BFL Check-in #10

RE: Hi Lori!

Hi Kristi,

I love the detour bars, they are so good. I didn't care as much for the U-Turn bar but I am thinking about giving it another shot. with the protein bars it all depends on how hungry I am for my snacks. I will either eat a whole or half of one. Lately it has been a half and I am fine.

today I did power hour and had a good time. It was nice to do something different and I may stick to that schedule, one upper, one lower and then a full body weight workout on Fridays. The other three days are my cardio days.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
RE: Hi Lori!

I swear, these are what has saved me. Alot of websites say whole foods are the best, but I do go thru about 3 servings of GROW! pro powder per day. Anyway, here is the recipe:

No Bake Pro Bars

2 c. pro powder of your choice, Choc.
1 c. uncooked oatmeal
1/2 c. nonfat dried milk
1/4 c. natural peanut butter
Optional: nuts, dried fruit, extra peanut butter, I put some Craisans in mine.

Blend the 3 dry ingredients together. Blend in the peanut butter. I use my hands to do this, and I spray them with Pam to help with the stickiness. Add just enough water to make a sticky mixture. How much water you add depends on your brand of pro powder. I usually use between 3/4-1 c. You need to squeeze and knead this until it is well blended. Spray a 8x8 or 9x9 pan w/ Pam. Press the mixture into the pan evenly. Refrigerate for a few hours. I cut mine into 6 bars.

Talk to you soon!! Today is my free day, I am taking my daughter to the movies. My local theatre serves air-popped popcorn, I have been craving it terribly.
Lori S.
RE: Hi Lori!

HI everyone! LoriS-thanks so much for the recipe. I am going to try today;) Can't wait!

Kristi- I LOVE the Detour bars but really try not to eat them that often. They have 10 grams of FAT! But they are yummy. I try not to have one more than 1-2 days a week. I ALWAYS eat one on my free day though. I don't think the 300 calories are too much if your daily intake is appropriate. According to bFL you should be averaging approx. 10 calories per 1 lb of body weight. However, we shouldn't be counting calories. I do log my meals on fitday and it helps so much! It really helps me plan and keep my carb/pro/fat portions at 40/40/20. I started watching my diet more closely this week and can tell I am dropping inches again! Yeah! I have wanted to try the Uturn bars too. Let us know how they are. I mostly eat the Myoplex Lite and the Carb Sense bars.

Your workout idea of only 2 days of cardio might work well for you depending on how heavy you are lifting and pushing to your 10's, how quickly your body recovers etc. I know for me it would be too much. When I truly lift the BFL way I am soooooooo sore and oh so look forward to the days of cardio! I was due for LB lastnight and couldn't even do it! I am way too sore from lifting LB on MOnday! My sched got screwed up on Sunday when I felt sick so I ended up doubling up on LB/Cardio on Monday, hit UB Tuesday, then Wed did INTENSE cardio w/Mindy and treadmill. I was then due for LB lastnight and couldn't do it. I thought doing the step class first might help loosen the muscles up a bit... but nope... once I did the cardio I was out of there and felt like I was going to pass out! My legs were like noodles.

So I am taking a free day from working out today and will catch up my LB tomorrow. I am fighting this sinus infection and feel terrible!! :( I am going to eat good today but skip the workout. Then, tomorrow if I am feeling better I will go to the gym for cardio and LB!
RE: Hi Lori!

Lori - When are we starting up again, which week? And thanks for posting the recipe again. I'm going to make these this wekend too! Maybe I can take a pass on buying that box of Protoplex Lite bars I was going to pick up tonight from Vitamin World. :) Have fun at the movies tonight! :)

Rhonda - I like doing Power Hour! I have felt so much better about my workouts this week! :7 Glad I have Power Hour, Muscle End. and MIS. I may stick with the total body workouts these last 3 weeks or take my final week and return to splits. We'll see! :) During the break between challenges I plan to tackle Boot camp and Imax2.

