BFL Check-in #10


HI gals! Time to start another thread! I can't believe some of you are getting so close to the end! Congrats!!!! What week is everyone on? I am officially starting week 4 for challenge 2 as I did 5 weeks of the first challenge and then started over. So.... according to the first challenge dates I would be starting week 9 this week.

How about some weekly goals? Here are mine:
1. Drink more water!!!
2. Eat low fat, clean foods for 90% of meals!
3. More sleep!
4. Hit all 10's on workouts! Time to increase my weights on all!
5. Get to the gym 3 days! Need the extra weight on LB particularly.

I am feeling much better after my trip. I am even PMSing now and feel good :+ and that is a miracle! I did all of Gauntlet on Friday plus PLB stability ball and PUB abs. It felt fab! I am still sore. My legs are killin' me! I worked them REALLY hard at the gym last week on my trip! I took a free day from both food and working out yesterday. I knew my muscles needed the recovery time!

Today I am on for UB. Will probably do PUB and maybe 1 body part from S&H this afternoon after church. Haven't decided yet! Tomorrow will be cardio at the gym! (My fav step class:))

Well gotta hop in the shower for church. Thanks for listening to me while I ate my breakfast:)

HOpe you all have a happy, healthy BFL Sunday. Catch ya' later :7
Hi everyone,

This is the beginning on Week 9 for me. I did MIS upper body this morning. I am going to try to change things up for the last four weeks. I was doing the BFL way but need something different. I am thinking about doing MIS lower body with the stability ball section added on. I think that will be about 30-35 minute workout.

Had a good cardio workout on the treadmill Saturday. I upped my speed on almost all the intervals.

Goals for this week:
1. Eat well, don't go overboard on the food, stick to the correct portion
2. Try to run more on the treadmill
3. Since doing new workouts this week, go as heavy with weights as possible

have a great day,
Good Morning, I am beginning week 10 for me. WOW!!!!! I only have 3 weeks to go.My main goal this week is to just do my workouts. I have just felt so lazy lately. Today is my leg day and last week I bought some 25 lb. weight plates to put on my Rocker. I am so excited, I hope to REALLY feel the burn. My only other goal is to drink more water. I do good, but I would like to squeeze in a little more. Where is Lori Hart???
Lori S.
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi guys!

This is week 3 for me. The weekend was tough, and instead of having 1 free day, I had 3 free meals (one on Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

I didn't workout Friday (but it was supposed to be my rest day). But, I didn't do anything on Saturday either. It was a really busy family day, so I had to forego my workout (which was supposed to be my long run of 7 miles). I was able to catch up somewhat yesterday when I did a 5k run, PLB upper premix and BC core premix.

Yesterday, I was at a convention, but ditched it during the afternoon. Over the weekend, I got my summer wardrobe out, and nothing fits anymore, it's so depressing! :( So, I wanted to go shopping to get at least 1-2 pair of pants so I can go to work without wearing jeans. I was even more depressed after that. :( :( Nothing I would try on fit... nothing! Tops are ok, but bottoms, well, let's just say that's where the bulk of my weight is now.

Anyways, I will stick with BFL because if I abandon now, I won't see if this works for me or not.

I have some goals this week
1) At least 3 morning workouts;
2) Try not to cheat except on free day (which will be 1-2 free meals instead of a free day);
3) Not be so hard on myself for not being perfect.
Hi all!

Hey there! Looks like we are all feeling somewhat the same! Janick, your weekend sounds like a ditto of mine:)

I did a free meal on Friday night (chipotle with a tortilla!!) then a free meal on saturday that turned into 2 free meals. Then I was even a little bad on Sunday (had 1/3 my kids cheeseburger from McD's and some fries!)

Wow! I really have to get this free day thing under control. My calories were still good on Sunday but the fat was way up there! Imagine that....McD's will do it to ya'! I also laid down for what was suppose to be a 5 minute rest on Sunday afternoon and woke up 2.5 hours later! By then my 3 year old was up, DH was gone fishin' and I couldn't work out! uggghhh! Plus I was too tired to anyway.

