at my wits end!


Hello All!

Hope you all are doing great! I just have to tell you that I had been on the atkins diet for 3+ weeks......did not lose one pound! I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't lose weight on this diet. Although, I felt pretty lousy the entire time.....sluggish, tired.

Now, I am trying to do this "clean eating". I hope I am doing it correctly. But, I do feel a lot better energy wise. And, I do work out every day.

I don't really need to lose "weight", but I have a couple of FAT POCKETS that I would like to see disappear.

Any diet/exercise suggestions for zapping some fat???

Thanks and have a great day!!!!
I believe your body has to reach ketois. Once it does (in 8 weeks from the start date of your diet), the weight melts off. No kidding. I've seen it happen. Dont give up. Three weeks is nothing when you're seriously looking to shed fat. Keep at it and be consistant.
Susan C.M. :D
Hi, "Pugsrule"! (Love the screen name!)

First of all, congrats on getting off of a very suspect eating regime and getting onto a sensible, whole-foods nutritionally balanced regime. If you're feeling a lot better and working out consistently, that switch has gotta tell you something. Congrats too on your all-too-rare self-knowledge that you don't really need to "lose weight".

As far as losing storage fat selectively in given areas of the body, alas that's not really physiologically possible. THAT one stores fat is a combination of genetics and lifestyle (would that we knew what the percentages were!) but WHERE one stores fat is entirely genetically determined.

A couple of suggestions: if you're not incorporating at least one complete rest day into your weekly schedule, you could get into an overtraining mode that predisposes you to injury AND the stubborn hanging-on of unhealthy fat stores.

Beyond that, if you could take a moment to post what your current exercise vid/DVD collection is and what your current program looks like, I'm sure you'd get some great suggestions as to how to shock your system out of its plateau. You will probably also get some suggestions on what to BUY as well, 'cause we're experts at Spending Other People's Money.

Hope to hear more from you -

Oh, and just in passing - ketosis has been repeatedly demonstrated to be extremely dangerous for the kidneys.

After two weeks on Atkins, I lost 4 pounds and then gained it back after my first piece of bread. And all the while feeling really crappy!
>Oh, and just in passing - ketosis has been repeatedly
>demonstrated to be extremely dangerous for the kidneys.
Yes, I've heard that as well, however if it's short term (no more than 12 weeks) your body and kidneys can handle it. If youre a healthy individual to start with. Right?
My husband does this diet a few times a year ~ for the last 20 plus years. He better be fine, cause he aint getting one of mine.

Susan C.M.
Hi A-Jock -

Thanks so much for the info! You are AWESOME!

Anyway, I agree that the Atkins isn't too healthy....the way I felt is definitely proof to that. I was in ketosis the whole time, but didn't really lose anything......I guess the extra fat I was eating must play a role somewhere. My husband always loses weight from it, but he has some weight to lose (don't let him know I said that)! BUT, he always gains it back with a vengence!!!!

Anyway.....Here is my list of vids and DVDs.....Let me know what you think and what you think I may need in addition.

KPC/Legs and Glutes
SPJ/Step Blast
Intensity Series
CTX Series
Step Max
Step Works
Rhythmic Step
Power Max
Circuit Max
Cardio Kicks
Step Fit

I think that is about it.....I am more into cardio....lifting weights usually as part of circuit training.

For example, here is what I have done this week so far which is a good representation of what I usually do on a weekly basis.

Monday - KPC with Legs/Glutes add on. (80 Minutes)
Tuesday - Step Blast with abs from CTX all step
Wednesday - SJP
Thursday - Imax 2
Friday - The Gauntlet

Tomorrow, I will do a tough cardio, maybe MIC and Sunday, I usually do Legs either PLB, Leaner Legs, but latley have been doing Legs and Glutes.

Let me know what you think.....and how I can ZAP THE FAT!

Thanks so much. It is so great to find people who appreciate Cathe as much as I do. She is the best!!! This forum has taught me so much.
Hi again, Pugsrule! From your list, in all honesty I think you would benefit from adding some slow, sustained FOCUSED strength training into your program. Circuit-style training is all well and good, but usually in an overall program it does not promote strength development very much, it does NOT promote muscle mass development very much, AND you can get overly efficient at that style to the point where the edge is taken off the benefit.

That might not be what you want to hear, judging from your comment that you're more into cardio. Strength training was an acquired taste for me as well, but I absolutely swear by it now to the point where it's almost impossible for me to omit it even for a week.

I would suggest investing in one or more of Cathe's split-set systems such as Pure Strength and/or the Slow and Heavy Series, and develop a good 4- to 6-week rotation with these. Also start to utilize the MIS, Leaner Legs and CTX Upper Body routines more consistently; in fact, if you're not willing to buy yet another glob of DVD's/vids at this time, you certainly could develop rotations that implement these more consistently on a weekly basis.

Developing muscle strength AND MASS is vital to physical health, and is very useful in decreasing UNHEALTHY (emphasis added) fat stores, because muscle mass is metabolically active tissue and consumes more fuel-energy just to sustain itself. Also, a good well-rounded and consistent strength-training program tends to normalize your appetite so that you naturally crave foods that your body needs - INCLUDING HEALTHY CARBOHYDRATES!.

Hope this helps!


(Just in passing - why anyone would risk the kidney and other organ damage that ketosis and the more severe ketoacidosis can do, even for a short period of time, is beyond me.)

While a few extremely diabetic people may do okay on it, Atkins Diet is dangerous for most people - IMO

I have lost a lot of fat over the last year using
Now, I spend a lot more time eating and less time exercising than I used to when I couldn't figure out why I kept gaining fat. My waist has dropped almost 5" in the last year!

This site combines quite well with Cathe exercise routines. It helps you lose weight by eating a lot of protein and carbs. Sugar and fat are kept low. Only while actively fat burning, you remove a small percentage of carbs only some days of the week.

This is way more healthy than fad diets that starve you or do not provide essential nutrients. Your body will only hang onto its fat with a death grip if you are eating too little. This process is the way a lot of body builders shed fat before competitions. The best thing is this resource is inexpensive. It's only $8 per month to use. And the on-line help forum will answer all your questions.

I'm with Dona. I'm using Physique Transformation as well. I tried Atkins and didn't lose an ounce, either. I also used Weight Watchers, which is a great program, but I was always hungry, and always eventually gained the weight back. I was the queen of yo-yo dieters, having lost over a hundred pounds four times in my life. I've maintained/continued to lose (127 pounds so far) for four years now. I'm sold.

You are certainly not the only one. I was on it faithfully for 3 months and didn't lose a thing--actually lost 3 # to start (probably water), then gained that + 1# and continued that way the rest of the time. My inlaws lost about 30# each and cheated practically the whole. (We're talking cookies, white bread.....) ??????????

I have just gone to --nothing is taboo, but I try to eat healthfully and mindfully--paying close attn to whether I am truly hungry, and when I am full.

Good luck!
This ketosis thing scares me. From what I remember from my college nutrition class, ketosis is not a healthy state. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it the bodies way of using protein for energy. It is a much more complicated process than coverting carbs to energy. Folks muscles are protein. Wouldn't this mean if you aren't getting enough carbs to meet your energy needs, your body resorts to using protein as an energy source. Sounds counterproductive to me. Isn't Ketosis one of the signs of diabetes, as well. Just doesn't sound good to me. Please correct me if I am off base here. I have seen a few people lose an amazing amount of weight on this diet, but I have wondered at what cost?

I just wanted to chime in here and comment that your posts are very sensible and helpful. Your suggestions are so well thought out, I appreciate them even when I'm not the person asking questions!

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