<--- Because every little thing is gonna be all right...


<--- waves good morning to all
<--- is channeling Mr. Marley this morning, mon
<--- hopes the weather people are right about it warming up a bit today
<--- says Sophie got her glasses last night and will post pics today:)
<--- thinks they make her look awfully grown up
<--- didn't have time to get Sophie to do t-shirt artwork last night because of the glasses pick up, but will do it today
<--- must get her day started
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---snaps finger, tap foot and wails "No woman, no cry"
<---wonders if Sophie was amazed at how clear everything becomes when you slip on your glasses?
<---is very disappointed at how many OALWC won't be at the mmmm-mmmm
<---will be the only one there wearing a OALWC tee shirt
<---continues to pray for Tammy and her mom and Maeghan
<---is headed to work and will see you later
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---loves the glasses!
<---may start referring to "Sophie the Sophisticated"
<---hopes Shelley's PMS/funk is beginning to resolve
<---waves to Robin, probably already hard at work
<---offers prayers to Tammy, Meaghan, and anyone else who may need them
<---is off to do a little Cardio Fusion
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--- thinks Miss Sophie is just lovely in her new glasses
<--- waves to the OALC this morning
<--- still wakes up sad but
<--- will find something 'Tennessee orange' to wear to the funeral on Friday

<--- Nina is doing ok; just eating soft food
<--- will make her a smoothie in a bit

<---didn't see link for arrow smiley can anyone repost it?

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--- inquires about Tammy and her Mom today?
<--- sends them love

<--- sends Mel and Meg love in absentia

<--- got a forwarded e-mail from BOBBI
<--- replied right away with inquiries about her!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---will have to wait till home in the afternoon to see Sophisticated Sophie:(
<---is also looking forward to seeing the messy kitchen
<---tells Judy wearing Tenn Orange to the funeral is brilliant
<---thinks Judy and ED's friend must have been a wonderful man and imagines heaven opened their arms to him
<---is also glad to hear Judy's DD is able to take nourishment
<---asks Judy to tell Bobbi she is missed
<---has discovered that the coffeepot, while full of water and coffee, won't actually make the coffee unless the ON switch is depressed
<---would be depressed too, if there was no coffee ready at break time
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---waves good morning to everyone
<---agrees with MSY about the new glasses
<---tells Shelley that the kitchen looks very clean compared to <--- kitchen right now:)
<---is laughing at attempts to make their beds by DD,DS1, and DS2
<---is not laughing at DH's inability to even attempt to make the bed
<---hopes Robin has a good day at work
<---has to teach PIYO this morning and has major DOMS from doing B&G yesterday
<---will be lucky if she can even do child's pose
<---sends prayers and hugs to those who are going through difficult times

RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---thinks Judy's friend would like to look down from heaven and see some TN orange
<---thinks it would help funeral feel like a celebration of his life as well as sorrow at his passing
<---must have missed something - why is Judy's DD only drinking liquid nutrtion?
<---later gators:7
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---waves good morning to all
<---loves Sophie's glasses!!!
<---thinks that "Sophie the Sophisticated" is right on the nose
<---believes that wearing cheerful, bright colors to a funeral is the way go go
<---thinks that mourning a lost, loved one is necessary, but we should celebrate and honor the time he was with us, too
<---remembers an aunt's funeral, where relatives were dancing in the aisles of the church, etc.
<---hopes Judy and family are able to find some joy during a very sad time
<---is still freezing cold in this darned office
<--is disappointed <-- can't see Sophie's glasses as everything is filtered in corporate land
<--is sipping tea and wondering if MSY is doing the same
<--sends Judy a hug and thinks her friend would smile at Tennessee Orange
<--sends prayers to Tammy and her mom as well as Meaghan
<--hopes Shannon's office warms up soon
<--waves to and welcomes Beth
<--wonders who is going on the road trip
<--wishes all a great day
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--waves hi to all ^^^ and vvv
<--sends hugs to Judy and likes her idea of TN orange!!
<--loves "Sophie the Sophisticated"
<--tells Robin <--is planning on Road Tripping!!
<--sends Shannon another blanket
<--thinks Shannon must work with menopausal women
<--LOL at Beths kiddos and bed making!
<--hopes MSY has fun with Cardiofusion
<--was up again at 2 am :(
<--needs more coffee <--really needs more sleep

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

<--Says goodmornig!
<--Can't get smiley to post right,has copied but computer won't let me paste!(I paste the url in the signature,right?)
<--Loves Sophie's glasses!
<--Would love to go on road trip to meet everybody,but will have to wait until I can get the funds!:-( !
<--Waves to everybody!
<---tells Catherine that nope, no menopausal women here
<---says they're all younger than <---!!!
<---is actually quite a bit closer to that wonderful time than anyone else in this office
<---really feels for Catherine about the early wake-up - ugh
<---suggests she put the coffee down and crawl back into bed
<---waves hi to Beavs and Punk... is that another Amy?
<--waves good morning
<--LOVES LOVES Miss Sophie's glasses!
<--thinks Miss Sophie has very fine taste
<--spies Mr. Prancypants in the background and sends him a hug! :D
<--loves Shelley's kitchen and wants one like that, please
<--sends more hugs to Judy and asks what "Tennessee Orange" is?
<--tells Judy the soft food thing is only for a day or so
<--will have to give some thought to the whole mmm-mmmm thing
<--pretty much just wants to meet all of you guys, and hardly "knows" anyone else
<--has never done Bootcamp or Kickbox or any step workouts!
<--can't really think of any reason to go, unless more of you are going, and even then, doesn't find big crowds a great way to get to know people anyhoo
<--needs a refill
<--Answers Shannon with yes,....I'm another Amy;-)!
<--but will go by my first name instead(Amelia)since "Amy" is quite popular here:) !
<--needs to start the day!
<--Hopes everybody has a wonderfull day!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<---plans on going to mmm-mmm and tells Catherine we will know each other by our tee shirts
<---thinks it's funny that Catheland is such a big part of Nancy's life, but she doesn't do many (any?) of Cathe's workouts
<---hopes Shannon gets a hot flash soon
<---is menopausal and sweats every night, but still freezes all day
<---wonders when punka became Amelia, but likes it better then A3
<---waves happy day to Beavs and MSY, the teabag twins
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--is still trying to figure out smiley,sorry, testing!
RE: <--- Because every little thing is gonna be all rig...

<--- tells Amelia she needs to put a space between "Amelia" and the URL for the smiley ;)
<--- thanks everyone for the Sophie glasses compliments
<--- will share them with her tonight:)
<--- will also pass Nance's hug along to Mr. PP
<--- is hungry already

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