Barbell Question


I received a barbell and plates for christmas. My father bought it for he was a little confused as what to get. He bought me the standard (silver color/steel..I guess) set with the ridges on the end and the plates screw on. My question... the bar is way too long. I think it's 17" long? Would I be able to just buy a small bar (any brand) and still use the plates that I have? And what size barbell's are out there?? Any suggestions on the size to buy?

The Troy Lite barbell has a much shorter bar that weighs about 5 pounds, and can accommodate about 80 pounds of weight plates on them. I have it and it's great! Also think about getting a barbell pad for your neck if you're using it for barbell squats and lunges., I think!

If I'm wrong on the website address, someone correct me!

I have two different steel barbells and the weight plates fit on both. I'm 5'1" and my bar is 5 ft long and is a perfect length. If you do get a new bar, I'd recommend not getting one that has the screw on ends like you describe. I'd go for the one where there is a clip on the end like the one Cathe uses. The clip makes it much quicker to change from weight plate to weight plate.

Check out your local Sports store and find out whether your weight plates are Olympic, or Standard. They have different sized holes to fit different sized bars. You probably have standard weights and should find a wide assortment of different bars at the store. Even though the small curl bar is supposed to be used for curls, I use it whenever the longer bar is too awkward.

Is it the plates that screw on or the collars? I have a 6 ft. bar (it's called starlock or something like that). The plates slide on and then the collars screw on. The bar is too long for me, so my husband is going to cut six inches off each end. It'll still be long enough to hold quite a bit of weight, but will be one foot shorter and I won't have to spin the collars as far when changing plates.
I also have the Ivanko padded bar which I love.
Why I like the screw-on collars

I like them better because the clips I have don't loosen properly unless I squeeze with three hands with all my might. The 2 hands I have are just too weak in the grip.

Maybe it's my grip, which I know needs strengthening, but also the angle at which you hold them while sliding them off the bar can stop them, then you have to squeeze harder, jiggle it, and some of the clips seem more sensitive or temperamental. This is not good at 5 a.m.

Like a stoplight at a tough intersection, with the screw-ons at least I know I'll be able to change the plates at all today. I have 3 bars and keep 2 pre-loaded and one is long, straight and heavy and I use it like a bodybar.

RE: Why I like the screw-on collars

FYI, Olympic size bars are 2" diameter and standard size bars are 1" diameter. For 1" dia bars, you can get a sliplock collars instead of spring lock. These are easier than the spring lock or screw-on collars to set your weights. You can get them for $5 a pair at


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