<--Are you human or a dud...


<--was soooo tired <--fell asleep at 8!
<--has been getting very tarred around 2 PM
<--that's not like <--
<--is usually full of energy
<--says it is is freezing out
<--says it is supposed to ice/sleet/snow on wednesday night
<--needs to w/o
<--will probably do iClimb may try a leetle iTread but walking
<--will be back
<--- waves good morning to Lorie and all who follow
<--- thinks it's normal to feel tired in winter - we should all be hibernating in caves really!!
<--- another no workout day here
<--- will just keep head down and keep working!
<--- will bbl
<---tells Lorie <--goes to bed at 8 every night!
<---thinks we may have a mix of precipitation in the forecast too
<---would like a leetle snow to cover the ground
<---thinks a snowless winter is a bit depressing
<---probably won't be around much today
<---has a work station without a computer terminal
<---will be on her knees, begging for a computer, just to send her work out, much less play with Catheland friends
<---wonders how Carola and Nancy are
<---has missed them
<---hopes the forums are not offensive today
<---hesitates to post the fact that the Alice Walker quote always bothered this here Christian who believes God DID make the animals for man
<---futher stirs the agitated water by saying <--believes He made woman for man too
<---is just my 2 cents and would never suggest anyone on this forum MUST agree with me
<--waves good Tuesday morning to all!!
<--sends Lorie energizing vibes
<--wonders if she needs a checkup/blood work?
<--agrees with Ronne that we should all hibernate during the winter
<--hopes Robin finds a computer
<--also misses Carola and Nancy and hopes they are all right
<--is expecting a leetle snow on Thursday :D :eek:

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--packing up DS and heading out the door
<--babies not so happy to go to school after snow day yesterday
<--oh, so fun gyn appt planned for this am
<--will be scooting
<--hopes Lorie gets some pep in her day
<--hopes Ronne has a great day head down working hard
<--hopes Robin has a good day even without a computer :-(
<--also hopes everyone brings kindness to the forums today
<--better scoot! }(
<---waves goodmorning to the OAL ladies
<---is uber frustrated that this cold will not leave her alone
<---says her throat is again scratchy this morning and she really does not want to go to work
<---sees that the offensive post has been moved to the OD
<---promised herself not to post to it again after last night's comment
<---felt bad for Carolyn so couldn't bite her tongue
<---hopes everyone is having a good Tuesday so far
<---managed to slip in some yoga last night and plans to do an easy full body workout with DH tonight
<---has to run now and get into work pronto
<---will BBL
<---waves good morning to everyone
<---sends Liann "cold be gone' vibes
<---wonders if she has a vaporizer thing in her room as that might help with scratchy throat
<---likes the idea of hibernating for the winter
<---is getting snow that was not predicted for today
<---thinks the meteorologists have been off on their forecasts lately
<---sends Lorie some energizing vibes
<---wonders if she got any of the new itreads and what she thinks about them
<---is off to hit the shower
<---hopes everyone has a wonderful day

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<---waves Good Morning from the West Coast
<---has been up since 3:30 a.m.
<---stepped on scales and found out <--- had lost 7 lbs while in Hospital
<---does not, however, recommend the IV antibiotic hospital-food diet:eek:
<---suspects that this is the type of weight that "finds" one
<---wonders how fast and far one would have to run from said weight?
<---wonders if <--- may ask for good wishes/prayers for what is starting out to be a challenging year for <---?
<---'s 88-year old Dad fell Saturday and broke his pelvis, and is now in skilled nursing home undergoing therapy
<---says a key employee of hers has been offered another position in the company
<---says this employee is an excellent senior-level employee who will be difficult to replace, plus he's also a friend
<---says her workload and stress levels will now increase considerably
<---apologies for venting here, but finds it helpful
<--- says on a more positive note, has a new indulgence to share
<---Trader Joe's cocoa covered almonds!!
<---hopes there is not a line limit to OAL posts before one is unceremoniously booted ;-)

<---hopes everyone's Tuesday has started off well
<---continues to progress with step routines, and the calf remains agreeable :7
<---heard this morning that the weather guy says we won't get any ice from this big weather system, just rain
<---figures the weather guy is wrong at least half the time!
<---is battening down the hatches and stocking up on supplies ;)
<---is glad Lorie got some extra sleep
<---thinks Ronne has the right idea about hibernating, so let's all move down to the HH
<---hopes Robin finds an empty computer, just begging to be used
<---wonders if Catherine wants the snow?
<---tells Phyllis not to feel bad - <--- is in bed at 9!!!
<---hopes Suzanne has a good day
<---thinks Liann should stay home and nurse the cold
<---Is sorry to hear that Lorie is so tired!
<---Tells her that she is not alone
<---Thinks my tiredness might be related to getting up @ 3:45 am :)
<---Hasn't been very regular in the workout department either
<---Has been walking doggies every day and it has messed up my schedule
<---Explains that DH has offered to help but he gets home from work too late so <---will walk them and workout too! Promises!;-)
<---Waves to Ronne and hopes she has a good morning
<---Agrees with Robin in hoping that the forum chills out a little today
<---Really wishes some would count their blessings, thinks it really gives you a better outlook on life
<---Hopes that Robin and Catherine get their snow...ours is melting :)
<---Hopes Phyllis has a good day and tells her that <---goes to bed at 9:30 too :)
<---Sends happy vibes to Suzanne, hopes she can grin and bear it through doc appt...feels for you!
<---Hopes Liann has a good day and is sorry her cold is hangin on
<---Wonders if a trip to the doc is in her future? Hint Hint :)
<---Sends prayers to Laura especially but to all who need it too!
<---Wishes Beth a happy day
<---Off to make some tea chickies!

