At Home How do you organize


I workout in my living room and I am hiding my stability ball behind the couch all my weights and barbell are on the floor in front of my entertainment center my step is in the corner standing up alongside my entertainment center my medicine balls are on the floor everything else is shoved in the cabinets. Is there one rack that can hold this? I have 2 living rooms one is my family workout room the other is computer. I am thinking of having my hubby turn the one into my workout room I don't know if it will fly but I would like the carpet taken out and aerobic flooring put in and the rack with a mounted tv/dvd player up on the wall my treadmill moved in. I can't use the computer because that is right next to the dining room so it would look odd. Just dreaming maybe if I ever win the lottery I will have a fitness room of my own.

I also work out in my living room. My puzzle mats are stacked behind my loveseat, my High Step topper is on top of all the risers next to the loveseat (behind a small glass table), my full sized step platform is leaning up against a DVD/video tape shelf, yoga mat rolled up on the floor next to that turning the corner with the room, my weight rack in front of the surround sound speaker next to the entertainment center where the TV, DVD player, audio receiver and DVDs are stored. I would love to have a dedicated workout room, that way I could move my Bowflex out of the bedroom (and actually use it!) and add an elliptical machine!!!

Good luck at convincing hubby!
Another living room gal here. I think b/w my stuff and my 2.5 year old's stuff, the living room is disappearing! lol. Well, I try to have stuff shoved off in the corner and behind our chair and a half. Works pretty well. When we have nowhere to sit and are standing on a square inch of carpet, I may have to reevaluate ;)


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
I work out in my family room...except for my treadmill which is in the basement...with the cat's litter box. If we don't company, then my weights are all over...but when we have company I hide my dumb bells and a couple of plates on the bottom shelf of the coffee table (it's very handy!) I keep my barbell in one coat closet and my medicine balls and stability ball and my long step and 2 risers in another coat closet..and 2 more risers and my high step top in the laundry room!!! I used to keep my dumb bells in the closet too, but now I have too many of them, so put them under the coffee table...but I have to move them the the hearth before I workout so that I can actually move the coffee table out of the way to exercise!!!! We are in the process of moving and I am hoping to make myself an exercise room in our new house! Good luck in organizing!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I work out in my bedroom. I have a large walk-in closet, which holds my stability ball, risers, weights, step, old firm step, and workout tapes. You can tell, I'm running out of space fast! I do use all my equipment. It would be pretty hard to put all this stuff somewhere else, because I will go and digg it up within 2 to 3 days!

I work out in a room that is actually a 4th bedroom in our home but we turned it into a computer room/laundry room/storage room/spare tv room/work out room! LOL

My rebounder is against the wall, my high step,all risers and stability ball are stacked up on a filing cabinet. My step is standing beside that cabinet. My DB's are on a rack in front of the tv cart and all of my vids, 2 med balls and smaller miscellaneous stuff is in a cabinet that we use as a linen closet, etc. It's nice cause we just close the door when company comes. No one needs access to the room so it works out perfectly. :)
I work out in my basement. I consider myself pretty lucky because there is ample space for just about any workout I want to do. The problem is that I share the space with my five year old twins for their playroom. Oftentimes, before a w/o I have to clear away piles of toys before I can begin, which is a real pain if I am pressed for time. I also find myself during the routines having to work in little kicks to scatter forgotten small toys out of my path.

Living room gal here, too. The stability ball and high step both live in the basement and are brought up when needed. The step bench and barbell stash behind the sofa. I bought a storage ottoman that holds all my barbell plates, all dumbbells except my 20# ones (behind couch), ankle weights, and heavy hands. I had hubby put heavy duty wheels under the ottoman so I can roll it out of the way without having to empty it (it weighs a TON with all that stuff in it). The ottoman is nice because it serves as a piece of furniture too.

I'd love to have a dedicated workout area too but it seems to work fine in the LR without too many hardships. It's only an issue when DH is home and needing to travel between the bedroom and the kitchen while I'm working out. Over the years DH and the dog have learned a pretty good duck and run thru the LR without getting whacked by flailing arms, legs, and/or weights. :p
I work out in our den/tv room. My DB's are stacked neatly on a rack next to the big screen tv. My steps are leaning against the wall on one side of the rack, my risers are stacked on the other side and the stability ball sits on top of the risers. No medicine balls, barbells, or treadmills - YET. Right now, we're strapped for space, no room to add anything else. Unless I move my DH's recliner out and I don't think he'll go for that.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I workout in my living room also. All of my workout equipment is in the laundry room. So every morning I have to move my coffee table, roll up the carpet off the floor, and bring in all my equipment from the laundry room. I have one of those rolling storage bins (its square I guess for files or something with a long handle and can collapse down) with my weights in it and I can just roll that out to the living room. I hate lugging everything back and forth every morning but I can't stand clutter so I can't have any of that in my living room. It is all nicely put away in the laundry room. There is a good sized built in shelf so I can put smaller stuff on there and the steps and risers go on the bottom. It may be a pain but I just look at it as an extra bit of a workout to lug it all out and put it away and still have a decent living room. If I didn't have that nice sized laundry room I don't know what I would do!!! Can you tell I'm a bit anal!!! My husband would say I am a lot anal!
This is a fun thread! I mostly work out in my living room. My lighter weights are next to the sofa which is next to the staircase. My heavier weights are next to my step which is next to my kitchen table. (There is only carpeting separating the eating area from the living room.) My stability ball is next to a swivel chair. My tapes, dvd's, mat, ring, gloves, weighted balls, etc. are either on top of some of my sectionals, or underneath them. (Thank goodness for hidden storage. :D )

