Austust rotation information

Lori BC

Lori A. Bailey Hello, I'm new to this forum and would LOVE to know the Ausgust rotation plan everyones raving about! Also I have most all Cathes videos, but I'm in the dark about all the abbreviated titles such as CTX could someone please help? Thanks So Much!!!
Hi Lori and Welcome!

CTX stand for "Cross Train Express" and is a wonderful DVD. The August rotation you can find under the "Video & DVD Rotations" Forum. Just go back to the forums page and scroll's near the bottom.

If you stick around long enough, you will understand all the abbreviations!! :)

Lori, most workouts are abbreviated by their first letters such as:

PS = Pure Strength
LL = Leaner Legs
IM2 = Interval Max 2
CM = Circuit Max
CK = Cardio Kicks

And, so forth. Hope that makes sense. If you have any questions on any abbrevaitions, just let us know. WELCOME to Cathe's!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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