

Does anybody else out there have Rheumatoid Arthritis and is still working out? I have been recently diagnosed and could sure use any advice that anyone is willing to give me. I am very sad and frustrated having worked out basically my whole life and now having difficulty doing much. I would love to hear from anybody.
So sorry to hear you are in pain. My grandmother and all of her sisters had very bad rheumatoid arthritis, and the memories of my grandmother suffering still haunt me. I'm 34, and for several years now, I've been having symptoms, but I have yet to accept reality and see the doctor about it. For me it seems like the symptoms come and go, and the weather really affects how I feel. Also, when I was pregnant with both of my children, the symptoms seemed to get a lot better, but then after both births, it came back with a vengeance!

Like you, I have worked out all my life. I definitely say keep on working out as much as your body will allow. I think it's really important to keep your body as flexible and strong as possible so that stiffness doesn't set in. I find my whole body gets really stiff if I don't keep up with my routine.

I'm curious to know what your symptoms are, and how long you've been suffering from this? Also, how does your body react to working out now compared to before? You are definitely an inspiration, and please don't give up your workouts.

Last week I saw my rheumatologist (who I am seeing for reasons other than arthritis) because my hands have been hurting so bad the last few months and now my feet are starting to feel it too. He thinks I have rheumatoid arthritis. I am going tomorrow to have a joint scan, and I have a follow-up appointment with him after that. Last week he told me to take Aleve (generic). I do not know if he will have me continue with that, or if he will suggest a prescription medicine that might work better.

I hate taking any kind of drugs. So I asked him if I needed to treat my pain, or if I could just tough it out. The pain is not unbearable, and it gets better as the day goes on. He said it was important to treat it to slow down the damage to your joints.

Dani - you should see a doctor. If your doctor says the same as mine, you may be helping your future by treating it now.

Michelle - I feel the same as you, I've been taking care of myself for 25 years, eating right and exercising so I'm quite disgusted I'm not well.

My husband has done some research and it sounds like exercise is a good thing. I'm hoping to find out from my Dr. if there are any limitations or suggestions as to the intensity one can do without damaging themselves. I ordered STS cardio and I'm hoping he doesn't try to tell me that's too much.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi Michelle,

I was diagnosed with R A when I turned 40. I am now 59 !! YIKES!! I must encourage you to hang in there... it will get better.
I was very bad off for a while... barely able to get out of bed, or get dressed, etc.
But, with God's help and a great rheumatologist I feel so good!! I work out regularly... usually with Cathe's DVD's. I completed STS and have begun a second round of STS.

Also completed P90X and just work out about 5 or 6 days a week. I have bouts of soreness, but then I will modify my workouts. But, I pretty much try to do something!! Even if it is just a walk, or stretches or a Pilates workout.

If I can be of any help, I'd be glad to. Please know, RA is very treatable with the right meds.

Hang in there!


Dani, I agree with Annie, you should go to the Dr. There are so many options with treatments. My Dad had RA and the medications have greatly improved.

Annie, I am like you and always hated to take drugs, but.... with this I had to. I had to experiment with several rx's until we hit upon the right ones that put me into a remission. God has played a massive role in that remission thing too!!

My dr. is agreeable with me to reduce my meds when I am feeling well, so I feel good about that.

I don't have RA, but I wanted to stick my nose in here and wish you guys the very best. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have your own body fight you, and I admire you guys for not giving up. <3
Hi Linda,
I am so happy to hear from someone who is doing so well with rheumatoid arthritis. I feel there may be hope for me.

Do you stop taking your meds to see if you're in remission, or do you try cutting back your dosage?

Dani - another thing. I know you have bad memories of your Grandma suffiering, but my doctor told me that in this day and age, there is no reason for anyone to get all bungled up or to suffer with this. He claims there are good treatment options!


Hi !

Annie, I have also ordered STS Cardio and hope to be able to do the workouts. If it gets too high intensity I will just modify to protect my knees. (or pull out my Urban Rebounder and the the high impact work on that!).

Dani, I agree with what Annie's DH said... the meds have come soooo far from years ago. My poor Dad was so crippled with RA, but with medical advances that doesn't have to happen... thank God!!

Michelle, I am so happy to be a source of encouragement to you. When I was first diagnosed I was so very DEPRESSED for a long time. Reading through the Psalms helped me a lot and my DH was fantastic!! I had a fantastic Rheumatologist who helped me thru my trial & error with different prescriptions. Now, I have to keep taking my drugs, but rather than once a week, I take it once a month. the other pills I take, rathe than 5 pills once a week, I take 3 pills once a week. so, I continue with the meds, but have been able to cut back a bit. I hope this is helpful.

Gals, please hang in there. You can still work out and enjoy life!!