I am PMSing and just wish the dang thing would come! I think that is why I am so tired! I figure it is just my body telling me to take a break!

So.... today I am being REALLY good! I am going to the gym after work for cardio and LB! Yeah! I love doing LB at the gym lately as I can work my legs with heavier wt so much easier! Plus the Monday night cardio class is KILLER! Definitely will be hittin' my 10's!

Tomorrow for UB I will probably do PUB as I Haven't done it in awhile. Will probably add something addtl. from another tape or from my wt machine as well??

I am so ready to be soooo good this week. I increased my carbs the last 2 weeks based on what that trainer told me. As you can guess..... have seen NO wt loss. So I am taking my calories back down to about 1500 and am going to keep with the BFL style 100%! I called EAS lastnight and even though they aren't suppose to... they verified that the split of carbs/protein/fat should work out to about 40/40/20 with the portions. Plus he said on average it should be about 10 calories per pound of body weight. However, countin' calories and bFL don't match up! Trust me... I tried doing it the past 2 weeks and am now playin' catch up! I should have just kept going how I was!

Well gotta get back to work! Have a FAB Monday and talk at ya' later!
RE: Hi Lori!


Check in time for me and I must say that LoriS, I am battling the lazies too! I haven't worked out since Thursday evening. But not only do I have the lazies I and tiring of the split routines. So tonight just for the sake of feeling as though I'm 'catching up', I plan to do either Power Hour or Muscle Endurance. Then hopefully back to splits soon but I may do a whole week of PH and ME with a day CTX cardio in between the weights.

Otherwise my goals for the week are to

1. work a little harder during cardio
2. keep drinking more water
3. use my journal!
4. read a motivational tip/idea daily
5. focus on obliques and back this week

I picked up a few new books this weekend at Borders. One was a motivational book called Psyche Up, there was a home training guide, a fruit and vegetable gardening book, a balance ball book called Get On The Ball and I also grabbed the latest edition of Oxygen. So I have some fun reading to do and maybe I'll rekindle my exercise spark while I'm at it too! :)

It's been really tough for me since week 7! I tend to get antsy and start scrambling for new workout ideas instead of completing the plan I've worked hard to map out! :(

Cross your fingers that I can get over this hump and continue the BFL style as originally planned. :7

I'll check back in tomorrow!
RE: Hi Lori!

ANGIE_ You CAN NOT stop now!!!! We are too close to the end!! I am getting bored kinda too, but I must finish. I am going to take my week off, I might workout a little, but then I am back at it. I will probably do some hour long step tapes, and ME, and Boot Camp. Plus C&W!!! I have not done any of these in their entirety. In July I am going to Dallas for 5 days for Premier. That will screw me up, but I will keep going. I did PUB yesterday, my legs are sore. I really upped my weights on my Rocker. Today I have cardio. Tomorrow I am going to do PS UB, just for something different. Have a good day everyone!!
Lori S.
RE: Hi Lori!

Okay, Okay! :)

I was thinking about this last night too while vegging out on the couch, just kidding! Actually I was doing laundry! I was really tired yesterday from the lack of sleep Sunday night but I am raring to go today!

LoriS, are you taking a break this week from the BFL plan? Or do you mean later, after the 12 weeks are up? Last I figured to give myself a break this week I would alternate PH, ME and the CTX cardios. The plan was to start last night but I was mentally and physically drained. Trying to function on 4 or less of sleep just doesn't cut it for me! I awoke this morning after a full nights' rest. I think I slept almost 8 hours! :D I feel much better today!

So Lori what do you think of my week of endurance work? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this.

RE: Hi Lori!

Hi guys! LoriS-I can't believe you are sooooo close! That is so awesome! Congrats!

