Good morning everyone!
Thanks for missing me Heidi!
Yesterday was one of those crazy days that was just non stop and sort of frustrating because at the end of the day I felt like I had accomplished NOTHING - - and yet I had started out with so much to do!
I did get my PUB done. I am mildly sore, just enough to know I had worked. I only have dumbells up to 15 lb.s though. Cathe uses 20's, so I really need to go and get a couple more sets. I need 8's, 12, & 20. I used 5, 10, 15.
My eating started out well and ended HORRIFICALLYx( I'm sure I owe some push ups for dinner last night.
The whole dinner thing is because I haven't done the meal planning and shopping. I am going to remedy that tonight!
Time to go down and do my cardio.
I'll take a minute later to post again.
Thanks for missing me Heidi!
Yesterday was one of those crazy days that was just non stop and sort of frustrating because at the end of the day I felt like I had accomplished NOTHING - - and yet I had started out with so much to do!
I did get my PUB done. I am mildly sore, just enough to know I had worked. I only have dumbells up to 15 lb.s though. Cathe uses 20's, so I really need to go and get a couple more sets. I need 8's, 12, & 20. I used 5, 10, 15.
My eating started out well and ended HORRIFICALLYx( I'm sure I owe some push ups for dinner last night.
The whole dinner thing is because I haven't done the meal planning and shopping. I am going to remedy that tonight!
Time to go down and do my cardio.
I'll take a minute later to post again.