Attention all Jersey girls


And guys too, of course, if you're out there. Also maybe those in the NYC metro area.

I was chatting w/Barbara yesterday about maybe doing a road trip to Glassboro & taking some classes in person w/Cathe. I've been wanting to do this for years & I am NOT putting it off anymore.

So, what do you guys say to a road trip? If enough are up for it we can find out which weekends are best for Cathe (obviously we want to make sure she isn't going on vacation or something the same w/e we decide to make the drive). Otherwise maybe Barbara & I will go w/o you!
I'd Love to meet with you guys ~ but I'm about 250 miles away.:( I'm near Albany, NY). I'm hoping for Cathe to have a Road Trip. I'll definitely be there! Just on the side, I'd also love to see how you do your abs with a 45lb plate on your head! I tried them (thanks for the recommendation, btw) but with 25lb. It's not so difficult for the ab muscles as it is my neck.
Susan C.M. :D
You can see my ab muscles! ;-) Go to the thread below titled "OK you guys asked for it."

The positioning w/the crunches takes a little time to get used to. First of all, I grasp the weight holding a towel in both hands so that it runs across the plate & doesn't hurt my head. Second, you do have to use some hand strength so you don't strain your neck. This shouldn't effect working the abs too much. Also you really have to focus on isolating the muscles as you do the crunch.
Hi - I'm a Jersey Girl Catheite but I live out west now! Have fun, kick some booty and say hi to Cathe.

Maximus, your pix are aewesome and inspring. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Laura!! Im up for it maybe we shall wait until Cathe is done filming. I know she only teaches on Monday, Wed, and Friday. I did go last year the Monday after Thanksgiving with Francine. I haven't seen Francine on here. She was the one that set it up for us to take a Cathe class. I am going to give her an email to see if she is up for it too.
Although I live in FLorida now, I was born and raised in Newark so still consider myself a Jersey girl.

Little to long for me to drive right now...and sure enough, I'd plan to go and there'd be another hurricane:7 LOL!

You guys have fun!
Sounds good--I wonder if Cathe would be willing to come in for a w/e class for us? She's always so supportive of her out of area fans, you never know. Otherwise I'll take some vacation time.

But that's good thinking--we'll wait til Hardcore comes out so she's not too busy.
Hi Maximus! I'd LOVE to attend if you can pull this off!! Don't know right now how many classes she's giving or if she's even giving any classes w/rehearsing & then filming Hardcore series. I'm in the NYC area as well as 4 other friends of mine. Let me know what you come with & we'll be there. Thanks for posting this & arranging. Kathy:D
I remember Cathe saying that she is going to have a fitness weekend or something of the sort when she is finished filming. I read not long ago that she was discouraging people from going now since she really isn't there. That said, when something is planned I would love to visit Cathe. I bet she puts together a weekend worth the wait! I don't live in Jersey anymore but am certainly a jersey girl at heart ;)
Hi Maximus,
I would absolutely love to join you for a road trip to see and work out with our fitness guru!! I live in Sayreville so I'm not too far away.........just name a weekend that would work well for everyone and if I can make it, count me in!!

Hi there Maximus,

I would absolutely LOVE to do a Cathe road trip! I live in Bronx, NY. I don't have a car but if I can get there via bus or train somehow (please, please tell me I can), count me in!

Hi Maximus - I'm actually in upstate NY - Rochester, but I could probably arrange a weekend and drive there as long as I know in advance.


Cool, so far I have a list of 6. I'll keep it handy & continue to add to it if I get more responses. After Hardcore comes out I'll send an email out to everyone who's replied & we'll talk details. This is gonna be fun!
I'm right near Albany, NY, too - so it wouldn't be TOO far for me ....
Can you add me to the list and keep me posted???
Maybe it will be incentive for me to really kick my bum and get in shape by then - I think I'm a bit out of shape right now to be considering a Cathe trip!!
Courtney ;-)
Any updates on a get together! This Sounds soo exciting! I'm happy for all of you who go!

Have a great time and take pictures so we can live through you locals!
Hi Maximus.

I live in a Philly suburb, not too far from the Commodore Barry Bridge, so it would be pretty easy for me to join your group. I took a class with Cathe earlier this year, and it only took me about an hour to drive there. Count me in (assuming I can get off of work on the day you guys choose). I know this won't happen for a while yet (due to Hardcore, etc.), but I'd like to be put on your list!

Hi Shelby,

You are soo lucky ! (Only an hour away!)

Which day and class did you take at Cathe's? Did you go with a forum member? I'd love to hear more about your day with Cathe if you don't mind sharing!
Count me in, too...I live a little over an hour away from Cathe's gym. :) I was in on one of the VF roadtrips a few years ago and had a blast. I'm looking forward to it.

Kathy G
Hi Delphene.

I took a morning kickboxing class on the Monday after New Years. I didn't go with any other forum members. My husband arranged for me to go as part of my Christmas present. He actually drove me there and worked out in the gym while I took the class. We both were able to chat with Cathe after the class; she's really nice. She treats you like she's known you a long time, which is cool. Of course, I had to have my husband take pictures of me with Cathe. How much of a groupie am I? The class itself was great. It had parts of K,P&C and Cardio Kicks in it, along with some leg and ab work. I was so excited to go to the class, I nearly made myself sick LOL. Hopefully, I'll be calmer the next time around!!

Take Care,

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