Best Cathe's for Body RX ????


I have some extra money and am ordering some Cathe's. The order is going out tomorrow. Although I plan to still do cardio 3 times a week I am incorporating or will be Body RX by Dr Connelly for weight training and the eating plan as well.

I wanna make sure I'm getting the right vids for this. Which ones are you Cathe people using for the 1st 3 cycles and the 4th too for that matter??????? I don't mind spending the money as I got it as a bonus at work today, very unexpected and am going to order right away!!!!!!

I do plan to get the new vids coming out with my Christmas bonus but for now I am getting a couple of cardio vids but mostly interested in weight training ones to use with Body RX.

Not knowing what the guidelines for BodyRx is,(although I'm very interested if you want to enlighten me:)!! )I'm going to tell you the video that helped my body the most. The PS Series, and BodyMax. I love them both very much!! BodyMax will give you cardio and weight in one session, or you can split it up. However you want to do it:). And the PS Series, well, I just think it is by far the best strength video set around. I have all the others too, but these work best for me.
Hope this helped!1 And if you can give me some insight into this BodyRx:)!!

Hi Edith
I am doing BodyRx too. I currently use the slow and heavy for my cycle one. In Cycle 2 - I plan on using MIS and in Cycle 3 I plan on using the P.S. series. I may have to change that about a bit though. Man is the S&H killing me! (In a good way of course!!!!!) I love the BodyRx eating, but I am finding it VERY difficult to eat this much food! But having said that, I do have more energy!

I would be interested to see what everybody else has to say - KathyH or Mindi!

Bye for now
Thanks Amy,Body RX is a book with a specific program for weight training and it'd take waaaaay more pages here for me to enlighten you on it than I"m sure we're allowed to take up on a post :-(. Sorry.

Hi Edith! In Cycle 1 I'm into my 4th week and using S&H tapes. For chest I lift exactly as the book states using the exercises that Cathe does but I'm eeking out 8 reps for my 3 sets and I'm not lifting in the slow fashion that Cathe is. However, on biceps I've changed it up a bit using alternated bicep curls and at 20# dumbbells believe you me I can only eek out 6 reps per set. I'm lifting traditionally but when Cathe gets to hammer curls, I incorporate the 10o tilt but lift traditionally not slow. For triceps I do the traditional kickbacks instead of the leaning over version in S&H tape. I'm lifting very heavy so had to change a few things up but not much. You can follow Cathe's tapes as is but I found to really heavy it up I had to change the exercises around a bit. I have to preview MIS and PS for Cycle 2 because I'm not quite sure which exercises I'll be doing yet for this Cycle. The new tapes (pyramid system) will not work for BodyRX because you do not go up in weight. Dr. Connelly wants you to blast your muscles from the get go instead of a gradual climb up in weight as with the pyramid system. I know this for a fact because I emailed him and he responded to me very quickly. I would purchase Cathe's S&H tapes and then keep track of your measurements to see how your progressing and we'll discuss what can be recommended for Cycle 2 and I'll let you know which tape I went with. Good luck! Kathy
Guys I'm in Cycle 2 of BRX and I used S&H for Cycle 1, its PERFECT weightwise. I did the requisite amount of reps tho so that I was able to get my 3minute rest while Cathe was finishing the set. For Cycle 2, I'm alternating MIS and PS. I use them mainly for form and 'company' if that makes sense, I do my five sets for each exercise I choose from the ones offered on those series. I love it!
Hi Mindi! Can you explain to me how you used both of these tapes? Did you preview both of them first and then do the exercises according to the recommended 4-5 sets for each exercise? I can't remember MIS too clearly. Thanks for your help. Kathy
Kathy I already had them! For example today is leg tonite I'll whip in MIS and do the leg part of it, all the squats, both plie and the regular. I won't do as many of the lunges cause my knees can't take them, so while Cathe's doing those, I'll still be doing 5 sets of each type of squat w/my barbell. Then I do the deadlifts and I add in calf raises. she does them on PS but not MIS.

I think I could easily do the entire leg routine from MIS and I'd be crying w/a pain. LOL but I try to stick to the BRX routine as closely as I can.

A tip? if you don't have a DVD, get one. they're WONDERFUL for use in this program.

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