<--- Because every little thing is gonna be all right...

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--Says Thank You to shelly!
<--Have a great day gals!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--thinks using the name "Amelia" is brilliant
<--explains to Robin that <-- did Cathe's strength training for many years until the whole partnership thing started to rear its head about 1.5 years ago
<--did PS, S&H, the Pyramids, Power Hour, ME, etc. religiously
<--had to cut way back to move career forward :(
<--is now a little weakling, trying to get back a little of what she lost
<--of course, became hopelessly addicted to these forums in the process, and can't seem to tear herself away :p
<--should consider getting to the office
ETA:<--sometimes wonders if Cathe feels that <-- has overstayed her welcome :(
Hi Judy!

Here is the link for your smiley!

h t t p : / / w w w . s m i l e y h u t . c o m / s i l l y / a r r o w h e a d . g i f

(Take out spaces...I had to put the spaces between so it didn't post as THE smiley!)http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--waves goodmorning to all the lovely ladies
<--has been looking at roadtrip info
<--wants to go <--nervous
<--Tells shelley her daughter is beautiful with her new glasses
<--cant keep up with this thread this am
<--is off to buy paint for spare bedroom

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--says this tea-bag twin is so far planning on going to the mmm-mmmm
<--is rather nervous about the prospect of meeting so many
<--doesn't like to work out in public unless it is Jazzercise where <-- is more advanced than most
<--chuckles when crowd lets out a "whew!" just for doing squats
<--invites them all to give Butts and Guts a try..."Whhhhheeeeewwwwwww!"
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---says "Hey Mon!"
<---thinks Sophie looks super cool in her new glasses
<---tells Robin that <---is strongly considering going on the mmmmm-mmmmm and will proudly wear her OAL t-shirt :)
<---is also praying for Tammy and Maeghan
<---hopes MSY had fun with Cardio Fusion
<---sends hugs to Judy and wonders what kind of smoothie she's having
<---is going to a funeral (well, visitation, actually) tonight for a coworker who died from a gun accident
<---can't believe he's gone; he was a really great guy
<---is happy to hear that Robin has finally figured out how to operate those coffee-pot thingies ;-)
<---assures Beth that ALL DHs are incapable of trying to make the bed
<---hopes Shannon's office warms up soon!
<---is sweating in <---'s office
<---hopes Catherine can get more sleep
<---waves hi to Beavs and says "I may be going on the RT" :) (how's that for wishy-washy?)
<---tells Amelia that she has plenty of time to save up for the RT! :)
<---tells Nance that the best way to try Bootcamp, kickbox or step workouts is IN PERSON! :D
<---would sooo love to meet all you lovely ladies in person
<---just now realized that Amelia used to be A3. DUH!
<---loves the name Amelia!
<---is so happy that spring has finally sprung
<---is not happy that <---will soon be mowing the lawn
<---wonders if <---'s neighbors would be upset if <--- installed astroturf in place of the grass :p
<--- has read ^^^ posts but is way too tired to respond to everyone
<--- wants to send feel better vibes to Judy's DD
<--- wants to tell Judy the TN Orange funeral dress code is a fantastic idea, and agrees that a celebration of life is the way to go
<--- loves the name Amelia
<--- is feeling down and out about the mmmm-mmmm
<--- can empathize with Catherine as she has not slept for 2 days in a row now and can barely function today
<--- is dying to meet <--- posters and the Haters
<--- is about to do a little yoga or something, and wants to study some Italian
<--- has not received her Italian word of the day yet and wants it now
<--- hugs and prayers for Tammy and her family
<--- hugs and prayers for all in in need
<--- might BBL :* :*
<--- sends Michele an Italian word of the day
<--- tells Michele "dormire" (door-meer-ay), which means "to sleep":p
<--- is sending all sorts of hugs and positivity to all who need it
<--sympathy for Michele and lack of sleep <--knows how miserable it is esp after a couple of nights in a row!!
<--is with Emily about the Astroturf!!
<--has never exercised before in a live class :eek:
<--waves to Melissa!! and says <-- is nervous too!!

