Attn Honeybunch- Questions about B&TR


Hi Honeybunch and the educated crowd,

Hope that everyone is doing well. Honeybunch, I was referred to you by Connie1, who explained that you used your Bun and Thigh Rocker quite a bit and like the results that you got with it.

Since I recently purchased a B&TR and have yet to receive it, I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions for me. Anyone, please feel free to step in if your using a B&TR to supplement Cathe workouts.

1. What are the resistance levels comparable to in weight increments? I can safely put about 60 lbs on my back right now and I'm hoping that I have the option to go quite a bit heavier than this with the B&TR.

2. Have you seen good results with the B&TR? If so, how?

3. Is it easy to store this thing- maybe shove it in a decent-sized closet? :)

4. Connie1 explained that it's not the best for height adjustment. I'm about 5'8" and I'm wondering if this is going to be an issue. Any problems with this?

5. If you could tell me any other pro's / con's to the B&TR, I would really appreciate it.

Phew, lots o' questions... :p Any feedback from the educated crowd would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much and keep up the good work,
You're probably going to have to order more resistance bands if you want to go that high in weight.

The B&TR comes with 70# (not including the blue aerobic bands).

I have one too, but I can't say for sure what results it gives. I try to just use it as an addition to my workouts, or if I get too winded with Cathe step, I hop on the B&TR. It actually keeps "my" heart rate up where it should be. I figure it has to be doing some good, so I use it!

RE: Attn Honeybunch- Questions about B&TR

I'm not Honeybunch, but I've been using my B&TR for 6 weeks. I do Leaner Legs once a week with it. I use 70 lbs. of resistance at this point, but will be moving up. I've only been using it once a week, but plan to start using it twice a week when my schedule slows down.

I have lost body fat and my legs have firmed up all over. It's not a huge difference at this point, but things have definitely improved.

I'm not sure how many bands the machine will hold. You'll have to see what Honeybunch says.
I actually put in Cathe tapes and do the leg exercises on the B&TR. I've done Leaner Legs, Boot Camp/Muscular Endurance Bonus, Gauntlet, Power Circuit and Circuit Max as my favorites to do on the B&TR. It seems to work best with the high rep, endurance type workouts, in that you will feel more that you have "worked out" with these sorts of workouts.

I can't to the height issue because I'm not as tall as you, so I'll have to defer this to someone else.

I see NO cons, and nothing but pros for the B&TR. I've had mine almost a year now, I have nothing but high praise for it.

I go very heavy with resistance because that's what I'm used to. I'd plateaued with free weights, and even with machines at the gym, I STILL did not get the results I got with the B&TR.

To me, it works best when combined with a Cathe tape.
Is this a knee freindly workout?

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
For me, this machine is easier on the knees than squats and lunges, but I think it depends on how you adjust it.
Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for the feedback regarding the B&TR. It only has 70 lbs of resistance, huh? x(

I did a couple of searches online to see if I could buy extra resistance bands, yet I couldn't find any information on this. Any pointers?

RE: Here you go.....

Jen this is the phone number to order more resistance bands for the Bun & Thigh Rocker.

Customer service information:

Bun & Thigh Rocker
P.O. Box 4525
Pacoima, CA 91333


extra 25 lb bands are $9 plus $3 shipping for each band
extra 10 lb bands are $7 plus shipping ($3 per band)

One more thing...don't be fooled thinking 70 pounds of resistance is not enough. For some reason, 70#'s on the BTR is different then lifting 70 pounds. I think because the resisitence is constant both ways maybe??? Hope you will like your new BTR! They are great!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Jen!

It works bettter as a strength machine if I do the exercise with just one leg, with the other crossed on top. It's just too easy otherwise. For some reason, I don't find much equivilancy with "stretch" poundage, and real poundage. I think you just have to go by feel and what you can actually do; what seems challenging. I don't know how they determined that a certain pull equals a certain amount of regular poundage, but I have a feeling that the stretch resistance doesn't have the same effect upon the body as true weight does. That's just my feeling about it. They can say it's 70 pounds, but I highly doubt there's any real true correlation to a true 70 pound lift, or to a any poundage free weight lift in general. I think it's just a figure to gear our minds to. I'd definitely go by what's challenging. You won't know until you get your machine. Work out with it to determine what is a new challenge for you.

Personally I think heavy squats and deadlifts with a barbell (50-60 or more pounds) works better than the BT and R. But, the machine does provide versatality in your workouts, and you can watch TV while working with it. Course, everyone is different.

My feeling: I'm pretty much sorry I bought it. I like heavy weight challenge, and when I add the most bands, the range of resistance greatly reduces, especially at the low end when you first start the ascension up. I have added a heavy barbell to my lap. That does seem to work better than adding more bands. I'd say skip the extra bands, but you gotta find out for yourself what you think.


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