Best dvd/routines for improving tennis footwork


New Member

We have become big fans via fit tv. while i understand you are not a sport specific trainer, many routines include movements that would benefit an intermediate tennis player looking to dramatically improve footwork. Specifically, lateral agility, a more explosive first step, foot speed, and more powerful leap. That's all (!!!) While not by any means accomplished at step or aerobics exercise, I am fit and athletic. Any insight on what step or high step program to begin with? I like the pyramid lower body workout and would like something more dynamic to address my specific objectives above to compliment it. Thank you to you and any of your members who would be kind enough to respond.
Imax 2 or 3, but more than that the High Step circuit workouts: High Step Training Advanced, and High Step Circuit. The step is the little one, so you end up doing all kinds of jumps around that. The Imaxes have plyometric work in them so you can improve your explosive leaps, as well as some tough lateral work as well.

Since you said you aren't "accomplished at step" I'd say maybe Imax 2 would be better for you; I'm sure some will suggest Imax 1 but I can't since I don't have it. Yet. }( Anyway, the Imaxes are all a steady state step segment followed by some explosive work repeated throughout the workout.

You might like Drill Max, too. That's a circuit workout as well and the premixes are definitely something you can use to your advantage!! :) HTH
In addition to Amy G's suggestions, also consider the Four-Day Split's Boot Camp workout, which has some very good lateral-directed drills of varying speeds as well as some fast-foot drills.

Definitely agree with both previous posts. I am a former tennis player, and I was just thinking while doing the 4 day split- bootcamp section that it is very reminiscent of the sprint work that I once had to do at the end of tennis team practices. There are suicides in it and lots of side step shuffling. Plus, it has a good upper body weight workout at the end that should help with pronation on a kick serve.

Have fun!
Thanks so much to all for the great information. It is exactly what I was hoping for. I was checking out the dvd previews on the Cathe web site. Pretty intense! If I can get to that level it will elevate my game for sure! Thanks again. Much appreciated.

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