to the shot, but when I got up at 7, my stomach was growling. I have been really struggling this week. I have been so hungry, but sticking to plan. The lady I did the show for last night asked me twice if I wanted a choc. chip cookie, and oh, did I want one???? Yes, but I didn't. This is the first time in a long time I have stuck to my plan during TTOM. I am so hungry, but I am making it. Not doing the cardio on a totally empty stomach must not be hurting me too bad because I can see changes. Talk to you later ladies, have a great day!!!!
Lori S.
My legs are still really sore from the last few days:eek: I didn't realize it earlier.
I did my upper body today,with the intentions of adding the upper body part of MS.I figured the weeks where I only work a body group once,I would add something alittle extra in there.But I couldn't do it! I was finding PUB really tough today.I only upped my weights with my chest work.I wonder does it have anything to do with not working that area for alomst a week? Anyways, it felt like I got a really good workout.My arms felt like jell-o after I was done.
Is this getting any easier for anyone else? I think it is becomming part of my lifestyle.To get up 6 in the morning.To eat all these mini meals,to drink my shakes,ceatine,take my fat burners.Its almost like its not a chore anymore.I don't mind doing it and most of it comes natural now.Does anyone else feel this way? To me it is diffently getting easier.I haven't had any real bad cravings b/c I have had a treat in the middle of the week and I haven't yet had a day where I have done nothing but eat,to totally throw me off.
One of my bad habits were to stand in the cupboard and pick at almost everything in there.For the first couple of weeks I wanted to do that but now it doesn't even come in my mind.Just wondering what everyone else thinks of the big pitcure...
Hi Fitnut! Glad to have you back! I certainly know about being tired and falling asleep before the news comes on! I think the kids are adjusting to finding mom asleep on the couch in the basement, weights all over the place, bottle of water on the floor, tape still in the vcr….. :) Just kidding, about all but the sleeping part! :)

I did all of ME last night and plan to do it again tomorrow night! I’m thinking that maybe I should go with the weight training from the BFL book or do the S&H series next month. I am so confused, really just baffled. The BFL book method worked for me before and it’s hard for me to slow down the reps when I’m working with Cathe because it’s just natural to ‘keep up’ with her. :) So I think I’ll spend a little of my free time this weekend revisiting the S&H series.

Which Mindy’s are you ladies talking about? I need to get some new cardio although getting out to run with my arm radio (my oldest gave me for Christmas) has been great! But I really need some challenging cardio for home and I want variety!

Tonight is cardio but instead of running I plan to do Step & Intervals and then hop on the stairstepper for 15 minutes. Maybe 30 if I get on at the start of My Wife & Kids! That show just cracks me up!

Lori – Which fat burners are you taking? I think I need to get something because my abs are not responding as quickly as before! :( Darn stubborn abs! But I’m sure I’m to blame for that – not much ab work unless it comes up in the workout but the last few days I have been doing and extra set of V- crunches.

My biggest problem is pasta so the last 2 mornings I've had pasta for breakfast just to get it out of the way and off my mind! But I know I've got to do better than this!

Talk with you later,
Well, I hope I make you ladies laugh today. It is that TTOM, and I have been eating 3 meals a day w/o carbs, so I have been really, really tired this week. I have also been working my shows real hard the last two weeks also. Anyway, I waited 2 hours after my last meal and went to do Blast Mania. I was really struggling at first, but I was bound and determined to really hit my 10's on those intervals today. Interval 6 comes around and during the toe taps, I fell flat on my rear!!!! I could not beilieve it??!! Well, I did finish it all, and I really blasted thru those last couple of intervals too. I wish I could of had a pic of my face as I landed so nicely on the end of my step. I guess I am kinda thankful I have some padding back there!!!!
Lori S.
Hi girlies! I did Mindy Myrlea AWESOME INTERVALS today and it rocks! It was such a fun, kick butt workout. It whooped my butt. I had to stand there and look at her a couple times. She does medicine ball with the step moves, terminator thrust climber things in the middle of the intervals more than once! IT is crazy but lots of fun. She is so cute and fun. I like her a lot. I also previewed a couple of the others I got and they all look good! Awesome Intervals is on DVD and just came out. I sware if you are looking for new vids ya' gotta get it. It was just as hard as Cathe. The music is fun, and even tougher choreography! It will definitely take me a couple of times to learn it as her cueing doesn't compare to Cathe. Also, she has a modifier in the back ground. A couple times I did what the modifier was doing as I was whipped! She doesn't do a lot of turns.. It is all out good power moves and cardio!

I feel like you too Lori. This is becoming so easy for me. It is just part of my life now. I guess it is why they call it Body for LIFE??? Boy... we're smart... ha ha . Today, my friends at work said first thing this mornihng.... "look at her... she is just melting". I haven't seen one girl since last week and she said I look teeney! It made me so happy! She said she could see it in my face even. My clothes are all getting big. My belly and loose skin from having a baby is truly finally going away! My hips, butt, middle section are all shrinking. I can't believe it. I am only in my 3rd week. I worked so hard for months with Cathe workouts... hours a day! Trying to eat right and saw nothing compared to this! I am not going to take pics or do measurements until I am done with week 4!

I picked up some Flax Seed oil lastnight. I am also taking CLA and the new EAS ThermoDynamix fat burner (ephedra free). Wonder if those are maybe helping too? The last week I started doing cardio on an empty stomach (except for Mondays I go to the club). I waited an hour after workout to eat this morning.

So sorry to worry you guys. I too am completely addicted to the internet! I must have been entirely too pooped to slack on Cathe chattin' for that long.

Now that I got the Mindy videos and love them... I am wondering if there might also be something else out there as good too? I have heard good things about some of the CIA videos.

Anyway, gotta get back to work! Just had to pop in and share the good news on Mindy! Try her! She even called me personally on the phone when I sent her an e-mail!

Chat with ya' later tonight!
Hi everyone,

I did lower body this morning and tried to do lunges but my knee hurt so bad I couldn't do them. so instead I did leg curls and deadlifts for my hamstrings.

I wasn't very good with eating yesterday. The daytime was fine, but when I got home I was hungry so I had some walnuts and was still hungry so I decided to start dinner while hubby was working out. That was the wrong thing to do, it seemed like I kept nibbling at everything and still sat down and ate dinner. I woke up this morning hungry. could my body need all this food or is it just in my head?

Tomorrow is cardio and am hoping to be able to run on the treadmill. All depends on the knee.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

I really struggled thru today. I ate an extra protein bar. I was so hungry today, I could of binged real easy, but I have made it. I hope tomorrow is better.
Lori S.

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