Pfive - I think you should be fine on a week of endurance. Maybe just keep the weight high. Or maybe you should try changing your exercises first? What week are you in again? You are suppose to change your exercises every few weeks anyway! You might want to put a day of total body strength in there somewhere? Or do ME and work REALLY hard!

Today is UB for me and I am going to the gym after work. Can't wait!

I did cardio step and LB at gym lastnight. My legs are sooooooooo sore! Ouch! :eek: I took my betagen and am so glad I don't have to do anything with my legs workout wise today. I think I would probably fall over! The step class was killer and for legs I did extensions, deadlifts, presses, calf machine and hamstring curls. Funny how when you get the BFL thing down it is so easy to scream thru it particularly at the gym.

Can't wait for tonight as at the gym I can work my back so much better than at home! I love those cable pulls and pull back things.

Tomorrow I will probably do cardio at home in the morning. Not sure what yet? Probably a step video and some running on the treadmill.

I have to admit I am finally starting to get tired of the new Intensity series cardio a bit! I know all the moves by heart and find myself zoning out. It just depends on the day. Sometimes I get a killer workout but others I don't. I think it is mostly that it just isn't new anymore. I can't wait for her new stuff to come out. I guess you are bound to get sick of something you do 100 times, right??? Maybe it is time for me to get out some of the older stuff I haven't done in awhile?? Like BodyMax, Powermax, Step Jam??? Have you guys tried any of those lately? If so, do they work well for intensity intervals? I might do Mindy in the morning if I am feeling up to it.

Anyway, better get back to work! Sorry for the ramble. It is so nice to have you guys to chat with. Only you all understand my inability to make a decision even on a workout video! uugghhh! Thanks!
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi everyone,

Today was lower body for me and I did MIS lower body along with the Stability part of PLB. I needed to change things up a bit so it was the BFL way but I feel I got a good workout. My hips and butt are sore right now : )

Tomorrow is cardio and I will use my treadmill.

I am tired today but it could be due to TTOM. I have been fighting the cravings for chocolate and salty things. So far so good. I can fight them off. I don't want to mess up, have come to far to do that.

What are others planning on doing after the 12 weeks are up? I am thinking about doing another challenge but not sure how I want to do the weights. I will probably stick to the treadmill for cardio but wonder if I could use a few more endurance tapes mixed in with the heavy lifting tapes.

RE: Hi Lori!

Hi Everyone!!!!!

Angie- I will probably take a week break when I am done with the 12 weeks. I will probably still workout, but more fun work outs. I might lax a little on the eating. Then I am back at it.

I can see more muscle, especially the last week. I mostly can notice it in my UB. Hopefully my hips start moving soon.

Rhonda- I posted a recipe for No Bake Protein Bars, they will fill your chocolate craving!!! I eat 2 everyday. They taste so much like No Bake Cookies. They have literally saved me. Try them!!!!

I was going to do PS Ub today, but I am going to do MIS insead. Kinda short on time. Gotta Go!!!!
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi Everyone!

It sounds like everyone is doing great. I had started at the beginning with everyone, but it seemed like I was destined to fail. It is amazing how sometimes life can side-track ones efforts. After about 5 weeks I abandoned ship. In any case, I am seriously thinking about joining you all once again, but I want to try to set everything up and decide what to have for meals, what to do for workouts, etc. Just want to be prepared if I decide to do it again. For me failing to plan sets me up for failure.

In the meantime I was wondering if you all would mind sharing your results with me. I have learned so much from you all just by keeping up with your posts and it has been very encouraging. Boy do I wish I was on week 10 with you all. Fitnut I think you have BFL down to a science. I admire that. If I do this again I hope you don't mind if I bombard you with questions and suggestions. Thanks! :) :) :)

RE: Hi Lori!

Good morning everyone! I am so glad today is a new day:) Yesterday was tough for me! I was soooooooo PMSing. I ended up eating ramen noodles yesterday afternoon mainly because I was starving and had NOTHING but protein bars here at work. Uuggghhhh! I was craving something salty.

