Baby Eric pic?


New Member
I haven't seen a picture of Eric in a long time....Could you please post one Cathe?? PLEASE....pretty please=0) I know your busy but I really want to see him =) Michelle
Hi Michelle!

Thanks for asking about my little cutie pie! I honestly have been trying to get to that for over a month now. I feel as if I now need to get a new picture since he has already grown since this last picture. We will be in Florida this weekend for a quick relaxing getaway and when we get back I will make his update my priority. I know I'll be taking lots of new pictures this weekend too. How about you and your baby? Please fill me in as well. Take Care!
Thanks Cathe!

Thanks for remembering me=) My daughter is almost 16 months old now and cute as ever=) She has a bad temper when she doens't get her way though much more so than my boys. I can't wait to see your little one! Michelle

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