Asparagus made my urine smell funny! Ewwwww!!


The last few nights I have been eating asparagus for dinner. I noticed my urine smelling like ammonia or something! It was so strong!! I had to look up on the internet what could cause this strange funny smell and found a ton of info on eating asparagus.
It happens within 15 or 30 minutes after eating the asparagus.
The smell stops after the asparagus has passed through your system and only happens in certain people. They say that it could be happening to everyone but either only certain people have the ability to smell the chemical, or that only certain people break down the chemical that causes the odor.

Has anyone else ever experienced this? Oh, and I was eating fresh asparagus, not the kind from the can. (don't know if that makes a difference)

Danielle :7 :+

Here's an article:

Here's another piece of info I got from the this website:

Q. My urine smells funny after I eat asparagus. Why?
- Elena from Detroit

A. Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan, which has a strong odor. (It’s the sulfur in rotten eggs, onions, garlic, skunks, and bad breath that give off the stinky odor.) Mercaptan is in a stable form in uneaten asparagus, so there is no odor until the body breaks down the vegetable during digestion and absorption. The process is so quick that your urine begins to take on the distinctive smell within 15 to 30 minutes.

The commonly held belief is that some people have an enzyme that breaks down mercaptan to its smelly form, sometimes called methyl mercaptan or methanethiol, (estimates are as low as 22% of the population) and other people don’t, which explains why only some people developed stinky urine after a meal containing asparagus. The trait is genetic, so there is no way to get around the smell. However, another theory is that the phenomena might be a matter of smell, since some people’s noses can’t detect the smell of mercaptan. So, their urine could be just as stinky, but their noses don’t sniff it out.

While mercaptan might make your urine stinky, it is not harmful. In fact, asparagus is a powerhouse of nutrients, including folic acid (a B vitamin that helps protect against birth defects, heart disease, and cancer), vitamin C (an antioxidant that protects tissues against damage), and beta carotene (which can be converted to vitamin A and also is an antioxidant), not to mention fiber and a host of health-enhancing phytochemicals that protect against disease. This is one vegetable worth including in the diet.
Oh yes, indeed! I have the most awful smelling "après asperges" urine one could imagine. I had also heard that only certain people react in this way (I had heard it was because of "asperagusic acid"). Maybe we're special?

I remember an experiment we did in high school chemistry class, where we all tasted a certain substance that was on a piece of paper like litmus paper. Certain people tasted it as bitter (I was one) and others didn't notice any flavor at all. Sounds like a similar phenomenon, though perhaps not related. Accordiing to one author (the president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), some people are "tasters" (certain substances such as caffeine taste bitter to them) and others are non-tasters. He offers weight-loss stragegies for both groups.
OK, I had to respond because my fiance talks about this ALL the time! He will bring it up in normal conversation will anyone and everyone and I swear he is obsessed with this phenomenon!

The kicker is that I was on the phone with him when I pulled up the forum and this was the first thread on the list...he and I had a good laugh at your shared interest!

Thanks for the giggle!!
You're welcome Mikie!! Hee-Hee!

Oh my gosh, this is so interesting!! I have never noticed it before, but it was sooooo strong, I thought there was really something wrong with me!!! It was such a "gagging" smell. I love the taste of asparagus too, but boy am I going to have to hold my breath next time I have to pee!! Hee-Hee!!! I read that it is the same chemical found in SKUNKS!!!

How strange!!! Kathryn, that's an interesting thing you guys did in class. I think you're right and it has something to do with that. I work in the Information Technology field, but I'm so tempted to go back to school and study science & chemistry! It's so interesting to me. I'm hooked on those Forensic File shows!!! I can't stop watching them!!

Danielle :7
We just had asparigus last night. I noticed this when I first starting eating it a few years ago. My bf turned me on to this vegie. Very strange phenomenon huh?
Your post made me laugh. I've noticed that stinkiness after I eat asparugus. Thanks for finding the explanation! What a interesting tidbit of information.
That happens to me too. The first time I noticed it I was on vacation, on the other side of the country and it scared me, cause it is the same smell as when I have a UTI. I was afraid I had an infection (but no symptoms!) Then I remembered reading that eating asparagus can do that.

RE: Yep!

Hi gals! I have had the same thing happen. However, I have also read recently on the Hussmen(sp?) sit that sometimes when your urine smells like amonia there can be other culprits as well.... like not enough protein etc. and that your body is really breaking down muscles for energy??? Hmmmm.... I think that is what I read. When I was over training I noticed it more. I'll have to see if it happens when I eat asparagus:)
FitNut & Dani!

Fitnut, the ONLY time this happens is when I eat aparagus, unless you are saying that we should eat MORE protein with apsaragus??? Now, I have myself confused!!! LOL! Danielle, just to let you know, it happens with canned asparagus just as strongly. I loved the canned, although it is so expensive. YUMMM!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: FitNut & Dani!

Oh wow, Debbie!! It happens with the canned too!? Thanks for letting me know...I was curious about that! I really love the fresh kind, sauteed and crunchy. It's so good, but I never would have thought!!
I like the thought that we are "special"!!

Smiley2....Oh My! Combined with Salmon & coffee!? I don't even want to think about that!! x( Haa-Haa!!

You guys are all hilarious!!!


RE: Yep!

Fitnut, that's interesting about the overtraining. I'll have to remember that.

I've only noticed it this last few nights after I ate the asparagus. It's not just ammoniany smelling either. It's like some rotten egged, skunky, ammonia, gross, very potent, disgusting smell!! x(

It's hard to explain. By the next afternoon, it's pretty much gone, and it happened the last 3 nights I had the asparagus, so I think that's the culprit for me.

Gross huh??? :p
RE: Yep!

> It's not just ammoniany smelling either. It's
>like some rotten egged, skunky, ammonia, gross, very potent,
>disgusting smell!! x(
>Gross huh??? :p

I think we "stinkers" should all pick up a couple of cans of asparagus (or fresh) and have a contest to see who can best describe the odor.x(

Also, we could be really annoying by eating lots of asparagus AND taking a supplement with lots of B vitamins in (some supplements with high levels of B vitamins--especially thiamin or riboflavin, I think--make you urine dark) then peeing in public and not flushing! (O.K., I really WOULDN'T do it, but it's fun to daydream--maybe for April Fool's day??
I am usually a lurker here, picking up lots of great tips and learnig lots, but this made me laugh and I just have to say that when I eat asparagus, to me my urine smells like burnt rubber. My sister and my hubby agree on this one:)

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