<--- Because every little thing is gonna be all right...

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--says first lunch was veggies with hummus aka yummus
<--says second lunch will be a bit of white chili with a big ol' spinach salad
<--is looking forward to afternoon snack of pineapple and kiwi
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---tells Robin that <---runs too slow to make it to the tornado shelter in time :p
<---still doesn't see any tornadoes
<---thinks the sun is actually coming out
<---is LOL at Beavs' "yummus", and it also drooling ;)
<---has clementines and soy crisps for an afternoon snack
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--waves at everyone!
<--is super excited to meet the OALC gang on the mmm-mmmm
<--LOVES Miss "The Sophisticated's" new glasses!!!
<--says they look very stylish!!
<--LOL at the kielbasa!
<--sends lots of hugs to the ones who need them!!! (Kara)
<--is hoarding the golden coffee pot right now!
<--is ready for a nap, though
<--needs to get S&H legs done!
<--tells Nancy that the <--boards wouldn't be the same without her!!!
<--she could NEVER wear out her welcome!!
<--sends lots of cyber hugs/vibes to Sparkley and Melody, oh, and Bobbi!!!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--hugs for Kara
<--is ashamed of <--'s lunch Fazoli's baked ziti
<--Promises to have a big salad for din din !!

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---is having lunch
<---'s lunch is not nearly as good as Beav's
<---wonders if Beavs will shave teapot and lunch?
<---is apparently a big mooch!
<---did Cardio Fusion step pre-mix this AM :) fun
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--tells Robin that, actually, PDT asked me to meet him at the airport gate with a dozen salads! :D
<--says he must really miss our salad dinners :D :D
<--doesn't think he'll want to even look at kielbasa when he comes home
<--would promptly trash it in any event ;)
<--can just imagine LEARNING step aerobics for the FIRST TIME in a room full of Catheites!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
<--says talk about being askeered!
<--is taking Friday off and is going to spend the whole day shopping for herself :D :D
<--says that should take my mind off the birthday }( :D
<--says ooops, lunch is over
ETA:<--is very sorry to hear about Kara's grandpa!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---hopes Nancy has a marvelous Friday
<---has also taken Friday off and will do last bit of bedroom painting and a workout
<---will be leaving for weekend trip to Philly on Friday afternoon
<---will miss Nancy's birthday, unless <--can find a computer at the hotel, so will wish her a wonderful salad filled day now
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---agrees that Nancy has pleeeeenty of time to learn step aerobics before the mmmm-mmmmmm ;)
<---thinks she better get started soon so she can be up to speed on all her knee repeaters, double ricochets and pendulums
<---thinks taking a day off to go shopping is a marvelous idea :D
<---is jealous of Catherine's weather
<---should at least be thankful that the tornado sirens have stopped (I think)
<---would like to take a nap now, please *snore*
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--is too glad that there are no more tornado sirens in Catherine land
<--thinks Nancy should get a nuggy for being silly
<--feels like a step aerobics a** and is going to go to the mmm-mmm anyway
<--informs MSY that the pot is of green tea and passes it along
<--is sorta windy from her healthy meals
<--is glad to have a doggy to blame it on
<--- breaks out in hysterical laughter every time she sees "mmmm-mmmm"
<--- would love a little yummus with veggies, and maybe some WW pita bread
<--- will hold Catherine to her "big salad for dinner" promise:p
<--- tells Nance that Catheland just wouldn't be the same without her!
<--- wants Nance to go to the mmmm-mmmm for her!
<--- will live vicariously through Nance
<--- says Nance would be the perfect replacement for Miss Lee because <--- can't do step to save herself
<--- cannot understand how "Cardio Fusion" and "fun" could be used in the same sentence:eek: :p
<--- is getting a second wind and might...MIGHT be able to do some ccccardio
<--- just got home from the store and made 2 discoveries; 1) her milk carton is leaking, and 2) she forgot to pick up the main ingredient for her dinner entree x(
<--- better go back to the store now while she still has some energy

<--- edits to say she's glad she's not down wind from Beavs:p
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---tells Beavs that the tornado sirens were in Emily-land
<---thinks there should really be a place called Emily-land ;)
<---looks like a doof during all kinds of aerobic activities, but that won't stop <--- from going on the mmm-mmmm
<---wonders if Beavs could pass some grean tea over this way :)
<---is a tea junkie
<---had red tea this morning :9
<---has very windy kitties
<---no really, it's the cats ;)
<--- is going to go absolutely insane listening to talk of the mmmmm mmmmmmm for the next FIVE FREAKING LONG INSUFFERABLE MONTHS
<--- thinks Nance would be crazy not to go on the RT if she can
<---tells Shelley that if the mmmm-mmmm talk is going to bug her so much, she is just going to have to sign up for the mmm-mmmmm! :p
<---understands Catherine's carb-induced coma
<---is in a carb-induced coma too (<---had Penne with Zucchini, Beans and Tomatoes for lunch)
<---but at least <---- could run a marathon tomorrow if <--- had to
<---yells "More CARBS!"
<---clearly isn't into the Atkins diet ;)
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---gets dizzy watching Catherine's gymnist and wants to push her around the bar
<---has overloaded on sugar
<---says co-worker brought spice cake with cream cheese icing
<---adds that she says she is on a diet and she only eats the cake
<---is on a diet too, and only eats the icing
<---says between us, there is no waste
<---or should <--say no waist

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