Belly Button Ring - I did it! :o)


I finally got the fall up and went this weekend to get my ring! It was simple and painless and I was AMAZED! The aftercare has not been too burdensome and it seems to be doing very well. A little red around the entry and exit points but fine otherwise! And rather cute :eek:)

The only thing is that I noticed it is hanging a little bit more to one side. Has anyone noticed this with theirs and do you think it willl straighten itself out during the healing process?
Good for you ;o) It usually takes a few weeks before it heals sometimes longer. But, just keep it clean daily with the sea salt and you'll be fine. It may appear to hang one sided because its swollen, wait until all the swellen is gone and then you can see it much better SEXY.

Glad to see you went through with getting it:) ! If I wear a hoop it usually hangs a little to my right side, but it doesn't with a reverse ring or barbell. Good luck with it!!

Hey! Me too!!!! My twin sister and another sister went March 26th. Have to say hurt!!! Felt a litte uncomfortable at first, and took some getting uded to, but now I hardly notice it's there. And for those that insisted that I MUST wear low rise pants.....I don't, and it's just fine. Love how it looks!! Mindi
>And for those that insisted that
>I MUST wear low rise pants.....I don't, and it's just fine.
>Love how it looks!!

Mindi - doesn't it rub? I am having a hell of a time with my work suits rubbbing or hitting it. Or are your pants very high waists?
I am envious because I think they are adorable. I just don't know what I would think of it on myself. Any opinions out there on age limits for this? I have a good sized tattoo that I have had for many years, still love it, don't regret it one bit. But I was a lot younger when I did it.

Someone mentioned salt water, and I will be in Hawaii in a few weeks. I wonder if this will help or hurt healing. Planning on lots of swimming in the ocean with the kids.:)
The place that pierced me said that any public waters are a plaxe for infection. They cautioned to clean very well afterwards. Nobody mentioned that salt was good or bad though so I can't help you on that one.

You know what? I don't think there is an age limit at all! If it makes you feel good then go for it! I just wihs I knew it was this simple years ago b/c I would have done it then!
I'm going to be 40 in May--I have mine & will not be taking it out for years to come.

I was told to clean mine with salt water every couple of hours. If you have it done & swim in the ocean (or any body of water other than your bathtub), CLEAN IT VERY WELL AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

It was also recommended to use bactine a couple of times a day.

Mine hung slightly to one side for almost 6 months. It now hangs straight up & down.
Timber, actually my pants sit right around my beely button or above it. I've just learned to loosen my belt a little the first few weeks. Now I don't even notice it much at all! Mindi
Oh, I am so jealous! I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but I'm so chicken! I don't like pain at all!!! So it really didn't hurt? Did it sort of feel like getting your ears pieced? That kind of pinch? Also, where did you go to get it done? Did a doctor do it or did you go someplace that specializes in it? Thanks for the info!
Debbie in OH
I got my belly done before I got my ears done.The belly didn't hurt at all they used a rub on numbing ears did hurt.I was shocked that ear piercing hurt but the belly didn't.But the ear didn't hurt that long.I wear low rise pants all the time so I never noticed a rubbing I have had mine for 2 yrs and love changing different jewlery for it .
Congratulations Ladies!!

I wouldn't worry about age or anything like that. Belly button rings are very sexy on women with flat or even fairly flat abs. I love seeing them at the club and they actually make me a little weak in the knees I must admit. :)
This may sound completely silly but for the ladies having troubles with work clothes rubbing the ring, why couldn't you just put a small piece of cotton ball over it with a small piece of first ais tape holding it over the ring? Would that work? Or make it worse?
I am toying with getting another earring in my left ear. I already have one hole there but was hoping to have a stud and small hoop together. Any thoughts on that? What do you think of guys with earrings? What about one in each ear? I'd welcome your thoughts...
Again, regardless of age, I say go 4 it as far as the belly rings go. Guys love them and I bet it would give you a little extra body confidence when showing it off.
>Oh, I am so jealous! I've been wanting to do this for a
>while now, but I'm so chicken! I don't like pain at all!!!
>So it really didn't hurt? Did it sort of feel like getting
>your ears pieced? That kind of pinch? Also, where did you go
>to get it done? Did a doctor do it or did you go someplace
>that specializes in it? Thanks for the info!
>Debbie in OH

I got mine done at a tattoo parlor/body peircing place in NH. I checked out a few places, but in the end, I opted for this place b/c two friends had gone there and had very good experiences. They said it was easy as pie and they had no infection. I think that I had an overly easy peircing, according to people that I have spoken to, b/c I literally felt no pain. I felt what running a safety pin needle across your tummy (just running, not realy putting any pressure) would feel like and then a tiny tinge of pain when she clasped the ring. It wa much easier than any ear piercing that I have ever had. By the way, I am a HUGE baby about pain and things like that so don't think I am saying this b/c I am a toughie! I was not numbed at all and it took literally ten minutes from start to finish (filling out paperwork, cleaning, etc.) with about a two second period for the piercing.

AND I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID IT! I don't have a perfectly flat stomach at all - in fact, I have a pouch and I would change my stomach if I could change one thing, but I am still wishing I did it ten years ago! More motivation for Ab work!

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