Benefits of Running - How much is needed???


Hi All,

I have been running off and on (meaning sometimes not running for months at a time to running recreationally to enjoy the weather to running to train for a 5 or 10K). Well, now I want to focus on using my Hardcore workouts, and my schedule doesn't allow for much else. But I STILL want to gain the benfits of what running offers me - which is help slim my lower body, burn fat, and build endurance. Do you think I can achieve these benefits running just twice a week for half hour (2.5 to 3 miles) or should I push for 3 or 4 times per week? I don't want the lazy way out, but my schedule is just so jam-packed right now.

I feel your pain. My running has slowed down since I started the fat loss rotation. If you want to make running a priority and are training for a race I would drop one of Cathe's cardio's and run instead. I would push for 3 times a week. I should practice this also because I only ran once this week--tonight. Good luck.

Short runs a couple of times a week work fine if you go for a little more intensity. There are some really fun and butt kicking ways to run three miles. Running websites abound with them. If you run at a more moderate pace, increasing your mileage to compensate is nice too! :).
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Thanks ladies,

I do miss running - I may have to take your suggestion and sub a cardio for a run once per week. I think I'll shoot for 3 runs, but I won't beat myself up if I only squeeze in two. Regardless, I'm going for a nice run tomorrow morning, rain or shine!!!

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