Barbell or Curl Bar?


Hi Everyone,

I am *just* about to press "buy now" for the STS 36 video bundle. I currently have a Curl Bar at home. Can I use this rather than a straight Barbell for the STS?

Also, I have Cathe's Gym style Back/Shoulders/Biceps and Gym Style Chest/Triceps and Gym Style Legs. I have not opened them yet and was wondering if I can use my Curl Bar for those also rather than a straight Barbell.

I assume I can technically use my Curl Bar but was wondering if a straight Barbell will give me a better focus on certain muscles? I'm hoping to use what I already have.


(P.S. In case I am not using the correct terminology, a "Barbell" is what Cathe uses - a straight pole that flat weights are slid on to. A "Curl Bar" is also a pole that flat weights are slid on to but the pole is shaped like a "W" and therefore 'curled'. That's the terminology I have always used. Not sure if correct.)

I use both.

The curl bar for bicep curls, lying (flat or decline) triceps extensions and even barbell rows. It is more comfortable on my wrists (especially during bicep curls).
I use the straight barbell for overhead shoulder presses, barbell rows and narrow/wide barbell bicep curls.

Although the curl bar is better for my wrists, it has fixed places where you can place your hands. You can place your hands anywhere on a straight barbell.


Thanks. I will use my Curl Bar for now since I already own it. My concern is that it has a "star lock" where I have to un-thread it....put the new weights on...thread it back up...then repeat for the other side. It just takes too long when I am constantly changing my weights.

Anyone know if the "clamps" that a straight Barbell uses would fit on a Curl Bar?

(PS - Again, I don't know the correct terminology for this stuff!)

I'm afraid you won't be able to do the overhead shoulder presses with the curl bar.
And, yes, the clamps will work fine with your curl bar.
One other thing I forgot to mention before is the time you save when you have both bars (straight and curl) loaded and ready for your workout, You won't compromise the endurance goal of Meso 1.
Thanks for the link. I was just out in the garage last night looking around trying to think how I could rig my own clamp that would fit on my curl bar. This saves time and is probably safer!

Christoz - Why won't I be able to do the overhead shoulder presses - because of the way my hands will hold the bar? Also, I was thinking of going out and buying just the barbell and using my current flat weights on it. I thought it would save time since then I would have 2 loaded weight sets ready at all times (one barbell and one curl bar). But then I was thinking that I would run into the problem of the weights being on one of the bars and me needing them on another bar. The only way to prevent this is if I had 2 sets of each flat weight. Do you run into this problem?

Thanks for the replies.
Yes, the way your hands will hold the curl bar will put your wrists in a slanted position. You won't be able to hold a thumb-less grip, push with the whole of your palm and keep your wrists vertical.
The curl bar is perfect for biceps, pullovers and lying tricep extensions, though.
The only drawback with buying the second barbell is that you might need to buy more weight plates. I have a lot of weight plates so that hasn't been a problem for me. I also have a third barbell which I use for bench presses. Is is longer than the other two (about 6 ft). This barbell allows me to hold a 90 degree position (goal post) with my arms when I do the bench presses. So you might want to consider that when buying a barbell. Make sure it is long enough to use on the bench presses.


Thanks. I thought of you this morning because I did Gym Style upper body this morning and when I went to do the overhead presses with the thumbless grip I about dropped the curl bar on my face. Then I thought "this must be the move he was talking about!" I initially wasn't quite sure of the move you had mentioned.

So now I do see that a barbell is helpful. Also thanks for mentioning to get a longer one. I'm going shopping this weekend!
Happy shopping!!! You won't regret it. Getting the equipment for your workouts is the next best investment (the first is buying the DVDs!!!). Using the correct equipment will make your workouts run smoother and more comfortable, won't take your mind off proper form and will give you the results you want.
I have a crazy amount of weight increments and never regretted buying them!

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