I generally ignore the FDA. Like with aspartame. They say it's safe and obviously there is much evidence to the contrary so I totally avoid it. I don't think Carolyn was trying to start a debate on the FDA. It may be that stevia is unsafe, and if that's the case, it's not like it's because of some evil conspiracy with the FDA and the sugar industry! And shouldn't we all be open minded when it comes to something that can affect our health? I don't think your opinions on the FDA should be the only thing to make you conclude that something is safe or not safe. Perhaps there is some merit to the story. I'm not saying there is, but I'm not going to shoot it down because I dislike the FDA either (or because I like stevia and don't want it to be true). When I found out that isolated soy protein (in many of the "fake" meats) was possibly unhealthy, I was bummed and now I try to avoid it. I suppose I could have decided this was a conspiracy started by the meat industry, and I suppose it could be. But I don't care about that! I care more about avoiding something that might cause cancer. I don't *need* isolated soy protein, so it can't hurt to avoid it, even it there is some kind of evil conspiracy afoot and it is actually not bad for me.
I'm not saying we should all quit using stevia immediately, I'm just saying don't be so quick to judge, certainly not based on hunches and emotion. Like another poster, I just use agave nectar on those rare occasions that I sweeten something.