BFL Check in Thurs 10/11


Good morning everyone!
Thanks for missing me Heidi!

Yesterday was one of those crazy days that was just non stop and sort of frustrating because at the end of the day I felt like I had accomplished NOTHING - - and yet I had started out with so much to do!

I did get my PUB done. I am mildly sore, just enough to know I had worked. I only have dumbells up to 15 lb.s though. Cathe uses 20's, so I really need to go and get a couple more sets. I need 8's, 12, & 20. I used 5, 10, 15.

My eating started out well and ended HORRIFICALLYx( :eek: :( I'm sure I owe some push ups for dinner last night.

The whole dinner thing is because I haven't done the meal planning and shopping. I am going to remedy that tonight!

Time to go down and do my cardio.

I'll take a minute later to post again.

Good morning, Kerry! Hope cardio is going well!

I have to read yesterday's posts yet...will do that later this AM!

I'm up a bit earlier than normal. I have to go into the school this morning; I'm in charge of the 4th grade school store every other Thursday morning, and today's my day.

The trip to the water park was FUN FUN FUN! We had a blast! My eating was on target all day Tuesday. Wednesday was good as well, but my biggest problem Wed was the TIMING of my meals. We got sort of off schedule by sleeping in, then lunch was at 1pm and dinner at 5pm. I didn't eat ENOUGH mid-day. On the way home we stopped at Red Robin and I got the rice bowl with white rice, chicken, and veggies. Not bad, but I should have forgone the teryaki sauce and the few fried noodles underneath, but all in all it wasn't bad!

Then when the kids went to bed last night, I hit the basement and did my upperbody work! This time around, I did the GS pushups for my chest work, then continued with the rest of my UB routine. THIS MORNING was HIIT on the stationary bike and abs. Feeling great!

SOrry I have to hit and run, but I have to get showered and stuff a bit earlier today! BBL PROMISE!

Good morning, Kerry, and all who follow!

Kerry, I know exactly they type of day you had. Mine started and ended in that frustrating way yesterday. There is just not enough time in the day to do everything that needs to get done. x( But woo hoo!'s Thursday already. :D

The meal planning is imperative, isn't it? I'd never be able to stick with this if I didn't plan ahead. Even yesterday, when I had all my mini-meals packed for worked, I was late getting home and starving! I couldn't get my hands on something fast enough, and quite frankly, I didn't care what it was! Fortunately, I had made this Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe out of the Eating for Life cookbook the other day, and that's what I ended up snacking on. Not an ideal dinner, but I figured since it's an EFL recipe, I might have controlled the damage. Today I'll pack an extra snack, just in case.

Got my cardio in last night. Lower body workout for me tonight.

Gayle, hope you and your boys had a great time at the water park.

Heidi, sorry to hear about your late trip out to the train station last night. That's no fun, especially in this dismal weather. Here's to hoping we see some sun today.

How is everyone else doing?

Have a great day, everyone.

Allrightie! Quick check back to report that I did Step & Intervals again this morning.

I cannot figure out why that darn workout is so intense. x(

So far breakfast is broccoli, egg whites, and a wee bit of oatmeal.

All my work meals are planned ....dinner I think is going to be Chicken Marsala. I read that in Heidi's post and it sounded so good!

BUT, I will have to stop at the store and get the stuff.

I am preplanning another trip - I leave Friday afternoon for a meeting in chicago - no problem I can do my workout in the morning as usual.

I will be back on Saturday night. So I'm going to make Saturday my free day - lots of restaraunt food, etc. Then Sunday I will do Saturday's cardio and get back on the food wagon.

Jennifer, do you like that Eating for Life Cookbook??? I need to get a cookbook with some clean eating recipes. I have a collection of clean recipes but they are all higgeldy piggeldy in a binder.

Gayle, whatever you're on I want some!!! I'm glad you had fun at the waterpark. What a fantastic way to wrap up the summer season and head into fall!

Okay, I have GOT to get ready for work now x( x( x( x( x(
(He's my favorite emoticon).

Kerry, I've got the EFL cookbook (actually lent it to a friend and need to get it back!) and I like it. I've made several recipes from it.
Good Morning to you all,

I had a lousy nights rest. DH up at 2am not feeling well. He then tossed and turned me right out to the couch. My cat thought it was the perfect time to take her bath...then mother in-law thought it was time to get up! TV blearing, papers rattling and coffee brewing that was it. Didn't get any sleep until it was time to get DD up. You know how that is when it is time to get up you have the best sleep of the night?! Well, exhausted and have housework to do and eventually get in my run.

Jennifer: Yeah it is still yucky out. But I plan on running at Ravenswood anyway. Need the coolness factor to get me woken up.

Gayle: Glad to hear about your trip. You did well to plan all your meals ahead of time.

Kerry: I got the Chicken recipe from: the Eat-Clean Diet. Also, I made ahead a great Low-Fat Chicken Lo Mein. This is quick and easy to make and I use all fresh veggies rather than frozen. Check-out for some great recipes you can print out for later use.

Going to get the laundry started and see how my DH is feeling. I have to wait for my DD to come back with my car after her jury duty.
Maybe she could use a break and go with me to Ravenswood. She is pretty stressed out today. She has a big Organic Chem test tomorrow.

Take Care,
Funny you guys should mention that cookbook. I just picked it up from my library on Tuesday and browsed it the other night. There are a few recipes in there that I'd LOVE to try. The chocolate pudding looks yummy! lol

Sorry to hit and run! work!

Hi Jennifer,

About that this an actual cookbook or the diet plan with a few recipes in it? Couldn't find it on Amazon as a cookbook.

