Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells


Hello. Like so many, I'm new to this site and love it. My question is... In MIS, you use a 35# bar bell. I do not have a barbell but have many sizes of dumb bells. To get the most out of the lower body workout, I place 2.5# (each) leg weights over my shoulders and rest 15# (each) dumb bells on the leg weights. This gives me 35#. It is not uncomfortable (though I wouldn't want to add any more weight), but I am wondering what your thoughts are on this. I'm sure the bar bell is preferable but do you see a problem with the way I am doing this? Thanks for your help.
Hi Colleen,

Nice to have you with us.

Before I answer your question, it is important for me to point out that you should only be using a weight that you can safely and effectively handle using good form. I am using 35 pounds because that is the weight that I feel in control with. If 35 pounds works for you then it is fine to continue using it but if it feels too heavy or too light, you should adjust your weight accordingly.

Ok, now for your question. I'm not quite sure that I'm understanding this correctly. By leg weights, are you referring to those sand filled ankle weights?

In any case, you are right, I think the barbell is preferable(for this workout), however, substituting it with dumbells is acceptable. Again, remember, safety comes first. If you find yourself struggling to balance these weights in order to keep them from sliding off of your shoulder, or sacrifcing your form in order to accomodate the weight position, then I do not recommend using the dumbells.

Hope this helps. Thanks for visiting with us!
I am so confused!!

This threw me because my name is Colleen also. I am thinking when did I ask this? Hello!! That's what comes from relating to a 4 yr old and 2 yr old all day long. No more brain waves! Wouldn't be Irish by chance?
ankle weights for padding?

I was glad Colleen asked this question, because I don't have a weight bar I have been doing the weight sections of Cathe's videos with dumbells as well. They hurt my shoulders, and I have been using a folded up towels to protect my shoulders. I can tell I need a little heavier weight and am going to use the ankle weight tonight along with my new STEP I found at Sams for 39.99. (Saving money is a joy for me. I am getting married in March and am trying to spend any extra on that.) I have also been wondering if it was acceptable to substitute the dumbells in place of the bar. I realize a bar would be better and hope to find a deal on one soon. Thanks for asking your question Colleen. wr

Irish? You bet and proud of it! You don't hear the name 'Colleen' very often these days. I guess that's okay.
glad I'm not the only one

Glad to hear that you use the dumb bells, too. I've looked for a barbell but can't seem to find "the right one" (at the right price). The ankle weights that I use are the sand-filled and they make a nice padding on the shoulders.
Me too!

My grandparents were Irish immigrants from County Cork, Meade, Ireland. Guess it was inevitable one of us would be named Colleen!Never can find my name on key chains, but it is kind of nice to be different sometimes.
dumbbells at shoulders alternative

When I do lunges, squats etc with dumbbells, I don't rest them on my shoulders (ouch!), but I hold them at the shoulders (without resting them on the shoulders--palms face each other, and the arms are stabilized and held close to the body) or I hold them at my sides.
I'll give it a try

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll give it a try. The only problem is that I'll have less weight since my ankle weights add 5#. But I am definitely going to give it a try. Thanks again.

A barbell is waaay better. I did the sand ankle weights thing too....because I was too fruggle to get a barbell and it was very hard to find one, that wasn't 17 feet long.
So, this is my best advice! Go to Sam's club girls! They have a barbell called a bodypump barbell, I think somehow also distributed by Bally's.....It comes with a weight tape, which I thought was terrible--and I have no intention of ever trying it.
Anyway...the barbell was only $20!! And I love it.
good deals

After reading this post and the other posts about good deals, it sounds like I'm going to have to become a member of Sam's Club.
Thanks, everyone, for responding. I learn so much from this site.
update on form

Since I just did this the other day, I realized that I may hold my dumbbells a bit differently than what I described. After I get them in front of my shoulders (using a hammer curl motion), I kind of rest my thumbs on the front of my shoulders to stabilize the weight. (This may not make it any clearer---and you'll probably figure out the bast way that works for you anyway!)

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