I have a finished room downstairs that has my elliptical, bike and PowerGlide. The thing is that there's other stuff in that room so it's not just dedicated to my exercise equipment. I'd like to get a treadmill and a standing bag but I know the latter is really pushing it. If I had my own way, the living room would house all of my exercise stuff. It's just more convenient and leaves you with no excuses for not working out when it's right in front of you. :p

I turned my 2nd bedroom into my workout room. There I have all my equipment, posters and my treadmill. I use too workout in my living room I miss that, any who nice thread.

I really salute you ladies who consistently workout despite having to move hell and high water for the space. :)

I work out in my family room and keep all of my equipment behind a screen on one side of the room, except my stability ball, which I keep behind the couch (but my 7 year old rolls all over on it, so it's usually in his room, lol). I bought a rack for my dumbbells which has been a real space saver. What I REALLY want, though, is some apparatus that will safely hold my body bars upright without taking up too much space. Right now I have them laying on the floor because I'm terrified one of the cats will get fatally clunked!


PS - Oh, I do have to manipulate the furniture a bit if I'm doing a space-hog workout.
I use an extra bedroom that is kind of a guest room/kind of "my" room (although DH uses the elliptical in there). On the wall next to our elliptical, I have a small metro shelf where I put my risers, fanny lifter, three sets of weights, ankle weights, and fitness magazines. I prop my small step (DH is giving me a new club one for xmas---YAH!) against the shelf, and the stability ball is kinda situated on the back of the elliptical and the corner.

Our house is about 80 years old, so this isn't a real big room. I have a long bookshelf kind of thing--on top of it are my tv and vcr/dvd player combo, with my workout DVDs and videos next to them.

Since this is MY room, I have my many books, other dvds and videos, photos of my grandmother, and some funky things hanging on the walls. There's also an Ikea sofa/bed in there. My favorite thing in the room is my pair of bronzed baby shoes that my mom had made when I was little (I'm showing my age here!) The thing I really like best is that they have an ashtray on the pedestal!!! Most parents probably have the one where you could put a picture of the kid in the middle--not my parents! I always joke that when the ashtray got full, they probably just flicked the butts in one of my little shoes! Very kitch, but I love it!!
My living room is my computer room and my monitor is big enough that I can play the workouts on the DVD player in my computer. It's a set up that works for us in that the TV upstairs is not tied up.

I need to upgrade the DVD player in the basement, then I can move my stuff down there. Right now I keep my step behind my couch and my dumbbells, high step and risers behind a chair. My barbell is the only thing out in the open.

Adding on via edit: Our treadmill and Nordic Track are in the basement and the stability ball is in the other room. It's scattered but it's also kind of fun to assemble everything. I just love working out at home!
I have a combination of "not-really-organized" equipment (the stability ball stashed in a corner by the sofa, the barbells that I just put down somewhere out of the way) and organized equipment (my medicine balls, which have their own rack---I got it either from or I think, my dumbells which also have a rack.
We are all so awesome for going through all these space issues and constantly having to move things around just to start our workout. It shows how motivated we are!

TK, that is a great idea to use a storage ottoman with casters. I also work out in my living room and store all of my weights, barbells, std. step, high step, bands, ankle weights in a 2' wide space in my closet in a nearby office. It is amazing how much I can fit in this small space now that I have it figured out. It's like a little puzzle to put it away each day. That is everything except for 2 stability balls that are resting on a chair in the corner of the office.

I too dream about a workout room and hope to have one someday...My carpet is trashed from all my stepping in the middle of our living room.
I use to workout in my living room but what a hassle that was so my husband made room for me in the basement because he also has a lot of weights and workout stuff in the basement. I guess he couldn't take it anymore with me taking up the living room when I worked out. Now it is so much easier because everything is out but organized:).
I used to workout in the family room, but then we put in hardwood floors and DH didn't want heavy weights on the hardwood. He keeps a tv in the garage, so that became my workout room for weights. Then he put in a flatscreen and a dvd player and it became my workout room for everything.
I workout in my garage. my exercise mats are always in place, my husband set up my tv and my dvd player in there a few months ago, along with all my weights and stability ball, etc..., When I workout while my son is asleep, I be sure to have the baby monitor turned on. Who says a garage is a man's domain }(

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