BB Update: 10/8/03---3:12 pm

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! There needs to be a change in our plan. After sending home Kick, Punch, and Crunch with a volunteer test group last night to view for approval, the majority stated that they felt the clarity was acceptable 85% of the time but there were a few spots where it was hard to hear me. That being the case, I have decided to wait and get ALL of the videos redone. My feeling is that while you may not totally mind the sound quality of Kick, Punch, & Crunch as it is now, you will notice a huge difference after the others come back sound corrected and you would probably be wishing that Kick Punch & Crunch sounded equally clear.

Here is the new plan:

Tomorrow night Chris and I will go to the editing studio (this is a special arrangement we worked out with them) and stay there until the remastering is complete. The next step is duplication. We are currently waiting for a reply as to when they can do another mass production run for us. They understand our urgency and are making many calls to work some magic for us. At this time we cannot give you a date as to when you can expect the new videos but I can assure you that we are working hard to have them do this within a week. Again, we cannot promise this date but they understand our urgency and are REALLY working hard to get as close to this time frame as possible.

You have all been very supportive and wonderful. I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me. I will keep you posted as more information becomes available :)
Thank you, thank you! They will be worth the wait!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I know they posted earlier that this was not a problem with the DVDs but does this take time away from you guys working on the DVDs? I just was curious. I know you are working hard and doing everything possible. Thanks for all the hard work!!
As far as I'm concerned, you're working extremely hard to make us happy, and you deserve all the support in the world. If it takes a month, so be it. We know you're doing your absolute best!

Thanks as always
Thank you Cathe! We are all behind you! I do have other videos of yours I can do in the meantime to get me by! :7 :7 :7
Hi Alandrum! No this won't effect the DVD progress. There is a separate team that works on this. Chris does supervise the team that works on this but the VHS problem shouldn't cause any delays on the DVD's :)
Cathe, no worries here. You guys just do your thing. Thanks for being so upfront with us, it is very appreciated. That straightforwardness alone is worth it's weight in gold! But the product isn't bad either ;)
Cathe, I forgot to tell you, in anticipation of your new set, I've been pulling out some oldies but goodies that I haven't done in a long time: MIS, PS series. I love them! (My butt is currently fried from MIS last night.)
Take care,
Thanks for the update Cathe! Frankly, I would rather have good quality than not be happy with what I received, so take the time you need to correct the flaws!

Have a great day!
Hi Cathe! I can feel your stress in your words to us. Please please take as much time as you need; we're always behind you 110%. We know you've never failed us. Take care & I hope you have an unstressful evening! Love to ya! Kathy:*
Oh my gosh, you poor thing! You and Chris are doing a great job, I can't believe that you are going to go there and spend, what it sounds like, a very long night fixing this problem.
You have to look at it this way I guess, at least you didn't ship them out assuming that they were ok and get a most of them back with huge complaints, right?! So, thank you for checking everything out for everyones viewing pleasure, and a little less stress than it could have been had you not.
I personally did not order the VHS, but am glad to hear you take such care in previewing the tapes, and DVD's before shipping them.

Thank you!
I feel so sorry for YOU. All the extra work and the expense of having to re-do the videos.
As the others have all ready mentioned, I also thank you for thinking of your customers first. You are a first class person all the way.:)

As for myself, I'm in 'training' mode. I'm working very very vigorously with your other videos in a mish mosh (as AJ says) just to get in shape for your new workouts...and I've got a ways to go yet.}(
So I'm preoccupied.:p
Please know that your frustration is felt, your urgency is appreciated, and your efforts are applauded.

Despite this setback, your updates and sentiments once again prove that SNM is the best!
Thanks Cathe!! Your dedication and professionalism is why we're here, loyal to you and willing to wait for the finished, perfect product!! Thanks for keeping us so informed!!

>Hi Alandrum! No this won't effect the DVD progress. There
>is a separate team that works on this. Chris does supervise
>the team that works on this but the VHS problem shouldn't
>cause any delays on the DVD's :)

Thanks for the update. Good luck and our thoughts are with you this next week!
You have got to be totally stressed about this - don't be!

I totally understand that this is completely out of your control and you have my support 100%.

Try to have a good week and relax! I am willing to wait for an excellent product and I know you will deliver it.

From the sound of the posts before mine, everyone agrees with me.
I ordered the DVDs and I know you said that it would not effect the production of the DVDs. But speaking for myself, if getting the videos done right should prove to delay production of the DVDs, that is fine with me. You produce the best product out there and I have always admired your dedication to quality and innovation. Your DVDs and videos are worth waiting for.

I am just so sorry that you are having to go through this. Thank you for being so dedicated to the quality of your product and customer service. You guys are the best.

Your workouts are incredible, and well worth any extra wait. Don't stress out too much! For all you do for us, we can certainly wait patiently a little longer.

Thanks, again!

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