Back again Debbie (aka fitness freak)


Hi Debbie,

I back again!

I loved loved loved the muscle building and defining rotation. It took all my willpower not to post to you on daily basis to update you, where I felt pain, what should I improve on, how fantastic a workout was! (I know you are thinking Thank God! :)

So, where to from this rotation? I would like to continue muscle building and defining. I am sure I made mistakes by not going heavy enough with the weights and I tried to continue straight through as cathe does with minimal rests in between sets which I struggled with due to the amount of weights I was lifting. I was even considering doing the rotation again and this time taking longer rests in between sets and try to go heavier, or have you a rotation similar to this going heavy with the cardio, My goal is primarily to loose weight and tone up.

Sorry this is such a long post, but I have wanted to
"gush" to you for ages.

Thank you again, you have been a huge help! Not only to me but to many others here. You are a gem! ;-) Thank you

There is a thread here with Debbie's rotations I'll go bump it up. I've been going through all of them trying to descide what to do.

Please feel free to update me or ask questions about anything you want. Other then the weekends, I always check this forum to see if anyone has questions for me. I always love to hear about progress and how well someone is doing with rotations.

I would do this rotation again. Give yourself a few days off to recover and then start again. I ALWAYS do longer rests then Cathe does. You have to when lifting heavy. Just do that and increase your weights. I think you will love the results.

And please, keep me updated!
O.K I'll go through again. And You have now created a monster!! Ha Ha. I will post you updates on my progress. I get soo excited and carried away!

Thanks heaps.

Thanks Debbie,you know. I dont have the DVD'S for the week #4 pure strength, what can I use insted of? and also I don't have the 10-10-10- cardio ,step blast, I just got the heavy & slow you think I should get at least one more?? and which one do you think I will need more ?
the pyramid dvd or power hour or kick,punch & crunch? or do you think I can use something else?:D :D :)
thanks a lot
you was en oxigen magazine? waw!!! you said that Jan. that was this year? I'm going to look in my magazine to look for you.
:) :)
Hi Debbie,
How are you doing? Hope doing good. You know I did buy more DVD so now I'm good to go,Thanks a lot.Do you have pictures of your self in the magazine or new ones? I will like to see them.

My husband got me olypic bar at first I was afreid to use it because is long but after the second time I'm getting use to and I like it.
well not much for today.
Talk to you latter have a good weekend:):)

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