Best Pilates video/dvd for beginner


When I say beginner, I mean to pilates, not Cathe. I've been doing Cathe for 2.5 years so I'm on track with her!

The only thing that I have a problem with is that I have a very sore place on my back (think spine) that is tender when it comes to doing ab work on the floor. Hence, I usually do ball ab work. Does pilates put much pressure on the back like floor ab work?

Sue <><
I would highly recommend Pilates for Dummies. It has a beginner workout in which the instructor (Michelle Dozios) thoughtfully explains the move you will be doing. Then you do it. There is also an advanced workout to grow into.

Modifications are offered as well.

Winsor Pilates is good too, but the Pilates for Dummies DVD is only about $10 at Best Buy!

I don't know if this answers your back question, but I have slight sway back. As such, my lower back often arches when doing floor work. I find that with Pilates, the core and the back work together so well! You are so focused on holding in your core muscles to support your back, your breathing is so controlled, and you're really thinking about your body's position.
You could also try the Rael series--you can get the 3 pack from for like $13. He has series 7 (beginner), series 17 (intermediate) & series 27 (advanced).

There could be some lower back pressure for things like supermans, but you could just skip them if they cause discomfort.
I also agree with the Rael series. I would also suggest Quick Fix Pilates abs w/Keli Roberts. It has 3 10 min. segments to mix and match. She has two background exercisers that show beginner and advanced modifications as well.
I'd also recommend Pilates for Dummies. I just started taking a few Pilates classes at a studio and alot of the routines are what are done in the DVD. I don't feel like a total beginner at the pilates studio.

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