Thanks for the info.:7
Hi Heidi and Jill,

To answer your questions, it's an actual cookbook that I picked up at Borders. It was kind of pricey there at $35.00. Maybe you can find it online cheaper. I've tried a few recipes from it that I like. More than anything, it gave me ideas on what was "okay" on this plan. It also explains the program at the beginning of the book, which I needed because I never bought the original Body for Life book. On top of that, it has several pages of success stories at the end of the book which I find useful when I need some motivation. I'm happy I bought it. But all in all, I don't think it contains anything you can't find online.

Heidi, it is by Bill Phillips, and though I don't have the book in front of me because I'm at work, I'm pretty darn sure it's Nov. 2003.
Good morning

Rotation: Slow & Heavy/week I
am: hour jog/completed
pm: ?????

I ate like a pig all yesterday and last night, when I got home Ted had brought pizza and I was hungry so I ate 2 slices and I had 4 pumpkin cookies, EEK I really got to get busy I am picking up lbs by the day. My pants are extremely tight in thighs and butt is getting wider. I have to stop eating and munching at night, cuz it is killing me.

Planning to do a PM workout, but not sure if I will be able to get it in, because we’re going grocery shopping at B’J’s, I put it off yesterday. I was so tired when I got home I believe it had everything to do with me lifting in the morning, and I was extremely hungry all day yesterday, so there I was lying in my bed this morning thinking about a plan of attack for all this eating, what I decided to do is to eat more for my breakfast that’s it. I shall see
Hi Ladies ~ :)

I am disgusted with myself this week x( x( x(
My eating has been horrible, and working out...Forget about it.

Yesterday was a horrible day in general and today is no better.
Believe it or not I still have DOMS from Monday's Arm/Abs - BBC. Them jack knifes kill !! :) In a good way though :)

Another dreary day here in PA... YUCK! Just want to crawl up in a ball and go home to bed.

I had the EFL Cookbook. Some great recipes.
I borrowed it from the library, maybe it's due time I ck out the BFL book & EFL cookbook again. I think I need to refocus on my goals!

Hope you all are well!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hey guys! I did my cardio this morning. Eating has been horrid, but i'm going shopping soon to make it all better! DH gets a paycheck tomorrow, and things are tight right now.

Here is the latest on my gym. I met with a trainer, loved her, and went to sign up. Well, the gym came back and said I could only do a 24 month contract at $49 a month. Which is 12 months longer and $10 more than I was initially told. So, i'm going to workout at home now. I'm bummed, because I enjoyed leaving my home to do something for myself. I find myself doing everything for everyone else, and there is no time left for me. My only problem with workout out at home is that we have very thin walls and I am scared to wake someone up...especially the baby!

I still have hope that the gym will call and tell me I can do a 12 month deal, but i won't hold my breath. It seems silly that they won't take my money for 12 months because I won't go for 24!

Hey guys. Just a few quick things before I go to the busstop!

Kerry-I may just have to try out Step & Intervals. Believe it or not…I’ve never done this one! Lol

Teddy-trial and error, really, is the way to find what works for US! I just realized today that I need to find a way to better plan my mid-day meals. But because of the hours I work (10-1), and the type of work (on my feet in the cafeteria with all the kids), I am really limited in WHAT I can eat. So I’m tweaking my daily meals as well!

Jennifer-sounds like you need to regroup. I think that writing down your goals is a good place to start. Then the BFL and EFL books would be another way! You KNOW what you need to do, so DO IT!

Jessica-if somebody told you the shorter time for the less money, then that’s what they ought to be giving you. Do you feel comfortable telling them that, and then coming right out and ASKING for it? I LOVE working out at home, mostly due to the convenience of it all! I can do it WHENEVER I want. It’s just plain awesome and works for me! Hope it all works out for you!

I just got back and for the first time, I got the flu shot. I don’t really LIKE the idea of getting it, but since I’m now working in the school, with over 600 kids every day around me, and since it’s FREE, I thought maybe I should. I may regret it, but we’ll see! Lol

I am psyched! I just got my shipment of MyoPlex Lite shakes. I bought 2 42-count variety boxes. I found a great website ( ) that has the best price on the internet. I ordered 2 boxes because you get a free shaker bottle with $100 or more. I’ll have one later today! YUMMY!

DOMS are setting in in the upper body! The push ups from GS always get me right across the shoulders and chest! LOVE IT ALL! lol

Gayle: Thank you :) :) Yesterday was not a good day for me, I was so hungry I ate and ate. I really do believe it was all due to morning workout which was S&H and MIS:) :) I usually don't WT in the morning, hopefully this will taper off a bit. Today, is a good day, when I looked up it was way pass breakfast, ended up eating breakfast around 11ish, so far today is going good ;-) ;-)

Holly Cow that was a workout! I just got back from the Ravenswood trail run. I skipped the last 1.05mi because it was getting late.
Needed to get my son from school.

Totals today:

Max sp.7
Heart Rate 104-187
Ascent 1032ft above sea level
Decent 1004 below..

Total time spent 44min. forgot to stop timer on overlooks. Took some pictures with my cell phone. Not very impressive looking this way.

Cals burned: An incredible 665!

Does this make up for those salt&vinegar chips the other night?

Time for a shower and getting dinner ready.

Gayle: I would have had to get a flu shot if I still worked at the hospital. It is a good preventative. Ever since school started my son has had one cold after another. He was home again yesterday.

Jessica: I agree with Gayle. Go back and give it to them! If they told you someting was going to cost a certain amount at the beginning of your trial period they must honor their words. Seek out that person who originally signed you up.

Jennifer: Get back in the game. We all goof up but don't let it get you down.:D I get ravenous around that TIME if you get my drift. Could be a good reason for this. Also, get totally exhausted feeling a week before. Wish I were a man sometimes...well not really.

Kerry: Which DvD is the Step & intervals?

Take Care,

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