<--DH just rolled his eyes when talking to him about mmmm mmmmmm

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---sending warmth to Shannon
<---sending cold to Emily
<---sending dormire vibes to Michele and Catherine
<---hopes also you wishy-washers end up at the mmm-mmm
<---tells Nancy she could never overstay her welcome
<---wonders what kind of wonderful Polish gift Nancy will get on her DT's return - a big, fat kielbasa }( perhaps
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---wants you all to know that my coworkers and <--tried to spell kielbasa by committee and ended up having to go to dictionary.com
<---would say, "How do you spell kielbasa?" and would hear, "k...."
<---tells Catherine my DH is past the eye rolling when <--mention Cathe
<---was very nervous about the last Ro - oh, mmm-mmm, until <--had to cancel at the last moment due to a family emergency
<---is no longer nervous about meeting Cathe friends in person and can't wait to get sweaty with ya'll
<---doesn't even worry about her jiggly thighs, saggy belly or huge, dimply butt
<---know youse will all be mesmerized by seeing Cathe and crew in person and won't even glance my way
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--apologizes for being MIA, but has been thinking of y'all
<--'s kidlets are on spring break, but <-- is NOT and that just, well, stinks!
<--'s grandpa died Monday and even though he had been rather ill for the past two years, DS and DD were close to him and have been very upset. :-(
<--will *help* them send flowers and cards to their great-grandma today, though :)
<--wants a t-shirt!
<--wants to attend the roadtrip and actually thinks that it doesn't conflict with anything, but is all askeered about it :eek:
<--wants to meet as many of you lovely ladies as possible, though :)
<--has to run, but saw Sophie's pics and she looks adorable!
<--will BBL :*
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---tells Catherine that DH also is a mmm-mmm eye roller
<---says <---will start rolling eyes at all fishing/hunting excursions
<---is planning on going to mmm-mmm but is nervous too
<---thinks Emily should market Astro-lawn idea
<---sympathizes with all non-sleepers!!!
<---sends warm wishes to Kara

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---is so sorry to hear about Kara's grandpa (((hugs)))
<---tells Kara not to be askeered about the RT
<---was askeered before the '05 RT, but once <--- got there, realized there was nothing to be askeered about
<---wonders how many times <--- can use the word askeered in one post
<---tells Robin "pshaw!" regarding her so-called jiggly thighs and dimply butt and all that stuff
<---says "It's all a lie!"
<---is pretty jiggly in some places
<---looks like a loony when kickboxing
<---doesn't really care
<---will probably go on the RT anyway :D
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--- runs in to {{{{{HUG}}}}} Kara and offer her most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your grandpa
<--- thanks everyone for the sleep sympathy
<--- also LOVES Sophie's glasses!
<--- thanks Shelley for the Italian word of the day:)
<--- is ROTFLOL about PDT bringing home kielbasa }(
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---tells Catherine and Beth that DH will also be rolling his eyes at mention of the mmmm-mmm
<---hasn't brought it up with DH yet, but probably should before Friday, eh? ;)
<---thinks that one can already buy artificial grass for lawns (<--- swears she's seen it on HGTV or something)
<---is wondering if the power is going to go out soon because the lights in the office keep flickering
<---is getting some thunderstorms today (welcome, Spring!)
<---thinks lunch time can't get here fast enough :9
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---pops back in to ask if someone mentioned lunch?
<---tells Emily that isn't thunder, it's my tummy rumbling
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<-- runs through yelling HI HAPPY SPRING!!!!!
<-- runs out mumbling something about ERISA and a case...
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---tells Robin, "No, that's my tummy rumbling"
<---thinks perhaps Robin and <--- have dueling tummies
<---wonders what everyone's having for lunch today
<---just had <---'s picture taken with the Caterpillar NASCAR
<---doesn't really care much about NASCAR, but got free goodies (including a rice krispie treat :eek:)
<---wonders why the tornado sirens are going off
<---doesn't see any tornadoes
<---thinks someone hit the button a little too soon
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---thinks Emily should start running for the tornado shelter since she is a really slow runner
<---says hey, it's her own words

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