Awesome 2K02: What Makes it Superior

and BTW

I had 4 small sets of new stitches and the doctor put in "sport stitches" when he heard that I worked out. . . He told me I could go out and slide into first base on these stitches and they wouldn't tear, and to go ahead and work out today if I wanted to. What he DIDN'T tell me was how wimpy that medical tape is, I was supposed to leave the dressings on till morning and BodyMax melted those puppies right off!! I will see him in 10 days to have my stitches removed and I'm going to tell him that sport stitches are a waste of time unless you use stickier tape on those dressings! They need "sport tape" as well!!
we'll be checking in on Saturday

to see how much fun you had with Bodymax. You will love it and you will do just fine.

Here's to Saturday Honeybunch - that is only 2 days away and counting. Have fun and let us know what you think.

OK, OK, ya'll talked me into it!

Since I talked Miss Sue into doing Body Max, I HAVE to do it now! It's lined up, cued up, and ready to go. I have to put out my step and shoes so I can get started at my usual ungodly hour.

I did NOT die when I did Imax, so I'm confident I will not die Saturday, so I will dutifully report in on Sunday. Promise.
I DID THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it! I didn't intend to do it all at once...I wanted to do some upper body work later in the day, like a couple of hours later. Well, I fiddled around and had to get all my exercise out of the way before my weekly pig-out, so that crunched my time frame into the time of the tape. So I did it all at once!

You DO know you've worked out after you've done it, don't you?!

Wow! What a feeling! I am strong, I am invincible, and I sure earned that pig-out!

thanks for the encouragement, all you forumites!
Right on Honeybunch!

Yes one does know that they have WORKED OUT when they are done Bodymax but ain't it a great feeling.


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