Back After 4 Months Off


Help! I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, an inflammatory auto-immune disease, about 4 months ago, and after surgery and a good bit of time off, I'm trying to get back into some resistance training, starting out VERY slowly. I won't be able to do any Cathe cardio, as the disease is still affecting my lungs, but I'm starting to feel "mushy," and I hate it! What are some of Cathe's easier weighted workouts? I did PUB VERY light (3#, 5#, 8#) this week, and I was able to get through about 15 minutes of Leaner Legs (5#, 8#) and the ab section before having to quit. Are there easier Cathe workouts I could do rather than trying to modify these?

Hi Lynda,

I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I am extremely impressed that you are trying to incorporate exercise back into your life, under such difficult circumstances. Push Pull and SuperSets are generally considered "easier" Cathe weight workouts, relative to workouts like the Pyramids, Muscle Endurance, etx. I wouldn't call them "easy", though. More intermediate. And they are quite fun.

The Basic Step/Body Fusion dvd has an upper body and a lower body weight training segment for beginners. Cathe uses 3lb hand weights, and the exercises are traditional, simple moves.

Cathe has also just finished filming two new beginner dvds. One contains a step workout, and a "body sculpting" workout. The workouts are still being produced, but my understanding is that the weight workout may be very similar to the level that is on the BS/BF dvd. And if you order right now, you can get them at a lower price. They expect to be shipping them this month some time. Check out the Ask Cathe forum for more details, if you're interested.

Good luck to you! Getting back into an exercise regime is a challenge, even without the additional complication of health problems. I hope you see some good results.

All the best,
So sorry to hear about your illness. I'll pray that you keep getting better. First of all let me praise you for your wanting to get back into it. YEAHHHHH for you!!!. It sounds like you are doing the right thing.Modify with smaller weights and take breaks when needed. I agree with Sandra. The basic/intermed. DVD's are a great place to start. This new set sounds great. Take care and keep going!
:D :D :D

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