Are you secretive?

Fitmum: congrats on that accomplishment and your story about your DH is hilarious!

Nancy: I'm similar to you and others that have posted previously. When I tell people I do home videos, they immediately think 1982 Jane Fonda with leg warmers and I get the condescending look.

I also know that walking is no slouch of a workout. I run and walk, and I can sweat as much or more walking by doing intervals and hills as any run. Plus my joints don't take nearly the beating. I find both walking and running to be a little dull though, so I mostly stick with Cathe.

As others have said, that is why this forum is so addicting. Cathe "ain't no Jane Fonda".
No, I am not secretive at all! I lay it all out!!!LOL! I embarrass my daughter abit, but she gets over it. When I have men coming over to work on something in our home, I tell them they need to eat at least every 3 hours of good protein and good carbs or they will get fat! I tell them to hurry up and put those new floors in so I can workout in there! LOL! Whenever a opportunity rises so does my tongue! I go into GNC and talk about Cathe and my daughter is like..."mom, I cannot believe you, you are embarrassing me", etc., etc. I think it is important to remind others to workout and get fit even in GNC. If you look around you, you will realize that we are a very rare bunch of ladies. Not much fit women around anymore. Sad. And too many beer belly men.

Thanks for your post Foodie Sue. Why do you call yourself Foodie Sue? I think I'm a borderline foodie myself.

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