Best Cathe videos for fat loss


New Member
Hi, I'm 43 years old with two children. I don't have any health problems, but I do need to lose 20-25 pounds. I worked out with Cathe and FIRM videos several years ago, got into fairly good shape, and lost the same amount of weight that I currently need to lose. That was just before Cathe released MIC and MIS, so that tells you how rusty I am! Cathe has made so many videos since then (and all of them look really great), I am confused and don't know where to start with trying to get back into shape.
For starters, I am wondering if I should try the Pyramids, Supersets, Push Pull, or something else. I would prefer to focus on two or three videos rather than a wide variety, since I have a tendency to get overwhelmed and accomplish very little when I have a big selection in front of me. Also, I am still in the dark ages and don't have a DVD player (yet).
Thanks for any advice!
Don't feel bad..I just recently got a DVD player and I have found the Cathe workouts in DVD alot more flexible. I still will keep all the VHS ones I have. I have read on many posts that circuit style workouts seem to burn the most fat. So Circuitmax is good. I also think Step Pump and Jump, Bootcamp, and the CTX series are good for fatburning also. Interval cardio workouts are also good for fatburning. Like Imax1 and Imax2 which don't use weights. I have the Pyramid and Slow & Heavy series which I like for intense weight workouts. Just my 2 cents...more
will post...:)...Carole
Hi there! I accomplished the most the fastest when I used BodyMax and Interval Max and was just starting out getting back in shape like you are. BodyMax has a nice mix of cardio, leg circuits, and upper body weight training. Interval Max blasts the fat! I would save the heavy weight workouts like Slow and Heavy for later on when you are back in shape.

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