I hope I can ask this so it makes sense
I tried to google it, but apparently wasn't "asking" right. I know its important for fitness/health to be a well a rounded package, cardio/strength/flexibility, and I know that having one weak muscle in a chain will mess up the whole shebang. But what I want to know, is there a magic number or percentage that says which muscle groups should be the strongest? Obviously, I know the bigger ones are stronger. I'm not trying to compare my pinkie toe with my quads
But I am thinking along the lines of opposing or push/pull supporting muscles. To have everything work to its optimum, should my biceps be a certain percentage stronger than my triceps? Quads and hamstrings? Is there a magic number? All I could find when I googled was the need to look even left/right or front/back, but I am asking more along the lines of optimum power/functionality. Hope this makes sense and that someone has the answer!!!