Basic Step and Body Fusion

Miss Lee


I'm new to this forum and to Cathe DVD's. I just purchased the Basic Step and Body Fusion DVD and have watched it through without doing the workout just to get a feel for it. It's exactly what I was looking for! I have a question, though. Can anyone tell me what size dumbells Cathe is using? Also, can you recommend a good exercise mat? Thank you so much.
Michele :)
Hi Michele!

I've been exercising for 12 years and I still like BS/BF-the addons are great for me when time is short. I think Cathe uses the tubing and 3 pound weights. I use much heavier and you can too as you build strength. If you're new to strength training, start there-if not, use a weight you prefer. I also change weights depending on what exercise she does.

Can't help you with a mat-I only have a yoga "sticky" mat and I got mine at Walmart. You might be able to find another type of exercise mat there as well.

Take care and have fun,

I workout in my basement and I bought a puzzle mat at Sam's Club. Each "piece" is about 2'x2' and they just interlock with each other. I think it gives me plenty of cushioning. Hope this helps!


P.S. I think I paid about $17 for eight puzzle pieces.

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