Best way to work legs...


Cathe, A quick question, I want to focus more on legs, would this schedule work:
Monday: 4DS legs
Tuesday: run
Wednesday: B&G
Thursday: run
Friday: GS legs
Saturday: off
Sunday: Muscle Max

Or is it better to stick w/ one leg workout for the week? i.e. 4DS Legs Mon. Wed. and Fri.? I know you're probably running around like crazy, but would like your imput. Thanks much, Kay
Good question as I am trying to focus on legs too. Hopefully, Cathe will take a minute to stop and breathe and can answer. ;-)
Not Cathe, but I thought I'd mention that her Aug. '07 Lower Body Solution rotation incorporated 2 lower body wt workouts each week plus one circuit workout. It was a great rotation for me. She used a different B&G premix each week plus another of her lower body wt workouts. It was nice because each LB workout was different and felt fresh. HTH and here's the link:

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I have been doing something very much like your proposed schedule for a few weeks now. I have to say, running can be compromised by having done a very tough leg weights routine the day before. I am finding that 2 weighted leg workouts per week, plus running, works me hard, but not so hard that I cannot run, nor am I hobbling about, sore as hell.

You can try this, but bring it down to 2 sessions for legs if soreness develops, which I really think it will.

Anyway, for a more balanced workout, I would sub a leg day for an upper body weight day, say PUB, since you only have MM once.

What exaclty is your goal? More mass or to lose weight and tone up? I use butts and guts sometimes, I find it to be more of an endurance workout. I need to put some mass on my legs, they are toned but look too skinny(to me anyway). Cathe's legs are amazing. I saw them at the road trip and would give anything to look like her!!!

i'm 5'5", around 130 lbs. I think I could stand to loose 10 lbs., but am having trouble loosing it. I definitly want to tone my legs! Any suggestions?:) Kay
Hi Kay! I work as a pesonal trainer at the University of Maine rec center. Working through the rep range of 1-7 is power and strength, 7-15 is hypertrophy(muscle building( and 15 plus is endurance training. I would suggest working your legs around 12 reps and going up in weight if you can get more than 15 reps. Diet is everything.
Hope this helps some!

Bridget,Thanks for the advice, I know diet is everything, i loose will power w/ snacks. I tend to crave crunchy/salty, pretzles don't cut it all the time, any suggestions? Much thanks, Kay
Hi Kay! I think you can do much worse than pretzels, although they do turn to glucose if not combined with protein. If you eat them with some protein they will absorb a little sloweer and not release as much insulin. You should consider figuring out your BMI and calculate the amount of calories pre day and try to stick with that amount and get the right percentages of protein,carbs and good fats. If you want to lose weight make a calorie deficient of roughly 500 calories per day, depending on your goal. I love calorie King software to keep track of my daily caloric intake. Just keep in mind your physical activity expends calories and increases metabolism.

Good luck!
thanks Bridget. My caloric intake should be around 1600. I find I do ok until after dinner, then I tend to graze. Once it gets nice outside, I don't usually come in till dark, then go to bed. What more can you tell me about this King software and/or website, sounds interesting... Kay
The web site is called There is a free 7 day trial. you enter in all your info suchas calories per day the % of each and it keeps track by adding everything up for you. Check it out it is amazing!!!
To help those munching cravings I just drink water or some tea or decaf coffee.


Another website you may want to look at is It is similar to except there is no fee for the online version (the downloadable software has a fee).


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