Kristi - Which bar tastes like a Milky Way? My youngest daughter is a chocoholic! If ones of those bars tastes like a candy bar but has more protein and less sugar and carbs that her regular candy bars, I want to buy them. She's a nibbler and is not a big meat eater. She just turned 17, is 5'1" and barely weighs 90 lbs. I worry about her! I see her eating all the time and keeping the food down. But she also has a mild case of scoliosis and it's very noticeable to me now that her weight is down. :( So some extra protein would do wonders for her I'm sure. So be sure to let me know which bar tastes like which candy bar! :) Also, thanks for mentioning the soups. I don't have a recipe for you but that made me think of my favorite chicken veggie soup. Now I know what I'm having for lunch next week.:9

Did I mentioned that I did Power Hour this morning too, Rhonda? I had to skip my workout last night. Wasn't feeling well. I started getting an upset stomach right after lunch, so I rested last night and got up at 5 this morning. I perked myself up with a Twinlab Energy Fuel. It helped and I must say that this summer I may switch to a.m. workouts! :) Traffic is so light during the summer that I really don't have to leave home until 7:30. So that leaves plenty of time to get in a full hour of training. I could start at 5:40 or so, be done by 6:45, hit the shower, dress and still have time to eat breakfast at home. And I'm not talking an mrp shake either.

Okay Kristi, now you have me planning better for my next challenge! Thanks again!

Talk with you all later,
RE: Hi Lori!

Lori - When are we starting up again, which week? And thanks for posting the recipe again. I'm going to make these this wekend too! Maybe I can take a pass on buying that box of Protoplex Lite bars I was going to pick up tonight from Vitamin World. :) Have fun at the movies tonight! :)

Rhonda - I like doing Power Hour! I have felt so much better about my workouts this week! :7 Glad I have Power Hour, Muscle End. and MIS. I may stick with the total body workouts these last 3 weeks or take my final week and return to splits. We'll see! :) During the break between challenges I plan to tackle Boot camp and Imax2.

Kristi - Which bar tastes like a Milky Way? My youngest daughter is a chocoholic! If ones of those bars tastes like a candy bar but has more protein and less sugar and carbs that her regular candy bars, I want to buy them. She's a nibbler and is not a big meat eater. She just turned 17, is 5'1" and barely weighs 90 lbs. I worry about her! I see her eating all the time and keeping the food down. But she also has a mild case of scoliosis and it's very noticeable to me now that her weight is down. :( So some extra protein would do wonders for her I'm sure. So be sure to let me know which bar tastes like which candy bar! :) Also, thanks for mentioning the soups. I don't have a recipe for you but that made me think of my favorite chicken veggie soup. Now I know what I'm having for lunch next week.:9

Did I mentioned that I did Power Hour this morning too, Rhonda? I had to skip my workout last night. Wasn't feeling well. I started getting an upset stomach right after lunch, so I rested last night and got up at 5 this morning. I perked myself up with a Twinlab Energy Fuel. It helped and I must say that this summer I may switch to a.m. workouts! :) Traffic is so light during the summer that I really don't have to leave home until 7:30. So that leaves plenty of time to get in a full hour of training. I could start at 5:40 or so, be done by 6:45, hit the shower, dress and still have time to eat breakfast at home. And I'm not talking an mrp shake either.

Okay Kristi, now you have me planning better for my next challenge! Thanks again!

Talk with you all later,
RE: Hi Lori!

Thanks Lori for the recipe. I'm planning on making some this weekend. They sound yummy and should do the trick.

I'm so gungho about joining you all. I will be beginning officially on Sunday. My menus are pretty much completed and I'll be making enough food to freeze for some of my meals (mainly lunches) to last me probably 2 or 3 weeks. Boy do I sound obsessive or what? I just really want to try to stick with the program longer than the last time.

Angie, I think the U-Turn bar tastes like a Milky Way. I won't be eating mine until tomorrow so I don't know first hand. However, the Detour bar is pretty good. It is similar to a snickers, but when you are used to the real thing it is hard to compare. :( When I went to GNC to pick up the Detour & U-turn bar they were $3 each. Ouch!! However, I did find them online for about $2 each sold in a set of 12, in case your daughter does like them. They are a good alternative, but I think I will limit my intake of them like Fitnut does to about 1-2 per week. Here are the nutritional stats: Detour bar - 310 calories, 10g fat, 30g protein, & 25g carbs, U-turn - 300 calories, 8g fat, 30g protein, & 26g carbs.

