Benefits of compound movements?


Can someone explain to me what the benefits are of compound movements (i.e. in cardio and weights, the plies with uprite rows, lunges with bicep curls). For me to be able to do the upper body work I have to go quite a bit lighter than I would normally go for the lunges etc. It feels like I shouldnt even be bothering with the leg portion. Can someone tell me there IS a purpose to it all?
My guess, with circuit training, you want to keep your heart rate in the aerobic zone. WIth compound movement in CW, you are also working your legs besides your upper body. Since your legs are your biggest muscle, your heart rate will stay in the aerobic zone. With just upper body work, your heart rate will go down substantially, may be outside your aerobic zone.
My two cents: Compound exercises are good for balance, coordination and concentration. Doing two things at once taxes different faculties and I believe is good for "functional" fitness, which relates more to needs of every day life than some of the more specialized trining we do.

Yes, it requires more balance and coordination to do a lunge and triceps press at the same time than it does to stand or sit and do the same exercise. It's also true though, that you can't use as much weight when you do it this way.

If you feel it's not effective, maybe just do the lunges holding heavier weights at your side, and then do the heavy weight upper body stuff.

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