Sooooo.... today I am going to get serious again! Back to low fat, healthy clean food! My fat intake has been way too high lately. I know cuz I have been tracking it on Fitday! Ratios should be 40/40/20 on BFL. Mine have been like 35/35/30 the past couple weeks. Wondering if that is part of the reason for my fat loss! I am going to try and take whole eggs out of my diet and switch to egg beaters again. The eggs add so much fat but I LOVE them!

Welcome back Kristi! It is nice to have you with us again. Questions.... bring them on. Down to a science? You are giving me way too much credit. Most of what I have learned I have learned from friend who won BFL challenge last year for ages 33-39! Plus I call eAS all the time. I sware if you have a question about BFL, supplements, workout, food etc. just call EAS! They are sooooo helpful and have a line (option 5) for help on the BFL program! Their # is 800.297.9776. Don't know what I would have done without them??

I did UB at the gym lastnight! Worked my back soooo hard! Felt great! I was so proud of myself b/c I was so PMSing, tired and almost didn't work out. I came so close to driving right past the gym at 6:15 p.m. But instead I thought of how far I came and how mad I would be at myself for just NOT going! So, I pulled into the driveway and went! Yeah!!!

Today I did cardio. It was Mindy Mrlyea Awesome Intervals for 25 min and then 12 min on treadmill! Was sweatin' like a mad dog! Loved it!

Rhonda also glad to see you back!

Pfive - looks like you are doing fab!

LoriSax - congrats on the muscle definition! You'll have to post pics! My biceps are starting to show nicely. Shoulders are too! I wore a sleevelss shirt last weekend for hte first time in 2 years and actually felt comfortable and not like a tootsie roll! It made me feel so good!!!!!! We had an event with family and they ALL commented on my wt loss! It is kind of embarrassing as I don't know what to say when people say that. It is nice to tell them I have BFL to thank though!

I miss LoriHart. I hope she is having a FAB vacation!

Have a great BFL Wednesday! Talk to ya' later!
RE: Hi Lori!


What does everyone think about the new videos that Cathe is planning? I think they all sound great and probably will order them.

I need to find that recipe for the protein bars. I think I printed it off but have to see.

Hope everyone is doing well
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi Everybody!! :)

Okay, I feel so much better after doing Power Hour last night! I think I just needed a break from all those split routines...upper body, lower body...upper body, lower body! x( Oops! Throw in some cardio! Lori, Fitnut - thanks for the encouragement and the "oh no! you're not giving up now attitudes"!

I think I will polish off the week doing endurance! I love the warm-up in Power Hour! I feel it helps to pre-exhaust my back. And when I was doing the one arm rows and took a peek in the mirror I could see those muscles straining to come out in my shoulders, all the way down my arms! Oh, so exciting! I wish they would show through naturally, not just when I'm holding my weights. x( I'll get there right!

Rhonda - I'm planning to do another round but there will be a short break after this one. Like Fitnut, I want to do some fun workouts for a while then get back on the BFL plan. I think Lori's joining me. (LoriS?)

Kristi - hang around! :) Glad you're back with us! Maybe you can get in the second cycle which I think will start up sometime in June. I've got to plan better too! I've finally figured out that I need to have a very late snack at the office before heading home, then cook dinner for the family, do my workout and afterwards have a meal replacement shake as my dinner/post workout meal.

Fitnut - I had a pack of ramen for breakfast yesterday too! :eek: I split mine with my daughter though! It was just easier to make since we were running late. I know, I should have just grabbed one of my mrp's.....but I am a noodle addict and I couldn't resist. I really should stop bringing those into the house but the kids will occasionally have them after school - heaven forbid one of them just starts dinner!;)

Well tonight is cardio! I think I will do either 10-10-10 or Kickbox! I should probably do the Kickbox workout to help better my chances of tightening up this back/oblique fat that won't budge and I haven't the faintest idea where it came from or when it got there! x( :eek:

Rhonda - I think the new videos sounds fab-o! I can't wait to pre-order and I haven't even gotten bored, let alone mastered the Intensity Series! But I think the legs & glutes video will be my favorite. I was glancing at my rear last night thinking how I need to get to work! :D But I do want them all, so time to start putting a little aside so that I can have them! I printed off the descriptions too! :)

Have a great afternoon!
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi everyone

Angie - Glad to know that someone else is getting a little tired of the upper/lower body split. I like it but tomorrow was thinking of doing Power Hour. I did my treadmill workout this morning and watched Power hour and got me excited to do it.

