Hi Winter. Just wanted to add my two cents worth and say a few good things about Atkins. My husband and I have been following the diet for about 6 months. I've lost 20 pounds and he has lost 35. There are so many misconceptions about this diet that I won't even try to go into all of them. Basically, you can make this diet work for you by modifying it to suit your needs. You CAN have fruits and vegetables on this diet. The only time they are really restricted is on the first two weeks -the "Induction" part. You don't even have to go on this part of the diet if you don't want to be that restricted. The first fruits you add back are berries and melon. After that you just add things back slowly. The main thing that is truly restricted is sugar and the "white" stuff - white flour, potatoes, refined carbs, etc. You don't have to eat butter, etc., you can use the good fats like olive oils, canola oils, etc, (but if you do use butter occasionally it WON'T hurt you). You will lose faster the lower your carb intake is, but if you are satisfied with losing more slowly and having more carbs, that's fine. My husband and I also take either a day off occasionally, or maybe just one meal every week or so if there is something we really want to eat, then go right back on it. Both our cholesterol levels have dropped drastically and the good cholesterol has gone up, and I feel great - have tons of energy. Yes, if you do go off the diet and eat "normal" you will gain the weight back - that is if eating sugar and all the other things becomes your "normal" again. That's true with any diet. But, this way of eating has really worked for me and now that tests are being done at Duke University and other places, I think some of the misconceptions will eventually go away.