Hello Cathe,
My name is Deirdre Gentile and I am new to the forum. I have been lurking about for a few weeks now, and I have a question about the advice you recommended. I've chosen to follow your recommendation for "Arm Definition", but for how long should this program be followed? 4 weeks? 8 weeks? or 12 weeks? And then what do I do? I have been lifting weights for the past 8 years, therefore, I am not a beginner. I would just like some guidance because I have not achieved the results I am looking for, which is more definition (cut, especially in my arms). I eat a low-fat diet, do cardio 6 days/week, and before following this program, lifting by grouping body parts such as in the PS series 3x/week.
Your response would be greatly appreciated. I also want you to know how much I love your videos (I have almost all of them),your website, and consistent encouragement and motivation in helping all of us achieve our fitness goals. You're a real inspiration!! Thank you.
Hello Cathe,
My name is Deirdre Gentile and I am new to the forum. I have been lurking about for a few weeks now, and I have a question about the advice you recommended. I've chosen to follow your recommendation for "Arm Definition", but for how long should this program be followed? 4 weeks? 8 weeks? or 12 weeks? And then what do I do? I have been lifting weights for the past 8 years, therefore, I am not a beginner. I would just like some guidance because I have not achieved the results I am looking for, which is more definition (cut, especially in my arms). I eat a low-fat diet, do cardio 6 days/week, and before following this program, lifting by grouping body parts such as in the PS series 3x/week.
Your response would be greatly appreciated. I also want you to know how much I love your videos (I have almost all of them),your website, and consistent encouragement and motivation in helping all of us achieve our fitness goals. You're a real inspiration!! Thank you.