Adds a quick hello to Shannon who posted at the same time! :)
<--- waves hi to Beth and says 'long time no see!'
<--- rain stopped play on the roof so managed Imax3 after all and now feeling super virtuous!
<--- has got to go rat buying this pm
<--- hopes Liann starts to feel better soon
<--- sends hugs to Laura and hopes things start to look up for her
<--- hopes Robin nabs a computer
<--- says hi to Suzanne, Phyllis & Catherine
<--- is sort of here
<--- is most definitely sick as a dog (whatever that means)
<--- will be lurking today and hopes you all have a good one
<--- waves a happy HELLO to everyone!
<--- was awakened at 4:30 by a furry little fella this morning
<--- couldn't get back to sleep so...
<--- got up, worked out, & added on some yoga at the end too
<--- is sure to get sleepy around 2:00, like Lorie
<--- agrees with Ronne that feeling more tired in the winter is normal
<--- wishes <--- could go to sleep at 8 p.m., like Robin
<--- hopes Robin could get a computer for her workstation
<--- also hopes the forums are not offensive today
<--- says "speaking of offensiveness", <--- got in an unintentional spat with coworker y-day
<--- explains that he tends to be very moody but his reaction was almost aggressive
<--- was very upset, to the point of tears, when it happened
<--- has decided to take the higher ground, though, & be as cheerful as possible
<--- prefers to be peaceful, kind, & happy to being upset
<--- hasn't had a chance to tell Catherine how much <--- loves her new avatar!
<--- returns Phyllis' good day wishes... "right backatcha!"
<--- hopes Suzanne's doctor's appointment goes well & hopes she comes back to chat later
<--- hopes Laura can outrun those pounds
<--- is very sorry to hear about her dad & hopes he gets well soon
<--- is also sorry about her woes at work & hopes things improve in all areas of her life
<--- sends some extra "cold-be-gone" vibes in Liana's direction
<--- is so glad to "see" Beth back & hopes she's doing well
<--- glad to hear that Shannon's calf is behaving
<--- thinks Melissa is a good doggie mommy & thinks walking doggies is a workout in itself
<--- sorry Shelley is sick & hopes she feels better soon
<--- is off to take a jog through Catheland, then back to work for awhile
<--- will most definitely BBL!
<---Sends Shelley a big giant hug and Athena kiss from Utah
<---Sorry to hear that she is under the weather
<---Hopefully Athena's kisses will help, have heard that her kisses have healing properties! :)
<--Is amazed at how early you gals get movin
<--totally in awe
<--Also is tarred
<--Stayed up late watchin Jon and Kate... Did you see it Melissa???
<--Sends tissues to those who are sick and issue tissues (trademarked by Robin) to those who are just having a bad day
<--Is starting to dig the bus thing
<--Said the bus driver is nice older lady who said she'd pick up/drop off Oliver in front of our house. Yey!!!
<--Says didn't even have to wake up King Henry (who is still snoozin)
<--Wonders if all the tiredness is caused from lack of vitamin D?
<--Tells Melissa that 3:45 a.m. is still night time. Wonders if they make doggie diapers.
<--Would tell pups to cross their legs until 6 a.m. -- at least!
<--Is offended by Robins offensive comments
<--Is tired of the touchiness
<--Is glad that the OAL thread is full of laid back ladies who simply like to chat
<--Hopes everyone gets snow this week including ME!!
<--Says weatherman says snow is coming Thursday.
<--Will be a pig in mud if that's the case
<--Waves to Phyllis
<--Hopes Suzanne's doctor's visit is quick and easy
<--Hates going to THAT doc
<--found out yesterday that <--'s issues are "perfectly normal" so <--didn't have to make a special appointment. Whew.
<--Waves to Liann and Shelley and sends them a cup of tea and a fuzzy blankie and urges them to take a sick day.
<--Sends prayers Laura's way
<--Waves to Beth!!
<--Hopes everyone has a beautiful mornin!!
<---Yells STEPH! <---thought it was a rerun...DANG! thinks you must fill me in
<---Tells her that we are all little piggies in the mud now that the snow is melting LOL!
<---Also tells her that 3:45 is not for furry babies...<---leaves for work at 5 am! :)
<---Says early mornings make me an interesting girl! ;)
<--waves good morning to all
<--sends Lorie energy vibes
<--thinks Ronne is working too hard
<--agrees with Robin about snow less winter
<--hope the computer gods get one to Robin..:)
<--hoping for no more whiney threads today!
<--hoping Suz has a speedy gyn appt.
<--sends healing wishes to Laura's Dad
<--thinks we will finally have a Trader Joes soon
<--sends Liann healing from cold vibes
<--wishes offending post would be nixxed!
<--wants some snow like Beth
<--glad to hear Shannon's calf is behaving
<--sends Shelley get well soon vibes
<--hates being sick as a dog
<--tells Kel sorry about unreasonable co-worker
<--thinks we could do a group roundhouse to deal with Kel's co-worker
<--tells Melissa <--thinks animal kisses heal anything that bothers one
<--so happy the nice bus lady will pick up and drop Oliver at house!
<--will get in a run without rain today
<--waves ttfn
<---Waves good morning to Mckmain and wishes her a great run!
<---Is in on the group roundhouse...in a nice and gracious way of course LOL

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