Attack of the Killer Ice Cream Cravings

Nancy, your enhanced relationship with ice cream might be due to stress. Which also explains why your metabolism is running high. It seems like your work has been pretty intense over the last few months.

I'm not practicing now, but as a tax accountant I can admit that I'd maintain my fitness & healthy eating until mid-March. The final push to April 15th almost always derailed me. I didn't gain weight, but the body composition went south.

So honor the craving, but maybe try & manage portion control. I've also learned not to criticize my DH for the things he eats, as long as he's eating the healthy things (fruits & vegetables) that we all need. Food for thought.

I just watched Candace Bergen on "Law & Order"! She was great, but I think she's best in her more acidic roles like "Murphy".

I do this too. I can eat really good all day long at work, but then at night it all goes downhill. Especially with the treats after dinner. It is like I "wanna treat". I am telling you it has something to do with nighttime and something in you that tells you you DESERVE to indulge. It is wicked!

I have a hard time eating "clean" like the rest of the dedicated, disciplined ladies on this board for that reason!!

Maybe you'll get over it soon........and move on to cookies or something! (I know, I am NO help):)
Ut oh, Nancy! I am pasting this into this thread because it's apropo.

"I was looking at cards at a gift shop when I went out to brunch with my neice after yoga today and found one that had an older lady sporting horn-rimmed glasses and brightly garbed matronliness. It read, "You know what I call women who can eat ice cream and cake and never gain an ounce?" It opened up to read, "Bitches"." :)

I am not calling you names, mind you. I laughed out loud and handed the card to Tina.

The one thing I cannot stop eating is rice krisipie treats and when I make them for the kids, the brats, I resent sharing them and eat the most.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I will admit that I don't have an ice cream problem, but I LOVE baking. I bake every weekend, pretty much, and, of course, if I bake it, I have to eat some of it.

Sounds like you're just under pressure Nancy. Maybe you'll eat so much ice cream that you'll get sick of it and never want it again????
"I was looking at cards at a gift shop when I went out to brunch with my neice after yoga today and found one that had an older lady sporting horn-rimmed glasses and brightly garbed matronliness. It read, "You know what I call women who can eat ice cream and cake and never gain an ounce?" It opened up to read, "Bitches"."

Very cute Bobbi! :7 :7
Not that you asked what may help limit your Ice Cream intake but what I do is buy single servings. Somehow, psychologically, this works to limit MY intake.

Lately it's been Smart Ones giant chocolate cones. They're 130 calories and very, very chocolatey. They also take me 10 or more minutes to consume when I take my time.

As a matter of fact, sometimes on the weekends I like to celebrate with the high octane stuff like Haagen Daas but, I've realized that I like the Smart Ones better.

HTH :)
Oh boy, can I relate to this. I've learned that I just can't have ice cream in the house or I will end up eating a whole pint in one evening. It's really my only "trigger food" that I will eat regardless of how full I am.

Nancy, your story about the Cybil show cracked me up. I'm in NY too -remember the power outage a couple of years ago? My first thought was that I should run to the ice cream store down the street and offer to eat anything that's melting.
I can't eat ice cream anymore or I won't stop eating it. Once I taste it I will keep eating it. I did break down and buy some chocolate ice cream for my children because they don't get it very much since it is considered "dangerous" just to be in the house, at least for me. You will be proud of me, I scooped some into bowls last night for the kids and DH and myself did not eat or slurp up a bit of it! I just let the mental preparation of a big butt and cellulite legs go to work for me before the temptation comes first and I always win that way! If temptation comes first, then it is too late. Be prepared and be focused, that is what I always say.

Nancy -

This was such an awesome thread to read. And yes, the first thing that popped in my head was, "I wonder if she's pregnant?" LOL!

This year instead of making a new YEAR'S resolution, I did MONTHLY resolutions. In January, it was no pop of any kind. In February, it was no red meat. And yep, you guessed it, March is NO ICE CREAM. This is definitely the roughest month yet. February 28th I ate a large oreo blizzard from McDonald's and part of a small pint of ice cream and I was sick of ice cream for awhile but since then I've had to endure watching my daughter eat Wendy's frosties and chocolate sundaes in front of me and it's getting harder and harder! A couple nights ago I even DREAMED of eating ice cream - now that's sad!

The good news is, after each month is over I find that even though I "can" eat what was restricted, I don't have much of a taste for it anymore. So I am drinking much less pop and eating much less red meat than ever. Not so sure if this month will affect me the same way....!

My favorite is Ben and Jerry's Phish Phood. I'm totally eating a gallon of this on April 1.

April is no fast food.

Speaking of killer icecream!

When DH and I went food shopping 2 weeks ago we bought this icecream made my breyers that has peanutbutter twix bar in it...OH MY GOD! To die for! :9 I rarely buy icecream and even when I do it's usually for DH and I have no trouble NOT eating it...THIS icecream was MY idea though and I am certainly eating it! Must be the baby!! lol Then just yesterday we went food shopping and bought the same kind of icecream but this one has snickers in it!!! Haven't tasted it yet...the twix one isn't even all gone yet! Thank goodness I exercise like I do! LOL

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Wendy, I know exactly which one you mean!!! That stuff is da bomb! And I consider myself an ice cream expert!

Just give me some Healthy Choice Rocky Road and call it a day..!:7
You bought ice cream 2 weeks ago that has peanut butter twix bars in it and you still have some left?!?!?!? That is awe-inspiring. :eek:
Thanks, Candi. I tried that a few times, like by buying Healthy Choice ice cream sandwiches. Guess what? Yup, ate the whole damn box. :-(
>You bought ice cream 2 weeks ago that has peanut butter twix
>bars in it and you still have some left?!?!?!? That is
>awe-inspiring. :eek:

LOL Nancy...I never thought of it that way! Good point! :+

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

You are truly addicted to ice cream but at least you're not in denial about it :7 . I wonder if there's a twelve step program for your affliction. I'm sure you've just tackled the first by admitting your problem :+
All this talk of ice cream is making me want ice cream in a huge way. And I don't even really LIKE ice cream. Go PMS!;)
Yes, Candi, the next step is for me to admit that I am powerless over my ice cream cravings and believe that a higher power can keep me out of the freezer. :D

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