I guess one of the biggest things that has held me back from going to the doctor is no health insurance. Are these medications today really expensive? Thanks everyone for your advice and encouragement. I will definitely consider what you say.

Thank you guys for your words of encouragement. For me I started last summer with a very bad knee. Very painful. I could hardly bend it or straighten it. Then a month or so went by then the other knee started. Time went by then both knees hurt. Then my elbow started in. I asked the doctor to test me for Rheumatoid arthritis and the tests showed a postive rheumatoid factor. I have been on major pain killers for a couple months waiting to see a Rheumatologist. In the meantime, my wrist has lost a lot of flexion. I can no longer even do a girl push up. My hips, knees, feet, hands and ankles are bad. I have seen the Rheumatologist now and he has confirmed diagnosis and I started medication last week. They have told me to be careful what I do for workouts because my Achilles could snap because of the inflamation. I am very depressed about all of this. I hate taking medication but I hate being in pain more and seeing damage to my joints already. I have been doing spinning class. I tried a light weight lifting class last week and and I swelled up big time. So I was told not to do that right now.
Hearing that some of you have gone into remission gives me great hope. Thank you so much for inspiring me to carry on and cheering me up.
Did you guys have to take it easy for awhile while you were in a flare up?
Hang in there Michelle!

So sorry to hear about your flare ups. My worst areas were and still are when I get a flare up are wrists and knees. When I was initially diagnosed, I had recently had neck surgery -- and had to take it easy due to that recovery process. I was basically only walking, cuz I had the neck brace on.

But, it got really bad and I wasn't able to do anything for months!! So depressing and I felt useless & so helpless. But... God is good!!! I started by doing swimming and water aerobics classes. Do you have access to a pool? The water is wonderful for your joints!!

I hope you will know that it won't always be like this. When you are in a flare's bad, but please remember that will not last!! You will feel better!

Hi Michelle
My GP told me that I probably have RA(by blood tests), but I went to see a Rheumatologist that said he couldn't confirm because I did not have red/swollen joints in my hands. I did tell him that I can't make a fist in the morning and it hurts to walk first thing, he said to take Advil the night before! IDIOT. I waited 2 months for a 5 min. consult!! Anyway, I find that my muscles are definitely more fatigued after workouts, and my wrists suffer a little more from the barbell lifting. I just have to be careful and not overdo it. I haven't had a flare up for a few months, so it's been bearable.
I saw my rhuematologist yesterday after my joint scan, and he said I do NOT have rheumatoid arthritis. Apparently the joint scan would have shown it, and my scan was perfectly normal.

Great, but he doesn't know what IS causing my hand and feet pain. I was told to take 2 Aleve twice a day and then call him in two weeks.

Sherry, you're symptoms sound quite similar to mine. I have no redness or swelling but when I make a fist my hands really hurt. The joints feel like they're are all tight and swollen. When I get out of bed the bottoms of my feet are tender, and I only have to be up for about 5-10 minutes and that goes away. ( I don't know if that's how your feet hurt or not) Even when I'm loosened up and feel my best, I am unable to do certain moves with a barbell because it is way too painful. (And I'm not a wimp) I do not consider taking pain meds an answer because something is causing my pain, so I scheduled an appointment with my normal doctor to see if he has any ideas.

Sherry, did your pain start recently or has it been going on awhile? Are you going to look further for an answer?

Hi Annie
My joint pain started in January, really bad for about a week, then the same thing in Feb. The pain would last all day and really throb. Since then, it's mainly first thing in the morning with hands and feet, just really can't flex anything. Like you say it feels really tight. I've asked my GP for a second opinion from another rheumatologist, but he said the one I saw is "competent and they do know what they're doing". He told be to go back when I get another flare up. Yeah, right!! By the time I could get in to see him, the flare up will be over! I always thought that you had to get a handle on this disease in the early stages, so I don't know what to do now.
Medications are key for me. I am taking Relafen and Neurontin and Ibuprofen. I am doing pretty good right now. I have also greatly improved since I quit smoking cold turkey 2 months ago. The swelling is way down.
Try walmart or target for meds since they have the $4.00 ones. For exercise you just have to listen to your body. Last night I was suppose to do legs but wasn't feeling up to it so I did floor work and abs instead then walked the dog up a few hills. I have found using the web based sites that are .org are good and Mayo Clinics site. If you can find a local support group that can be a great way to learn what has worked for others. I have had to change my diet for Type 2 diabetes which I was just diagnoised with a few weeks ago and that seems to be helping too. Smaller portions and lower carbs and protein with every meal. The library also has great books. Just take your time and be flexible with your exercising and try to find good supportive shoes and you should be ok. I would try to find workouts that are easier for days your not up for the hard core workouts. I like Jane Fonda, Karen Voight. I also have been trying some different instructors on TV and library rentals. I have found stretching is a must. I hope this helps. (((HUGS))) Peggy

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