August Rotation Check In, 08/05/05

Okay, since I missed Day 1 of this rotation because I didn't see the thread until later on that morning (but I had already done Supersets that morning and was going to a 1-hour pilates mat class that night),I figured I would do day 1 of this rotation for today. So I did BodyMax (really heavied up for the upper body exercises!), plus the 200 jumping jacks at the end of the cardio section (certainly had me breathless) and 40 pushups at the end of the strength section (yes, I was screaming by this time!).

But I did it! Day 5 is done! :7

Day 5 for me!

I did Cathe's workout along with Musclemax. I added jacks after the warmup, lunges after the first set of legs, pushups at the chest workout, etc.......great workout but I am tired now (in a good way;-).

I am going to have modify next week because I am going on a mini vacation:7.

I don't know about all of you but I am sleeping really well at night (something I was having a problem with before this rotation) and have cleaned up my eating. It's almost like this rotation demands really good eating or your workouts will really suffer.

Well, I am feeling very accomplished and proud to almost have finished week one. I-max 3 here I come!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Ok I did it! It took about an hour. I think I lolost count on the lunges and they were burners for sure. So I may have done extra of those. Later I will be doing a run. I will be doing bootcamp twice on sunday as got2bfit and I planned to do it the same day. My schedule is more flexible then hers and she can't do it suring the week. So no rest for me on sunday:)

Have a great weekend!

Hey Ladies,

Well I had a long day yesterday so didn't get to do IMAX 2 as planned but I desperately needed a rest day anyway, major DOMS from the walking lunges earlier in the week. Thankfully, I have the luxury of a day off today so I did IMAX 2 this morning followed by todays homemade workout! phew...I was feeling so strong though and made it through. I had to modify the last 50 jacks and the last set of 100 lunges I split up into a few sets of non weighted static lunges but I did them. Workout clocked in at just about 2 hours. I feel worked out and caught up...again, I'm totally loving this rotation. I head back to school when this rotation ends and I'm excited that I'm going to be in such good shape in such a short amount of time...I'll be ready to hit the gym at school again, and participate full throttle in the club sports I participate in. Have a great rest of the day everyone...

Good Morning from Prescott, AZ! This morning I first did an 8 mile run. This views here are really inspiring. I was going to do the Cathe workout now but we are heading down to Phoenix to adopt a puppy from a shelter, so it will have to wait til this afternoon.
I plan on augmenting the lunges with a pair of dumbbells- anyone else do this? I think I will put on the Abs Hits DVD and run it through until I get to 400 for the crunches, that will make it more interesting. It is interesting to read how everyone is varying this part of the rotation to make it work for them. Have fun!
Hi Gayle!

Congrats on the weight loss!

I had to take an unplanned rest day yesterday and could not get up this morning to do the lunges, jacks, etc.

So...I am planning to do the following modifications: I am doing Kickmax and segment 3 of coremax tonight, the planned workout for today tomorrow morning and IMAX 3 plus terminators on Sunday.

I may not do 5 miles on Monday a.m. because I don't normally run and my ankles can't take the impact, but I will do my best run/walk!

Hang in there everyone!

Sandra S.
Hi All: I did today's workout and all I can say is WHOA!!!

I did mine in the order prescribed:

10 min powerwalk on treadmill 4.5 mph
400 walking lunges
200 jumping jacks
400 (actually) 450 crunches from all angles (joyce vedral abs video)
4 sets 25 reps dips (ouch)8
8 sets of 8 pushups (modified to knees, but still hard)
5 min stretch

It all took me about an hour, tough, rough, but doable.

Great job, everybody! AWESOME WEEK!

I am off for a weekend of vacation, but planning on doing an interval workout at the hotel fitness room tomorrow in place of IMax 3...what a SHAME cuz I LOVE IMax 3.

Week #2....HERE WE COME!

To everybody above...good luck on the 5k, enjoy your mini vacation next week, great job on all the WW motivators, and NO...I DID NOT use any weight for the lunges, although I MAY the next time. OUCHY!

Have an awesome weekend. I will see you all bright and early Monday morning. KEEP MOVING THIS WEEKEND!

I took my rest day yesterday (Thursday) since my kids wanted to go to the Florida Aquarium, so I did IMAX 2 today. I don't have Core Max, so I used Core Foundations from TLP Productions. This is a great core work out. It moved pretty fast and had some fairly good background music, though not Top 40 stuff and no vocals. I'll have to work up to some of the stuff, and it was good for ideas to do on my own. I also wonder if anyone can compare Core Max to Core Foundations?

