Attn: Veteran Tae Bo-ers


In my other post several of you discussed some "favorite" Tae Bo's, but being so completely new to them, I don't have a clue as to the difference between them.

The suggestion of Live 4 & 8 was made, as well as Advanced I and II, but it's all "martian" to me?
I have the "Get Ripped Advanced" 2-pk, and LOVE the intensity of them (my rear has yet to appreciate them, especially my left "cheek", but it gets no say in the matter!)
So which, if any, of his previous videos compare in intensity?

I await your recommendations! And please be kind~you know I'm weak and if you rave about too many I'm only going to torture myself until I get each one! :)
Hi Donna,

4 and 8 were excellent suggestions. Although neither of these two are as intense as Get Ripped 1, (IMO, on days when my energy level isn't quite up there, GR could be called get tore up :)) don't let that fool you. Videos 4 and 8 will still test your endurance, improve your kicking, and have you sweating all over the place. Tape #4 has lots of non-stop kicking shortly after the warm up and a great butt/hip toning section towards the end (standing). Tape #8 is just really fun. It's one of those workouts that seem to last forever. It contains lots of kicks, punches, jabs and fun music. If you'd like to get a more detailed run down of these tapes, check out They have a Review link that lists all the moves contained in each tape. HTH. :)

I had adv live 1 for a long time, but I didn't much care for it because it went a little fast and the floorwork at the end was a little too fast, but it was a killer workout. I just wouldn't choose it if I had the choice. The first advanced tape (blue cover came in the 4pack set) is a KILLER workout. I think it is just called taebo advanced with no actual volume number. The cardio section seems a tad bit shorter than the get-ripped tapes, but this is an excellent kick-butt workout. There is some floor work at the end that leaves your butt very very very sore. I love this video and although I don't use it much I don't ever see myself parting with it. I also have adv live 2,3 and 8. I really like them all. 2 and 3 go a little slower and have a little bit of floorwork added at the end. 8 is mostly all cardio. I've never tried any of the others. Like others have said, they are good workouts but I far prefer the get-ripped and am also waiting for more of them to come out. I've also heard that adv live volume 12 is good.

I know you said you've been buying alot of videos. I don't know if you've considered this, but you may want to go to videofitness and try to trade some of the ones you don't use for some of the ones you want. I've done that several times and it works out nicely.

Hope this helps, sorry I'm rambling.

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