Do any of you all exercise at night? I was wondering how you structure your meals so you can fit in 6 a day. So far if I spaced them out about 3 hours apart then I can only fit in 5. Here is what my schedule looks like: Wake up at 6:30, Meal 1 - 7 a.m, Meal 2 - 10:30 a.m., Meal 3 - 1:30 p.m., Meal 4 - 4:30, Exercise from 6:30 - 7:30, Meal 5 - 8:30, Bedtime about 10. (My 10 month old son still gets up twice during the night so I have to go to bed kinda early. He has not learned what sleeping through the night is. Boy I hope he learns before too much longer.) Should I try to fit in one more meal?

Well, everyone have a great day! :) :)
RE: Hi Lori!

Thanks Lori for the recipe. I'm planning on making some this weekend. They sound yummy and should do the trick.

I'm so gungho about joining you all. I will be beginning officially on Sunday. My menus are pretty much completed and I'll be making enough food to freeze for some of my meals (mainly lunches) to last me probably 2 or 3 weeks. Boy do I sound obsessive or what? I just really want to try to stick with the program longer than the last time.

Angie, I think the U-Turn bar tastes like a Milky Way. I won't be eating mine until tomorrow so I don't know first hand. However, the Detour bar is pretty good. It is similar to a snickers, but when you are used to the real thing it is hard to compare. :( When I went to GNC to pick up the Detour & U-turn bar they were $3 each. Ouch!! However, I did find them online for about $2 each sold in a set of 12, in case your daughter does like them. They are a good alternative, but I think I will limit my intake of them like Fitnut does to about 1-2 per week. Here are the nutritional stats: Detour bar - 310 calories, 10g fat, 30g protein, & 25g carbs, U-turn - 300 calories, 8g fat, 30g protein, & 26g carbs.

Do any of you all exercise at night? I was wondering how you structure your meals so you can fit in 6 a day. So far if I spaced them out about 3 hours apart then I can only fit in 5. Here is what my schedule looks like: Wake up at 6:30, Meal 1 - 7 a.m, Meal 2 - 10:30 a.m., Meal 3 - 1:30 p.m., Meal 4 - 4:30, Exercise from 6:30 - 7:30, Meal 5 - 8:30, Bedtime about 10. (My 10 month old son still gets up twice during the night so I have to go to bed kinda early. He has not learned what sleeping through the night is. Boy I hope he learns before too much longer.) Should I try to fit in one more meal?

Well, everyone have a great day! :) :)
RE: Hi Lori!

Kristi - thanks for the calorie info on the bars. And boy are they pricey - especially considering my daughter tries to have one per day! :)

I usually exercise in the evenings. Today I took a chance on doing an a.m. workout. It looks like we almost have the same eating schedule. Here's mine:

Up at 6
breakfast at 7
a.m break at 10:30
lunch at 12:30
p.m break 4
Home at 6:10

This is where it gets crazy for me. When I'm hungry I will go ahead and have another small meal when I get home. Generally my workouts are based around my favorite TV shows. So most evenings I have until 8 p.m. to complete my workout. So if I have that snack, I start at 7 and am usually finish by 8, 8:10 at the latest. If it's a cardio night and I'm running behind schedule, then I watch my programs from my stairstepper. I tend to go longer on the stepper when I'm watching television anyway! I use the commercial breaks for my high intervals!
For the last week, I've been coming home, cooking dinner (like usual) and doing my workout right away. Then instead of having whatever it was I cooked, I've been drinking a meal replacement shake. It's been working out well. Not once have I awakened during the night hungry.

Here's what I would suggest to you: if you're getting up with your son during the night you could always drink a protein shake while you're feeding him. But only if you feel you need the additional calories. Or you could eat a little earlier by preparing dinner just before your workout or if it's something that goes in the oven it could be cooking while you're doing your workout. This is what I do at times. Most of my meals take about 20 minutes to prep and cook. I use the heck out of my George Foreman grill! :) I grill the meat and put on a pot to steam some veggies or make one of those rice or pasta dishes in the box/package. I generally add diced or julienned vegetables to these, have some sliced tomatoes or cucumbers on the side and call it dinner. I announce "dinner's ready" and head towards the basement to work out.

Hope this helps!
RE: Hi Lori!

Angie- We can start whenever you would like. My b-day is June 4, maybe we could take 2 weeks off, and start again after that?? I doesn't really matter much to me, but I would like something special on my b-day, plus I am having a cookout on the 7th, I will be 40. UGH....I would really prefer to start again on the 8th or 9th of June. What do you think?? Well, enjoy those bars this weekend, they are good!!!!!
Lori S.

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