Are you "obsessed"

RE: Are you

I would say I am definitely obsessed. I took a few days off and i didn't feel like myself. I was crabby and tired. I am definitley adddicted to the way it makes me feel. I used to wonder if it was unhealthy but it isn't. It is just something I love to do and I like the way it makes me feel. My family and friends definitely give me a hard time but it doesn't bother me. I actually feel very fortunate to be the kind of person that loves to exercise and eat right because so many people struggle with it. It's all good!

RE: Are you

yes I am obsesed. I think about it all the time and hate to take rest days. I am trying to learn they are needed. I live alone so I can workout as much as I want! My friends think I go overboard.

RE: Are you

My husband told me I was obsessed with exercise a few weeks ago as a matter of fact. My reply was that at least my obsession is a healthy one!

Tina, I think this quote is now my favortite:

"Obsessed is a term lazy people use to describe DEDICATED!"


RE: Are you

I am absolutley obsessed! I am addicted to working out with Cathe and these boards no doubt. And I love talking about it with friends and family.
But you know what, a few years ago I was addicted to a lot worse things so if DH doesn't like it, he can shove it! :7

RE: Are you

I am absolutely obsessed. I read magazines, just bought Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (my new Bible), am always logged into and DH has no problem with this, but I hide this from some of my friends. They seem to worry about the obsession of mine.

RE: Are you

I prefer the term "passionate" to "obsessed." I would consider myself the former because, although I exercise six days a week, check out this forum quite often, and read a lot about fitness, I don't let it get in the way of spontaneous enjoyment. I do schedule my workouts and mostly stick to my schedule, but if something fun or important comes up, I let the workout slide. I think if exercising interferes too much with other important things in your life, than that is an obsession and, IMO, not very healthy.
RE: Are you

My husband tells me I'm obsessed with exercise. I track how much and what exercise I do over the month. This helps me take my weekly rest day. Initially it was hard to take a rest day, the funny thing is my muscle definition improved and my energy level for my workouts increased after I added a weekly rest day (last Fall). I think I would go crazy if I tried to do a rest week.
What's fun is my husband recently said he finally understands my obsession with exercise. He started working out regularly last fall and now finds he gets antsy if he doesn't workout regularly.
I think being obsessed with exercise is healthy. It means you can eat what you want (within reason), wear clothes that look great on you and have tons of energy to do the activities you love.
I'm definitely addicted to the endorphins that get produced from a great cardio workout.
It's too bad more people weren't obsessed with exercise.:)
RE: Are you

Oh, I don't think you are alone.I use to be obsessed.....or more dedicated.(not sure which way we are putting it) I would think about working out allllllllllll day long, until I got it done. After I did it, I could rest.I rarely took a day off,didn't spend a whole lot of time with my family,even worked out twice somedays and my social life was starting to slide.I was also in the better shape then then I am now.I bought every exercise mag known to man, bought 4-5 pairs of sneaks a year and was always on this site.
I'll never forget the time I was at my SIL house, at a party and all of the girls were sat around a table. One of the girls started talking to me about running.Shortly after the conversation started one of the girls made a comment about me being obsessed.I lost it at her.She left the party in tears.I made it quite clear to her that all she knew was that I worked out, she didn't know for how long or how often.It was a comment that should have never been.Bottom line, she was jealous b/c she didn't have it in her to workout.
I still workout quit often but when I have 2-3 days off in a row, I don't sweat it.I have come to realize that I am not going to gain 10 lbs b/c I didn't workout.
Anyways....Im not sure it an obsession or dedication?
RE: Are you

*raises hand* Completely obsessed here. If we're going by Sooooooooooooosan's (note the correct spelling with 13 o's) definition of letting it interfere with spontaneity, etc., then I'm there.

I schedule my workouts with military precision. I panic if, for some reason, I don't think I'm going to be able to fit in my workout on a particular day. For me, at least, it's bordering on unhealthy. But I'm working on it. And hey, I look damn good!;)
RE: Are you

Well, my daughter says I'm obsessed, my husband says I'm obsessed, so I guess I am but I'm with Carole, there are a lot worse things I could be obsessed about.
RE: Are you

<I panic if, for some reason, I don't think I'm going to be able to fit in my workout on a particular day.>

I hear you, Shelley. I'm better than I used to be--I take rest days now, and I am more flexible about moving my workout days around and I don't obsess about it if I get sick and can't workout--I just rest. But my first reaction when I can't do a planned workout is still to panic. Plus, if something lame totally stops me from working out--eg, current poorly planned work project that has me being pressured to stay until 10 p.m. and beyond every night for 2 weeks, messing up my chances to workout in the morning or the evening--well that REALLY pisses me off (to the point where I will change jobs rather than put up with this nonsense again).

