Attn: Complex Step Lovers


I just discovered Rebecca Small over at Fitness Organica. Previously, I did not care for complex step and Cathe was the most complex I'd done. Then I tried Seasun's STraight Up Step and fell in love with Seasun and then I started to like complex step "sort of". Sometimes I get really frustrated and it takes a lot of concentration for me to learn them.

Then I discovered Rebecca. The way she teaches is amazing and I've been hooked on her Step DVD's ever since. The only one available right now at Fitness Organica is Step 2 Success. It's so much fun that after I bought it, I visited the Evolution studio site or and ordered all of Rebecca's older step and her 2 new step workouts.

The intensity is not Cathe's intensity, but after I learn segments, I do them on my higher step and add some intensity with jumping, etc and I get a decent workout. Just thought I'd share.

Rebecca teaches in the "layering system" which is so much easier for me to learn. If you're familiar with Marcus Irwin at all, he also teaches his step like this. I just love Rebecca's personality too. Here's a clip to check out.
Thanks so much for the link. I just might order it! Seasun Zieger and Christi Taylor are regulars in my rotation. I also have tried Patrick Goudeau and Rob Glick, but although their routines are fun, they lack the intensity I like. Rebecca Small looks to have both good choreo and intensity.

I hope Armywife sees your post because like me she's a Christi Taylor fan. She might like Rebecca Small's style too.

Thanks again!
Hey, I noticed my name. Yes I am a Christi Taylor fan! I am going to look up Rebecca Small right now. Thanks for the heads up. I'll edit this after I look at the website. Thanks gals!

Edited to add: Wow, I had never heard of Fitness Organica. I was excited to see some clips from people like Kelly Coffey-Meyer on there. It is hard to see the clips on Collage Video and on here the clips are a lot bigger. Thanks for pointing out this site. I am holding myself from breaking out the credit card. Thanks for sharing though.
Hey Lora,

I'm glad you posted this I've been reading your comments on the check in. Have you done any of the other instructors on the evolution site? There are so many that look promising. I just love complex step and I'm getting ready to order some new stuff.


Tracy - Yes, I just discovered Evolution. I ordered Stomp 2 Step Showdown from Fitness Organica which has 15-30 minutes of about 10 different instructors including Rebecca, Marcus Irwin, Steve Scheimer (Rebecca's husband), and Marc Oliver Kluike.

After trying that DVD, I ended up ordering ALL of Rebecca's stuff cuz I have her Pump & Lift (total body workout and loved her personality). I was afraid to try her step...but when I saw the Stomp one...I thought I'd be able to sample different "complex" dancier instructors. I also fell in love with Marc Oliver!! His DVD Dance Step is so much fun. I"ve been learning that one also. I think I've got about 3 combos down on that one and 3 of Rebecca's combo's down off of Symmetrical STep, plus about 3-4 from Step 2 Success. I can't stop doing them. That's all I want to do..and I have been forcing myself to switch up my cardio.

I also ordered Rob Glick's Step Gone Wild cuz I like the Evolution music and I figured I'd give it a try cuz it's supposed to have higher impact and be more intense than his other stuff. I haven't attempted it yet. There was a small preview on the Stomp 2 DVD of it and I tried a small part and was lost....but I'll need to work at it. I usually practice complex step (learning the combos) on my rest day. I keep my HR pretty low (most of the time....unless I get carried away) and then I learn them enough to be able to do a "real" workout on the higher step on my regular cardio days. I REALLY like the music on Evolution. It's not as good as Cathe...but I'd say it's comparable with the stuff Seasun uses or the music on the CIA"s. I actually like the music on all of those, so I like Evolution. Evolution is a Gold Mine! Lots of different instructors from the other part of the Globe. Rebecca is from Australia. I just can't gush about her I'll stop babbling now!

Let me know if you ladies end up buying it. It doesn't have a W/U or cooldown though and she teaches the combos quicker than she would in a normal class cuz it's geared towards step instructors. If I can learn it, anyone can though! It does take concentration.

ETA: Fitness Organica's a great fitness site. I have that Kick box DVD "One Two Punch" and it's pretty intense. Lots of jump rope, a step box segment, lots of plyos....haven't done it in a while though. I think those instructors were British also. FO's customer service is great and she ships VERY quickly. She's also good about answering questions via email.

Thanks for the information. I think that I'm going to get the Stomp 2 Step Showdown, one from Rebecca and maybe Marc Oliver. The only complex choreograhpy that I have is Pam Cosmi. Is that anything close to these? I love that dvd and I have to stop myself from doing it. It is just so much fun! I forgot, I do have Rock Steady Step and I love that one, but again did it too much. I wasn't sure about Rob Glick. I have his bosu one, but it's not too complex. He looks like he's changed his image in the new ones. Evolution is a gold mine. I just wish that I had the funds to support my wishes.

Well, I haven't tried Pam's for a while, but used to practice it for a LONG time and only learned parts of it. She is a lot harder for me to pick up than Rebecca. Rebecca "truly" makes complex step a "walk in the Park"....she's amazing.

I also have learned about the first 30 minutes of Rock Steady but I get lost with all of the direction changes at about 25 minutes into it. Sometimes, if it seems to much over my head.....I just repeat the segments I know and save the other parts to learn "some day" in the future.

I thought Pam's was the hardest coreography to learn. Rebecca and Marc Oliver both teach with the layering system which I find I "click" with. Just a side note....Marc Oliver is a bit of a character and makes some borderline racy statements like "shake that a#* Bianca" to one of the back up steppers. I really like him, but if you're not into that sort of might not like it. He's a trip. I love him and his is even dancier than Rebecca's. Has this really fun segment in the beginning that he puts this Fame dance move into. You can check out his clip at Fitness ORganica. I don't really think I answered your question, but these DVDs of Rebeccas and Marc's ....don't have the athletic segments thrown in like Pam' you have to use your higher step and add a bit of jumping, hopping, etc to get your HR up higher, whereas Pam added those athletic segments to serve that purpose.

Now you've got me curious if I'd be any better trying Pam's step again. I'll have to break it out and see.

ETA: Yes, Evolution videos are awesome. I could go crazy on Marcus's site.....must use I just bought all of the above!! I want to try some Marcus and Steve Scheimer. I like him. He's Rebecca's husband.
I also have Pam Cosmi's Steppin' In Rhythm. I do a lot of complex step and for me hers was one of the hardest. I love Rob Glick's stuff. I find he is the easiest to pick up for complex step and his routines are so much fun. I love Patrick but he doesn't break down steps as much and you have to be able to catch on pretty quickly. I like Seasun and have both Rock Steady Step and the Next Step. I like it when she does vertical step as well. Christy Taylor also does vertical step. I will definitely check out Rebecca Small and was thinking of getting the Stomp Showdown. I would also like to try Marcus Irwin.


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