So far, I've lost 3 lbs. but, I was sick almost all of July and did not exercise at all. I did eat though!! I ended up putting on 5lbs. So, I'm not surprised to lose something this quick because of the weight gain from inactivity and not really paying attention to diet.
I went to the gym and did a very heavy leg workout for an hour then came home and did Cathe's Bootcamp:

I broke it down like this:

100 walking lunges
50 jumping jacks
100 walking lunges
50 jumping jacks
100 walking lunges
50 jumping jacks
100 walking lunges
50 jumping jacks

8 sets of 8 push ups
200 crunches from all angles
2 sets of 25 dips
200 crunches from all angles
2 sets of 25 dips

It took me about 40 minutes. :)

Kathy G
I went to the gym and took my Step and Stones class this morning. She instructor had us do 150 crunches, all various ways.:eek:

At about 2:30pm, I started Cathes's workout for today. I did it this way:

100 Lunges
50 JJ
2 sets of push ups
25 dips
100 crunches

100 lunges
50 JJ
2 sets of push ups
25 dips
100 crunches

100 Lunges
50 JJ
2 sets of push ups
25 dips
100 crunches

100 crunches
2 sets of pushups
100 lunges
50 JJ
25 dips

That took 38 minutes. I know I'll have DOMS in my abs by Sunday.
Great workout to take on the road!

I DID IT!!!! I'm so happy. I was wondering if I'd get a good workout with this type of set up and MAN DID I EVER!!!!!! I was dripping, again.

I don't have IMAX 3 so tomorrow I think I'll do 5 from IMAX and 5 from IMAX 2 for a little variety.

Good luck everyone!

Since I rested yesterday I'm planning on doing Imax 2/CM #3 and hopefully I will take the time for extra stretching. I'm sore from moving NOT this blasted rotation!!! I am having a difficult time finding the energy for these workouts with the move and the beginning of the school year is always an adjustment. I REALLY want to try and see this rotation through to the end!
Well I did day 4 of the rotation today. My legs were burning at the start as I did a 2 hour walk after SJP and the leg conditioning drills yesterday. I really enjoyed IMAX2 and my kids joined me while I did Coremax3. My 4 year old turned to me during the rockets and said "these are really hard mommy"...I had to agree. They had me laughing during the corework so I got an added stomach workout.
Now to go out biking with my daughter (age 5). She's finally biking without training wheels, but still wants to bike out of my hand (so I'll be doing some running).

Have a great weekend!
Before doing todays workout, I thought about adding in 30 min of cardio, but decided against it because of Imax 3 tomorrow. My legs have been slightly sore with this rotation and I know with tomorrow's workout they will be jelly. I'm trying to figure out how I am going to run 5 miles. The most I have ever run is a little over 4 on an incline of 3 and at the end I am wiped. Plus I am a slow runner. I'm thinking I will do my normal run than lower the incline after I reach 4 miles. I would appreciate any suggestions anyone may have.
Oh man, I feel great! I was soooo tired when I started. I just layed on the floor before hitting play. At interval 5 I thought of quitting and doing the next 5 intervals tomorrow but I pushed on and finished and gave it my all. So I finished Imax 2 then I did CM #3 and SM #2. The stretching felt great and my back feels better also!!!
I did the check list of exercises off the rotation ....and although the lunges were tough I didn't feel liked I worked out because I didn't watch a DVD so I added on the Kickbox section of my new CTX DVD. Oh boy....that was so much fun!!!!:) It was worth waiting for..

Karen, maybe by next rotation I can do 2 blasts twice over!! I bow to you.... I am in awe of those of you who can do all blast workouts!! I really think they are the toughest of all the workouts. They certainly knock the wind out of me!

Tomorrow, it will be Imax3....good blast training for me for the next rotation...;-)

the treadmill at my apartment is broken! so i just did all the lunges,abs,pushups,tricepts, and i forgot to do the jumping time i do this routine i'll have to remember to break it up because my knees started hurting after doing 320 abs.

Hello everyone. Looks like all of you met your goals today. I did everything except the walking lunges but I also a one hour trail walk which was mostly hills so I feel I more than compensated for the lunges. Hope I am not fooling myself but my legs and backside are telling me otherwise right now. One week almost done, three to go and I'm already feeling that I will miss this rotation...

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