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Lorie- glad to hear you got in a good sweaty workout with the EXT.
The circuit circus will give you an awesome workout even using the walking speed.... they take it up to 5.0 I believe and if you raise the incline you will be WORKING!!! The first thing I thought about as I read your symptoms was an ovarian cyst to be honest. Glad to hear you are jumping right on this and getting it checked out. If it does turn out to be this you ought be be able to get it taken care of alot more simply than the last time.
Please update us as soon as you can!
Lori- My goodness I'm impressed that you are up so early and jumping right into your workout!! Good luck with the 8 miles... already burning the rubber on that new TM!
Cathy- Hey, you're a cheetah and aught to be able to beat all those wimpy teachers to the copier (LOL) Glad to hear that you will keep us posted on how you are doing during this hectic time. No worries about keeping up with personals!! Ya know we love ya!
SunnyD- Thanks so much for the recommendation on that new workout.
Sounds like something right up my alley! }( I don't think I have any jump rope workout.... very intriguing.
Wendi- Wow! A workout at 0430.... you're determination and stamina is awe inspiring!
Wendy- Hope you get in some good satisfying cardio today! As much as I love cardio (especially running of course) I'm really getting inspired in my weight work lately.... I'm even eyeing purchasing a squat rack now
. I have S&H in my collection but rarely use it.
Maybe I should dust it off soon.
Christine- Let me know how the KB workout goes with the weighted gloves. I'll be curious to hear if they make a big difference or not.
Kristi- AWESOME workout for you with the PUB and HIIT!! Way to go!
Judy- 9 miles yesterday????
Girl, you're goal should be a half marathon.... not some measly 10k!! going to do abs on the bosu today?
Carole- That was a nice change up for you yesterday using the Nordictrack. Have you ever done crosscountry skiing? That's supposed to be an awesome cardio burning event. I've never been attracted to the idea of regular skiing but the cross country variety would interest me. Have a great time today with the slo mo and your run.
Jackie- Fantastic time on your iTread time today! You are going to kick some serious bootie on your next 5k }(
Dallas- So just how cold is it where you are? It'll be down to 15 degrees here tomorrow so I'm glad I'm doing my long run today!
RS is a great fun workout! I wonder if this one would be good on the bosu? hmmmmmm.
Posh! Whatchaupto?
Time to get the fanny moving... DH just got up!
Shelly... the crazycheetah;-)
I should make the effort and download a nice signature line I guess.