August Road Trippers - Thursday, 7/17


Just getting us started. Nothing too exciting on my end. I swam laps last night, but that was it for a workout. I am hoping to get in a bunch of workouts in the next few days while DH is on a bus. trip, but I fear that AF may interfere with those plans. :( I need a Midol IV. ;)
The pool is great so far. We've been floating in it every night after work. The only thing we have had a problem with is that the DE "granuals" from the filter somehow got in the pool and DH had to spend about 2 hours vacuuming it yesterday. I still see a little of that stuff here and there, so hopefully something isn't wrong with our filter. The water is staying clear though and so far no real algae problems. :) It really isn't all that much work. ;)
Is sorry to hear about all the AF problems today :(

Can not believe next weekend is the July RT :eek: Time has really flown by.

Did you all read Cathe's post about them having Cathe gear as door prizes?? It's been a couple of weeks ago. I think it might have been on the 4th.

Today I did SZ and weighted chinups. I added 10 pounds and did 5 sets of 4 and also some with the band assisting. Tough workout }(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
Great workout, especially those chin-ups. My power tower is still in the box in the garage, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't get it out until DH and I clean out and dry-lock the basement.

I think DH is hesitant about the pool because he wants to put an addition on the house when I go back to work. However, I don't think the addition would even come near where the pool would be. I also don't want to wait another two years.(':(')


ETA: I totally missed the post about the Cathe gear door prizes. Woo Hoo!(':)')
Good morning, ladies!

I missed the info about the door prizes, too! How fun that'll be! I can't believe that it's getting so close to the RT. I still need to pick up maybe one or two more workout outfits before then. I also have no idea of what to pack for the other events! What are you all thinking of bringing in the way of clothes? It'd be nice to just have to bring a carry on!

Liann -- Glad that you're enjoying the pool! It sounds so relaxing!

Catherine -- Great job on those chin-ups!

Beth -- Ug about getting such a bad night's sleep! Hopefully you can get to bed early tonight!
Hi everyone. My workout today was Amy’s Slo-Mo Legs, but I actually didn’t like it much (though I love Amy’s stuff in general). I blathered on and on about it on both the Melters’ thread and my blog, though, so I won’t repeat it all here.

I’m doing some heavy 3-day splits alternating with Cathe cardio to prepare for our RT. Our RT! I’m so excited!

Liann, sorry about that evil Aunt Flo. Don’t you just want to kick her sometimes?

Beth, ack, another victim of AF. Mine will come the week before the RT, according to my 3-month pill schedule. At least it should be over by then.

Catherine, didn’t read about the door prizes, but I would love some more Cathe gear. By SZ do you mean Strike Zone? I was wishing I’d done the lower body of Tracey’s Circuit Zone today instead of Slo-Mo.

Leanne, I’ve already been thinking about the clothes to pack as well. Now that I am riding in someone else’s car I wonder if I should pack lighter than I planned. She said no need, but still….

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Leanne - I brought wayyy too many outfits last year! I had enough workout outfits for an army and only ended up wearing 3. I didn't bother to change between the first 2 classes on Saturday last year and just changed and cleaned up at lunch and wore a fresh outfit for the 3rd class that afternoon. I think a lot of us did that. In total, I had the outfit I wore on Friday (casual) and then a nicer outfit for dinner on Saturday night, and then another super casual outfit for lunch and the trip home on Sunday. I only used 3 workout outfits, but I will probably still bring 4 just to be safe. I think you can fit it all in a carry-on. I'm driving, but I'll still be bringing a carry on size bag.
Good afternoon, ladies!

Lainie -- Sorry that Slo-Mo was so hard on your back today! Be sure to eat some protein!

Liann -- Thank you sooo much for mentioning what you wore and brought last year. I have a bad habit of overpacking, and I hate to bring too much. I was thinking that I wouldn't want to shower at the gym, so it's nice to know that I can wear the same outfit for a few classes . . . and I'll just be sure to bring perfume! ;-)

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