I think Sheryl Crow has terrific arms and also a great body.
S sunnyside Cathlete Apr 8, 2009 #21 I think Sheryl Crow has terrific arms and also a great body. Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
Runcrazy Cathlete Apr 8, 2009 #22 Another vote for Linda Hamilton in Terminator...but she doesn't look like that any more! So I would have to go for Madonna or Jennifer Garner. Jo
Another vote for Linda Hamilton in Terminator...but she doesn't look like that any more! So I would have to go for Madonna or Jennifer Garner. Jo
C Calee Cathlete Apr 9, 2009 #23 I vote for Madonna also. She definitely proves that you can keep those hot muscles even into your fifties!
I vote for Madonna also. She definitely proves that you can keep those hot muscles even into your fifties!