So yeah, I'm obsessed.
RE: Are you

I guess I'm obsessed, too! I usually plan my day around working out and if for some reason my day doesn't go as planned and I don't get SOMETHING in, I'm bummed.

My husband makes comments to me as well, but I think he admires my dedication and the fact that at 36 I look better than some girls half my age. I've had two kids and have a stomach that's flat as a pancake. And while my lower half is always a work in progress, he knows from looking around that he's a lucky guy!

Even my kids know if the phone rings and mommy's working out, don't go near her (unless it's an emergency, of course!) But the other day my three-year-old daughter told me that someday she's going to exercise, too, so to me, that makes my obsession worth it!;)
RE: Are you


Very well said. I approach exercise and fitness the same way. It's a priority in my life but I don't let it interfere with other things in life I also view as a priority. I've learned the hard way that balance is very important.
RE: Are you

Of course I'm obsessed, and more so since I discovered Cathe's workouts than ever before. Fortunately I do not have a DH who is jealous of time spent exercising (actually, no DH at all). I do, however, have a mother who seems to miss me now that I've accelerated my workouts and don't have time to stop by and visit every single day. She'll get over it though.

I figure this obsession will see me into my elderly years in great shape, keep me away from the doctor (unless I fall off my step and break something), and provide me with daily fun and stress release.

See, there's nothing wrong with being obsessed!
RE: Are you

I completely agree with Kathryn -- it's all in your perception.

I'm not sure why people who don't workout regularly tend to say us "regular" folks are "obsessed". Is watching TV every night an obsession? Or reading? Or going to work on a regular basis?

For me, it is not an obsession. I love it and I do it on a regular basis. It is a lifestyle/hobby/priority for me.

RE: Are you

I used to be obsessed but over the past couple of years have gotten to the level that Sooooooooooooosan described. I decided to go back to school full-time and have so much else going on that I decided I have to let the workout obsessiveness slide a little bit. I do still plan and work out 5-6 days a week, but don't beat myself up over it anymore if I have to miss a day (or 2 or 3). I've gotten to the point where I work out because I FEEL better rather than doing it out of obligation.

RE: Are you

Yes I'm obessed. I also get told this every day by everyone at work and at home. Better to be obessed with this than with a very bad habit which I see in people all the time. I love this forum because we are all in the same boat!!:)
RE: Are you

I do not have a DH but I do have Dear children, they think I am obsessed, with my weight, excercising, running and watching fit tv all day, I've just have the channel on whenever I am home, my son who is 19 entered he room and said to me: isn't boring to watch this channel? maybe I am obsessed, and that is ok, helps to keep my weight off, as long as I function with other tasks of my life, which I do, I work and take care of my teens, I keep my home neat, but in my mind the only thing I think about is FITNESS! and by the way, even when I am running I am thinking of you ladies from the forums, yes, sssure... Hi, my name is Norma and I am obsessed with fitness, so there :D
RE: Are you

I wouldn't call it an obsession, just a great love of taking care of your body. I workout 7days a week, 3hrs a day and yes I know I am suppose to rest, but on the 7th day I just workout for 2hrs.instead. And my husband knows if I don't leave for the gym by a certain time I am starting to get moody and my shoulders are getting tight. So after dinner and I get my son all clean/pjs and kisses & I am out the door by (8:30ish) so by 10:30pm or so I'm home had a shower and now on the floor doing more sit-ups, butt thrust, etc. All I think about is working out in fact I'm thinking about it now. And my husband is a little jealous too of my dedication. Oh well, he doesn't complain at the results so I must be doing something right.

Keep up the hard work!

RE: Are you

My husband and I are both "obsessed". We both hide our exercise addictions from others, as they freak out and get that glazed over, stunned look that we can't stand. LOL!
We both know not to answer phones or MOST importantly the door if one of us is working out. He is a cleaner eater than I am and I sometimes want to strangle him.

I'm proud to say I've raised an "obsessed" daughter too and now she's working on passing along the obsession to her new hubby.
She says "Awe, Mom, he's so weak, poor thing." LOL!!

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