Atmosphere for yoga


Do any of you change the atmosphere for doing your yoga? Scents, Warm room etc. I feel like I should do soemthing.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
I don't do yoga, but I do stretch. Usually I just do it, you know? But sometimes if I'm stressed, I'll turn off the lights and use candles instead. It's kind of nice.
Beth - I am big on yoga being an "experience". I turn down the lights, light candles, and even burn incense sometimes. I give DH strict orders NOT to interupt me. If I had my way, I would have a special room just for yoga and relaxation.

Unfortunately, my three weiner dogs also feel that yoga practice is an important activity for them to participate in, so I am often getting licked on the head, foot, hand etc.. when I am holding poses or meditating. Try not to let your mind wander when you have three weiner dogs making themselves part of the pose!!!

I also have one of those lavender silk eye pillows too and a warming neck wrap for when I'm laying on the mat doing Savasana. It's my time to totally pamper myself.
>I don't do yoga, but I do stretch. Usually I just do it, you
>know? But sometimes if I'm stressed, I'll turn off the lights
>and use candles instead. It's kind of nice.

Candles I like candles thank you

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
>Beth - I am big on yoga being an "experience". I turn down
>the lights, light candles, and even burn incense sometimes. I
>give DH strict orders NOT to interupt me. If I had my way, I
>would have a special room just for yoga and relaxation.
>Unfortunately, my three weiner dogs also feel that yoga
>practice is an important activity for them to participate in,
>so I am often getting licked on the head, foot, hand etc..
>when I am holding poses or meditating. Try not to let your
>mind wander when you have three weiner dogs making themselves
>part of the pose!!!
>I also have one of those lavender silk eye pillows too and a
>warming neck wrap for when I'm laying on the mat doing
>Savasana. It's my time to totally pamper myself.

Warming Neck wrap I remember during the Bikram class I took they did this at the end of class for everyone plus a massage I am sure I can find the warming neck wraps by the yoga stuff. I will check it out along with some incense. Doggie kisses during your workout how cute.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Although I don't do yoga nearly as often as I should, when I do, it's more about the meditation. I always light the candles and incense that I have on a shelf with a Ju-lai Buddha. I usually do a practice and then a guided meditation.

Thanks for this thread; you've just reminded me how good and creative I feel after this ritual; I have to start making time for it again!
No I really don't change anything except I work out in my home office except for yoga which I do early in the morning in my bedroom. I guess if I did yoga at night I would be more likely to light candles/burn incense but in the morning it is a wake up for me. This is usually followed by a dog walk and then cardio or weights. Then I am done for the day and don't have to worry about getting my workout done. I just can't seem to do anything in the evenings.
I work out in my P90X style basement, which is not relaxing at all, so I do yoga in my bedroom. It's the only place where I can go in the evening and not be interrupted. I keep the lights dimmed and occasionally light a candle. Pure heaven!
I like to set up my special yoga mat in the guest room/office, and sometimes run a little space heater for a while in advance. It's quiet, warm, and relaxing; then the dogs shove the door open and want to play with squeaky toys, or lick my face when I'm in downward dog, or try doing a little "doga" right underneath me while I'm in chatturanga...ah, special, relaxing times. If I lit candles I'd probably just end up getting set on fire somehow.
i'm like liann. besides the fact that i have five dogs vying for attention and trying to find room on the mat, i light some incense and candles and keep the lights off. i like yoga to be an experience and enjoyable whether i'm doing ashtanga or not.

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