Back definition....


Which workouts have you found to really define the upper back area? I'd like to get a little more definition here if possible.

Upper back definition

Hi Tony,

Pull over with either dumbbell or barbell hit the upper back really good:D.
Also one arm row.
Power hour and Muscle Max and of course STS are dvd containing pull over moves.

My preference is executing the move with Barbell. Other move also hit the upper back but not as much IMO.

Kind Regards,
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Toni do you have a TT or a chin up bar? I swear nothing works my back better than chin/pull-ups! I have been doing loads of them lately, and the other day I caught a glimpse of my back muscles in the mirror while getting changed. Holy smokes! I have some nice definition going on :eek:. My 2nd fav back exercise is bent over barbell rows. Both extremely effective and powerful compound back exercises that not only work the back, but the entire UB.

STS TB has a wonderful compound back add-on that I absolutely LOVE! You do 1 arm rows + chin-ups on the TT. Whenever I feel as though my w/o did not hit the back hard enough, I do that add-on, which is only about 5-10min. My back is screaming by the end :eek:.


Your question actually cover more than one back muscle: Romboid, trapezius, lats and dealtoid. Therefore there is more than one exercise to get overall definition on upper back. We have named few of them and I would like to add Rear dealt too.

We work rear dealt working shoulder but as it's the back part of the muscle, working it to the point of gaining visible definition, would give an overall definition you are looking for too.

To sum up :D there is more than one exercise to get what you want:

*) one arm row
*) pull up
*) push up, we love and hate but they work back, shoulder,pecs etc it's a compound
*) pull over
* ) Barbell row with a wide overgrip does hit the upper back as well.

It would have been easier if only one exercise could give a result but IMO we we can not. We have to do them all ;)

Being women we do not need to work trapezius much. we *do not* build traps like man.It's just not nice!
Proper bodybuilder do though!

on top of all these we know nutrition play 80%

Here is a useful link:

Ask Nicole: July 12th | FitnessRX for Women

All the best toni,
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That was very informative! Now if only she could tell me how to get arms like hers. No matter how much I lift, they don't really become shapely, they just get bigger. :-(

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