I was actually thinking for the last four weeks to do one uppper, one lower, and one full body such as power hour along with the three cardios each week.

What other full body workouts by Cathe does everyone do while BFLing? I was thinking Power hour, ME and was wondering if Boot Camp would count like a weight workout or should I leave that out until I get done with BFL and do what I want for a couple weeks before tackling BFL again.

Hope everyone has a good day.

RE: Hi Lori!

Good Morning, everyone. Yes, Angie, I am joining you!!!!

FitNut, I am computer illereate, and do not know how to post pics. Maybe I could mail them to you and you could do it for me?? Or, maybe you could tell me how?? I did not get my before pics on disc either.

Well, I am a cardio day today. I will probably do the Gauntlet Cardio. I love that one. I have been switching back and forth between Imax Extreme and The Gauntlet cardio. I have fun with those.

Well, have a great day everyone!!!
Lori S.
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi chickies! How the heck are you on this beautiful Thursday morning. It is nice and cloudy here but feels great!

LoriSax - I am going to look into hosting a MSN groups site where all of us Catheites can post pics. I had offered it months ago and many were excited about it. I just never had the time to do it. Wonder if it will cost anything? Hopefully not!

I like you all am getting kind of tired of the splits. Since the beginning almost I have added in 1 day a week of total body (I usually do ME or BootCamp!) . Sometimes it has made me a bit sore though when it is time for the next body part day! But for the most part it has worked.

Today I am due for LB but am still sooooooo sore from Monday! Can't believe my legs are still sore. I had to move my LB to Monday since I missed Sunday's workout. I am thinking I might just do cardio tonight at the gym. It is my fav class! Then, I will do LB tomorrow instead and give my legs another day to recover??? I will probably do Gauntlet all of Gauntlet and throw in some extra of everything! Friday's are usually my total body day anyway!

I am really going to start crackin' down on my nutrition. I am really going to try and behave myself this Sat for my free day. I have been watching my food really closely since Sunday and can already tell. My DH told me last night it looks like I am losing wt again! I am NOT going to get on the scale though as it only depresses me!

LoriSax - can you please post that recipe for Protein bars again? I want to make them this weekend. I looked for the recipe but couldn't find it. Must be blind!

Well..... hope you all have a great day! Talk to ya' later tonight!
RE: Hi Lori!

Hi everyone!

I'm getting my stuff together. By Sunday I should be starting my first week. Today during lunch I went to GNC and picked up a Detour and U-Turn bar. Has anyone tried these? Supposedly one should taste like snickers and other milky way. If I like them then I may split 1 bar and make 2 meals out of it. They seem kind of big and with about 300 calories each would be too much for one meal, wouldn't it?

Thanks Fitnut for asking for the protein bar recipe. I'm compiling a list of things to make for meals. They sound perfect. I've also thought about making shannycakes maybe for breakfast.

Does anyone here make a big pot of vegetable or minestrone soup and divide it up and freeze it for meals? (I have a couple of low or no fat recipes that can be used BFL way.) I've been thinking that if I make food in advance then I will be less likely to cheat. Any ideas or suggestions?

Also, I was wondering if anyone has thought about doing their weekly workout like this: UB, LB, 2 days of cardio, UB, LB, or is it better to stick with the BFL method of training instead? Guess maybe I am putting the cart before the horse.

Thanks and sorry about all of the questions.

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